here it is.
We have 3 women drivers, all 3 excellent workers, one I had on the preload and would love to clone and have more of.
my problem is this:
Recently a female had went to driving school, passed and worked last week.
Worked a run with an average day being 120-150 stops.
She is not 'physically able' to do the job of delivering. They sent her out Thurs/Friday last week with only 60 stops MAX. She called in wend. because she was sore, and needed help MOn/Tues. to finish her run.
My beef is I was told I cannot drive because I am blind in one eye, not 'physically able' to do the job.
Yet they are accomadating her so she can?
The union steward is also all over this, asked me when he saw it,"what the he.. is that?" and I returned, "don't know, what the .... is THAT!?"
I know the other females, ALL the other females work just as hard as any of the males do, so I cannot understand or can accept why they are doing this for her.
Shoot, they had to bring on another driver to cover her remaining stops, stick another employee with me to accomadate me and I'll have 3 eyes to drive with!