Tieguy, I do believe some type of measurement is necessary, other wise we will not be profitable.And that is why we make the money we do because we are hard working people. But the standards since they have been changed are unfair, and everyone admits it, even my management, so you should too, unless you work where there has been a recent time study, which most of us who complain do not.
The only person who has ever scratched my route in the time since the standard changed is me. The guy who runs two hours early EVERY DAY, who runs mine when I am off, runs only 90 early. So it tells me it is 1 hr off, as I have been saying since the change.
WE do not expect to go out and screw off all day, and get paid well. I dont know a single driver who wants to stay out and get overtime, we just all want to go home. Ive had days that Ive had close to 400 pieces and it came off like a dream, and days where every wrong thing that could happen did, and I couldnt get 249 off without a 10 hr day. There are too many variables. And not being able to count the time we are stuck in bldg hurts as we cannot code it preload we just eat it. Ive had nights I sat at the gas pumps for 20 minutes, yup we eat it. And having to deliver all air and no ground when we get out late hurts too.
They keep taking things away, yet give us no extra time for the big old box in the middle of the truck, that hinders our every movement, or the big pile in the middle that only God knows where it goes as there is no room to sort and put it where it goes, or the days we have to sort once we get air off because our loader goes home sick or is off. Its a vicious cycle, and as for me I do my best every day as its a personal pride thing as well as I just want to get home at a decent hour, not counting peak, or legitimate occurences that happen from time to time. Give me a 12 hr day if you are truly strapped, just be honest, and I care, so I will do my best. Doesnt mean it will be pretty by todays standards, but it will get done.
I just think until and if the standards are ever fair, no one should be picked on because the bible says, we did a bad job. We do the best we can do, most of us, and we take it personally when we are attacked for the morning reports. Because they just are not correct anymore. The last ones were close to accurate, then they say.............they took away 5.8 seconds per pkg, and they took more than that. And everyone knows it, including you......... Since you are a manager, why dont you tell us what else they took away?????????????????????????????????????????????? And tell us how to fix it. You could fix all the bad attitides, and we could go back to being happy as well, as well paid workers if you could tell us that. I for one would appreciate it. You could be a hero, if you could tell us how to fix the problem of the 8 hr day that takes 10 through our best effort. When it used to take 8.5. Or how to run good when we used to have 65 for 8 and now we have 110. Ill be anxiously awaiting your reply.