Won my over 9 1/2 greivances!


Well-Known Member
I have filed 5 9.5. greivances in the last 6 months. The first 4 were in 4 consecutive weeks. We had the big meeting with the union, and UPS said they would correct it. I filed again last Friday night after a very long 11 hour day. I was frustrated and really let them have it. I even wrote on the back of the greivance because it would not fit on the front. On Tuesday evening the guy that signs my payroll check whom I had never met came to our "out of the way" center. He and the union guys met with me personally, and made the center manager ride with me Wednesday. We worked 10 hrs. I had a great day Thursday, and then today another 11 hour day. I have yet to get any money, and I am sick of working my :censored2: off for 10+ hours a day!!
It took me about 4 to 6 months but I got my double time. And every year they try it until I start filing and it usually gets cleaned up. I make it in and off before 9.5 at least 3 to 4 days a week now. Only like 1 10 or 11 hour day a week now. They have to send me help all the time. I still deliver like 270 to 300 boxes a day. They are prevented from cutiing all the routes they would like due to the 9.5 so keep them coming. 45 to 48 hours a week is more than enough.


Well-Known Member
helenofcalifornia...hi...we have a few drivers that have a special deal with them.Its unspoken but its obvious.Some guys leave the bldg with 70 stops .....nothing on the floor...and they punch out before 5pm...some guys have been there so long they just do deliveries...no pickups... code 05 every day and they run scratch...the rest of us get slammed.Now I`m in no way saying its as bad as it is there,they let me pull a split if I think I`ll be over 12 hours,and theres no over 9.5 rule here.I basically dispatch myself,and I always seem to overdispatch myself.Add 18 oncalls to the 65 stops and 23 pickups in my log and it can get quite hectic.
If we go in at 730 AM they let you go on the clock because preload is so ****ed up,they seem to really appreciate it.But that will change overnight when they do the big management shuffle that they like to do. God I love working for UPS.
You guys must have rural routes. We average like 100 stops and 25 pick ups in my loop and we are not the worst. Some guys have it far worse.


it appears you folks are afraid to touch the issue.

You make the point that your union does not recognize time standards as if you can go out on a route and do what you want.

If I send out a driver with a planned day of 10 hours you would have no problem recognizing that work measurement meaning that the company sent you out with 10 hours of planned work.

If you go out with a 9 hour planned day and run over 9.5 then you might also grieve the over 9.5.

So the question not to be argumentative but to try to understand where you draw the line is where do you stop recognizing ups work measurement? Do you use it if helps your case and ignore it where it does not.

Another question might be why is it some drivers can make these allegedly erroneous time measurements without taking any shortcuts.

Do I then pay over 9.5 penalties to those who for whatever reason can not run scratch when some can on the same route.

another question would be do you believe fair days work for fair days pay means you decide what a fair days work is? I've seen too many instances where a driver who wants to get off early is suddenly able to burn the run up that day. Am I supposed to believe that person just happened to have a good day?

If you don't recognize any type of measurement then I can assume you also do not recognize stop counts as a meausrement since 120 stops one day could be radically different from 120 stops the next.

Without some type of meausrement it does appear the issue can be real ambigous. thus I ask the questions.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Tieguy, I do believe some type of measurement is necessary, other wise we will not be profitable.And that is why we make the money we do because we are hard working people. But the standards since they have been changed are unfair, and everyone admits it, even my management, so you should too, unless you work where there has been a recent time study, which most of us who complain do not.

The only person who has ever scratched my route in the time since the standard changed is me. The guy who runs two hours early EVERY DAY, who runs mine when I am off, runs only 90 early. So it tells me it is 1 hr off, as I have been saying since the change.

WE do not expect to go out and screw off all day, and get paid well. I dont know a single driver who wants to stay out and get overtime, we just all want to go home. Ive had days that Ive had close to 400 pieces and it came off like a dream, and days where every wrong thing that could happen did, and I couldnt get 249 off without a 10 hr day. There are too many variables. And not being able to count the time we are stuck in bldg hurts as we cannot code it preload we just eat it. Ive had nights I sat at the gas pumps for 20 minutes, yup we eat it. And having to deliver all air and no ground when we get out late hurts too.

They keep taking things away, yet give us no extra time for the big old box in the middle of the truck, that hinders our every movement, or the big pile in the middle that only God knows where it goes as there is no room to sort and put it where it goes, or the days we have to sort once we get air off because our loader goes home sick or is off. Its a vicious cycle, and as for me I do my best every day as its a personal pride thing as well as I just want to get home at a decent hour, not counting peak, or legitimate occurences that happen from time to time. Give me a 12 hr day if you are truly strapped, just be honest, and I care, so I will do my best. Doesnt mean it will be pretty by todays standards, but it will get done.

I just think until and if the standards are ever fair, no one should be picked on because the bible says, we did a bad job. We do the best we can do, most of us, and we take it personally when we are attacked for the morning reports. Because they just are not correct anymore. The last ones were close to accurate, then they say.............they took away 5.8 seconds per pkg, and they took more than that. And everyone knows it, including you......... Since you are a manager, why dont you tell us what else they took away?????????????????????????????????????????????? And tell us how to fix it. You could fix all the bad attitides, and we could go back to being happy as well, as well paid workers if you could tell us that. I for one would appreciate it. You could be a hero, if you could tell us how to fix the problem of the 8 hr day that takes 10 through our best effort. When it used to take 8.5. Or how to run good when we used to have 65 for 8 and now we have 110. Ill be anxiously awaiting your reply.


Another question might be why is it some drivers can make these allegedly erroneous time measurements without taking any shortcuts.

Tie, I have to respond to this as a driver thats been in the same area 16 years.They DO take erroneous shortcuts.

Do I then pay over 9.5 penalties to those who for whatever reason can not run scratch when some can on the same route.
Yes.Because every day is different.

another question would be do you believe fair days work for fair days pay means you decide what a fair days work is? I've seen too many instances where a driver who wants to get off early is suddenly able to burn the run up that day. Am I supposed to believe that person just happened to have a good day?

Tie,sometimes we have some personel things that we need to take care of,and some drivers will forego thier break to catch thier kids hockey game in the playoffs.

If you don't recognize any type of measurement then I can assume you also do not recognize stop counts as a meausrement since 120 stops one day could be radically different from 120 stops the next.

Without some type of meausrement it does appear the issue can be real ambigous. thus I ask the questions.

Ambiguous it may be,the fact is that no matter how many stops you believe is an 8 hour day,only matters to you.If its 12:30 and If I`ve only done 23 stops so far,you could say I`m having a bad day, but I am entitled to my break,and if I take it,the other 97 stops in my pkg car may get missed if you dont send me help.So the only one thats going to be affected by my bad day is YOU

I wish we had more that 300 characters in the ERI comments section,I`d just drag and drop tooners rant in there~


Staff member
"I wish we had more that 300 characters in the ERI comments section,I`d just drag and drop tooners rant in there~"

LOL! Excellent!


Well-Known Member
my center is being paid for over 9.5's too and no these are not dispatched they are just over 9.5 worked. when you start filing they were doing a lock in ride on you but they have quit doing that now since every route they have locked in has come out to the drivers advantage on time allowance