Wow Adderall helped me pass probation!


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone, you guys probably remember me from peak season where I was DQed during probation for brining my route back in peak season. Well it turns out that management felt bad for disqualifying me during peak so they gave me another chance on January first and I just graduated today !!!

I was :censored2: at myself for failing during peak season but when I went to my doctor for a check up I told him how I wasnt feeling right and that I couldn’t focus when it came to remembering addresses and reorganizing my truck. He diagnosed me with mild ADHD and put me on slow release adderall!

Oh boy, these puppies have quite the kick!!! I pop one in the morning and I wake up instantly, faster than coffee could ever do. When I get to work, I’m ready to rock!!!! I can’t wait to hop in my truck and gun it to the first stop. I love trying to see how many I can do in an hour because I have so much energy!!! I run to every stop and I keep getting messages from management telling me great job!! My life is way better now! I finish early and ask for more work but they say no because I’m on probation! Anyone else have similar results? Drivers tell me to slow down but I cant! I need to be the best I can be! I’m covering another drivers route next week, I’m going to beat his record! He comes in around 7:30 or 8, I’m going to get done by 5:30!!!!
this post has been brought to you by the makers of adderall

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Why you answering any questions like that? In the future, forward them to me for reply.


Active Member
Meth is even better op. More of a kick. You might burn that guys rote up and finish at noon

Oral meth is acceptable. As long as you don’t smoke it your ok!!!

Meth IS better. But at the same doses it has less kick. Less jitter, less intense side effects, less harmful to the body, easier come down, Assuming it's not cut with crap at least. It's way less expensive too. Amphetamines are terrible though. Almost as much dependency potential as benzos, and like benzos, you're a wreck for a very long time when you quit, even at "therapeutic" doses.


Well-Known Member
Meth IS better. But at the same doses it has less kick. Less jitter, less intense side effects, less harmful to the body, easier come down, Assuming it's not cut with crap at least. It's way less expensive too. Amphetamines are terrible though. Almost as much dependency potential as benzos, and like benzos, you're a wreck for a very long time when you quit, even at "therapeutic" doses.
That’s what iv heard too. Desoxyn (prescribed meth) is supposed to treat adhd, add, and narcolepsy better. It hits the blood/brain barrier different though and from the official story is easier to get addicted too.

Everybody thinks of toothless people who smoke out of pipes, but orally it is supposed to be much more therapeutic than amps

One of the main reasons the German military dominated so much during ww2 with their blitzkreig was because they were all on pervatin. IMHO it was also why they started :censored2:ing up too There is a documentary about it and it’s super interesting.
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Active Member
That’s what iv heard too. Desoxyn (prescribed meth) is supposed to treat adhd, add, and narcolepsy better. It hits the blood/brain barrier different though and from the official story is easier to get addicted too.

Everybody thinks of toothless people who smoke out of pipes, but orally it is supposed to be much more therapeutic than amps

From my experience, adderall is more addictive at the same dosages. Just has so much more 'GO' than meth does, and at least psychologically, that's a big part. It wreaks havoc on your cardiovascular system though. Meth too, but a little bit less so for some reason. Either way. Drugs are bad, prescription or otherwise, with some but few exceptions on both sides of the aisle. Insane what doctors believe to be medicine sometimes.