Y'all ever wish you would have gone to college instead?


Well-Known Member
I did go to college myself and it was a total waste of my life back then. When I imagine how much farther I could be in my pension credits, how many more years at top rate, rather than getting a useless degree, a few ten thousand dollars more debt, and a degree that got me nothing.

My little brother got a masters degree in chemistry now. I don't think he'll ever reach my pay. My gosh I didn't even add in our insurance, or vacation.

Top that off with he's got over $100,000 in student loan debt. I mean what does he even do? He talks like a friend@g and his :censored2: is * . He does nothing. He gets government grants to do "experiments", then he writes about them. The only goal? Get more of that sweet government cash.

He talks fast but he's doing nothing.

His wife hates how much more successful in buying stuff I am than he, she talks the brown stuff all the time. After she gets home from her crud job. My wife don't work she's busy being barefoot and pregnant again. Three months pregnant weighs 106 pounds. His angry wife works in HR with her four year degree, 165 pounds, and somehow she got a $100,000 in debt as well!!!! She runs marathons or something all of her does. I tell him my wife just made a loaf of bread and yeah that's the kids yelling in the background.

He tells me if he could pay the payments he's looking at $1600 a month!!! My mortgage is less than that!

I paid off my student slave debt for my worthless arts degree. Now I pick up and set down boxes for a living. But I do like to imagine what if I would have just started picking up and putting down boxes even sooner? I don't even have to go into debt to do this. I get paid.

Heck I have learned more from listening to audiobooks at work then I learned at uni.

How about it box monkeys. Do you wish you would have gone to get an official college degree tm?

Maybe one day be center mngr?
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Retired 23 years
My brother-in-law started UPS 2 years before me and stayed part time so he could graduate community college. I went full time after working 3 months PT and retired a couple years ahead of him. College isn't for everyone- especially now days. All it gets most people is thousands of dollars in debt.


Gone Fish'n
In the 20 years I’ve been here, no one has ever said, “I’ve always wanted to be a UPS driver”. Most here found this place at a PT for insurance or some side money, much like what your brother might have done to help his situation.

The point is, you were in the right place at the right time and found something that suits you. If you took out the fact your brother and his wife have 200k in student loan debt, I don’t see much difference in their lives than anyone else.

And btw, if your brother’s wife mentions to you she is envious that you can buy more stuff than your brother, her husband, there’s other issues going on.


Man of Great Wisdom
My brother-in-law started UPS 2 years before me and stayed part time so he could graduate community college. I went full time after working 3 months PT and retired a couple years ahead of him. College isn't for everyone- especially now days. All it gets most people is thousands of dollars in debt.
My kids all have debt but they have jobs where you have somewhat of a life. When is the last time you were told to call it a week at 3 on a Friday at UPS.


Gone Fish'n
My kids all have debt but they have jobs where you have somewhat of a life. When is the last time you were told to call it a week at 3 on a Friday at UPS.
Or when was the last time you could help develop a new material composition that could save lives.

Our work is monotonous and doesn’t have room to leave your mark in the world. Not to say you can’t outside of work, but here I feel as though it’s not very fulfilling.


Man of Great Wisdom
I did go to college myself and it was a total waste of my life back then. When I imagine how much farther I could be in my pension credits, how many more years at top rate, rather than getting a useless degree, a few ten thousand dollars more debt, and a degree that got me nothing.

My little brother got a masters degree in chemistry now. I don't think he'll ever reach my pay. My gosh I didn't even add in our insurance, or vacation.

Top that off with he's got over $100,000 in student loan debt. I mean what does he even do? He talks like a friend@g and his :censored2: is retarded. He does nothing. He gets government grants to do "experiments", then he writes about them. The only goal? Get more of that sweet government cash.

He talks fast but he's doing nothing.

His wife hates how much more successful in buying stuff I am than he, she talks the brown stuff all the time. After she gets home from her crud job. My wife don't work she's busy being barefoot and pregnant again. Three months pregnant weighs 106 pounds. His angry wife works in HR with her four year degree, 165 pounds, and somehow she got a $100,000 in debt as well!!!! She runs marathons or something all of her does. I tell him my wife just made a loaf of bread and yeah that's the kids yelling in the background.

He tells me if he could pay the payments he's looking at $1600 a month!!! My mortgage is less than that!

I paid off my student slave debt for my worthless arts degree. Now I pick up and set down boxes for a living. But I do like to imagine what if I would have just started picking up and putting down boxes even sooner? I don't even have to go into debt to do this. I get paid.

Heck I have learned more from listening to audiobooks at work then I learned at uni.

How about it box monkeys. Do you wish you would have gone to get an official college degree tm?

Maybe one day be center mngr?
I feel bad for your brother.

Netsua 3:16

Who cares. My dad's been a teacher for 20+ years....is STILL paying off student loan debt from his bachelors and masters. We always ate well and had nice clothes and allowance. He couldn't imagine doing any other job and has no regrets about the debt, especially since he's almost done with it and my youngest bro is now out of the house. Education should never be construed as a negative; it's unfortunate that the exorbitant price has people labeling the process of gathering knowledge "worthless."


Well-Known Member
My brother-in-law started UPS 2 years before me and stayed part time so he could graduate community college. I went full time after working 3 months PT and retired a couple years ahead of him. College isn't for everyone- especially now days. All it gets most people is thousands of dollars in debt.

I think it's getting to the breaking point. I would like to teach my sons to get an engineering degree, anything less? Heck one of my elementary school friends is a lawyer. He drives a used Hyundai. He's always worried his wife will divorce him, cause they split half but he gets all of the student loans. I blue collar vomit advice at him sometimes but he don't listen, and he's not a blue collar.

I'm thinking about buying an RV. He's worried about paying for his health insurance.

Maybe we talk a lot of brown stuff about ups but it was the best decision I have made.


Man of Great Wisdom
Or when was the last time you could help develop a new material composition that could save lives.

Our work is monotonous and doesn’t have room to leave your mark in the world. Not to say you can’t outside of work, but here I feel as though it’s not very fulfilling.
I agree. I had no ambition but landed the UPS job by accident. Wife was top of her class but didn't go to college. Still a better life than I could have predicted 35 years ago.


Well-Known Member
Who cares. My dad's been a teacher for 20+ years....is STILL paying off student loan debt from his bachelors and masters. We always ate well and had nice clothes and allowance. He couldn't imagine doing any other job and has no regrets about the debt, especially since he's alost done with it and my youngest bro is now out of the house. Education should never be construed as a negative; it's unfortunate that the exorbitant price has people labeling the process of gathering knowledge "worthless."

I can and do continue to learn without paying anyone. Just like I did as a kid. My library card costs nothing, audio books? Well I can afford what they cost.

What is a degree worth? Permanent indebtedness? Paying your student loans with your social security?

I don't want to get into the government erasing all student loan debt, which I support, and changes to the sick system. I can't change it. I can't get my kids to change it. But living inside it?

Do you think you should become a teacher with a degree and debt you will labor under forever? Or are you happy you went union driver?

At least for as long as we can keep this union


Well-Known Member
Or when was the last time you could help develop a new material composition that could save lives.

Our work is monotonous and doesn’t have room to leave your mark in the world. Not to say you can’t outside of work, but here I feel as though it’s not very fulfilling.

It's all fake though. I do love and listen to my brother talk. It's all fake.


Well-Known Member
I feel bad for your brother.

He's a smart cookie and he's had a pretty interesting life. He's got a pair of kids.

I feel bad for some of the other guys I know. Not him. But yeah...

If this work he's doing is supposedly worthwhile then why be an immense debt slave forever? How's the people I deliver to going to keep working when guys like him can't buy squat? He's got to pay the loans.

Meanwhile our competition for Donald trump are a bunch of clowns who want to let the whole world in here and give them free Healthcare... What?

What about the people who are already here?


Man of Great Wisdom
I can and do continue to learn without paying anyone. Just like I did as a kid. My library card costs nothing, audio books? Well I can afford what they cost.

What is a degree worth? Permanent indebtedness? Paying your student loans with your social security?

I don't want to get into the government erasing all student loan debt, which I support, and changes to the sick system. I can't change it. I can't get my kids to change it. But living inside it?

Do you think you should become a teacher with a degree and debt you will labor under forever? Or are you happy you went union driver?

At least for as long as we can keep this union
What drives me nuts is people whining about being 30k in debt with student loans like it's the end of the world. Pay the monthly payment or bartend 3 nights a month. Most people owe more than that on a car payment.

El Correcto

god is dead
Or when was the last time you could help develop a new material composition that could save lives.

Our work is monotonous and doesn’t have room to leave your mark in the world. Not to say you can’t outside of work, but here I feel as though it’s not very fulfilling.
You got time to contemplate your legacy? Sounds like you need more stops.

Netsua 3:16

I can and do continue to learn without paying anyone. Just like I did as a kid. My library card costs nothing, audio books? Well I can afford what they cost.

What is a degree worth? Permanent indebtedness? Paying your student loans with your social security?

I don't want to get into the government erasing all student loan debt, which I support, and changes to the sick system. I can't change it. I can't get my kids to change it. But living inside it?

Do you think you should become a teacher with a degree and debt you will labor under forever? Or are you happy you went union driver?

At least for as long as we can keep this union
Funny you say....because my current plan is to do 10 and out here and become a teacher. They now top out at about the same as we do where I live and the work life balance is friend'ing amazing....and it's just kind of natural to me. We have 4 generations of teachers up to me.
I mean I ultumately agree with you dude. I make myself read, I stay up on current events and do lots of independent random research because I enjoy the process of learning about something that interests me. I was in and out of communnity college for several years even while I was in high school and just didn't have the desire or passion for it. I had to go out and get my ass kicked by the real world before I began to appreciate the opportunites that I took for granted.
So, I'm bout to buy a house....and my goal is to get it paid off or ready to sell for high profit within 7-8 years...have that as an asset, then go into teaching. I'll deal with the debt. As long as I don't get married and pop out 10 kids this is a highly realistic and attainable goal.


Well-Known Member
What drives me nuts is people whining about being 30k in debt with student loans like it's the end of the world. Pay the monthly payment or bartend 3 nights a month. Most people owe more than that on a car payment.

There was this preloader I worked with. When I was a tcd utility driver he covered my PT preload spot. I used to load 4 cars because I made the mistake of working really hard. When I went tcd and was gone most of the time they split my 4 cars between two guys.

When I'd show up to preload they'd just tell me to help this one guy.

Because he was basically seriously mentally challenged. He was nice enough. Just not all the way with it. A few cookies short.

It was crazy. I would go out of my way to teach him the best loading methods, he would forget them the next day.

He was going into debt to get a degree. He couldn't read. I know I tried to show him the load charts, he couldn't even stack boxes straight. I remember asking him about his life goals and his future.

"I'm going to college"

Ahhhhhhhh but I didn't scream out loud. Can't read, can barely preload, but not a bad person. Going to college. Going in debt to go to college.

"what's your major?"

'I'm majoring in entrepreneurship'

'one day I'm going to start a business!'

Going into hella debt, can't read, can't even really load a truck, barely functional dude.


It's just scammers scamming him into debt. It ain't right


Retired 23 years
My kids all have debt but they have jobs where you have somewhat of a life. When is the last time you were told to call it a week at 3 on a Friday at UPS.
I never expected to be told to call it a week at 3 on a Friday. I knew from the get go that I would be expected to work until I was done with the route whether that was 6 o'clock or 9- or later during peak. People have to realize it isn't a 9 to 5 job. If you are looking for 9 to 5 look elsewhere--UPS isn't for you. I was always envious about friends (and my wife) getting off early but that's as far as it went. I had my laugh come time to cash my paycheck and the fact that I had great benefits and lots of vacation weeks-----and EVERY weekend off. .

El Correcto

god is dead
I did go to college myself and it was a total waste of my life back then. When I imagine how much farther I could be in my pension credits, how many more years at top rate, rather than getting a useless degree, a few ten thousand dollars more debt, and a degree that got me nothing.

My little brother got a masters degree in chemistry now. I don't think he'll ever reach my pay. My gosh I didn't even add in our insurance, or vacation.

Top that off with he's got over $100,000 in student loan debt. I mean what does he even do? He talks like a friend@g and his :censored2: is retarded. He does nothing. He gets government grants to do "experiments", then he writes about them. The only goal? Get more of that sweet government cash.

He talks fast but he's doing nothing.

His wife hates how much more successful in buying stuff I am than he, she talks the brown stuff all the time. After she gets home from her crud job. My wife don't work she's busy being barefoot and pregnant again. Three months pregnant weighs 106 pounds. His angry wife works in HR with her four year degree, 165 pounds, and somehow she got a $100,000 in debt as well!!!! She runs marathons or something all of her does. I tell him my wife just made a loaf of bread and yeah that's the kids yelling in the background.

He tells me if he could pay the payments he's looking at $1600 a month!!! My mortgage is less than that!

I paid off my student slave debt for my worthless arts degree. Now I pick up and set down boxes for a living. But I do like to imagine what if I would have just started picking up and putting down boxes even sooner? I don't even have to go into debt to do this. I get paid.

Heck I have learned more from listening to audiobooks at work then I learned at uni.

How about it box monkeys. Do you wish you would have gone to get an official college degree tm?

Maybe one day be center mngr?
I honestly enjoy UPS. I don’t like working with others and it’s 80,000+ a year auto-pilot busy work while I listen to music and podcasts at this point. I aimed for this over college after I made fun of a UPS guy is short shorts, my teacher told me how much he makes to wear those short shorts.

I wear pants everyday like a grown man should.


Well-Known Member
Funny you say....because my current plan is to do 10 and out here and become a teacher. They now top out at about the same as we do where I live and the work life balance is friend'ing amazing....and it's just kind of natural to me. We have 4 generations of teachers up to me.
I mean I ultumately agree with you dude. I make myself read, I stay up on current events and do lots of independent random research because I enjoy the process of learning about something that interests me. I was in and out of communnity college for several years even while I was in high school and just didn't have the desire or passion for it. I had to go out and get my ass kicked by the real world before I began to appreciate the opportunites that I took for granted.
So, I'm bout to buy a house....and my goal is to get it paid off or ready to sell for high profit within 7-8 years...have that as an asset, then go into teaching. I'll deal with the debt. As long as I don't get married and pop out 10 kids this is a highly realistic and attainable goal.

Oh you might miss those kids you don't have but wtg.

Also top out as a teacher. I got a friend whose husband has the same goal, and another one who is my age, and her husband STILL has that same goal.

I dunno dude I think I'm happier picking up and putting down boxes.