You tell em Donald


Well-Known Member
Republican this.....Democrat that....blah, blah....liberal this....conservative that....BLAH, BLAH
We are all different and we all have different life experiences that have molded our views and opinions. However there is one thing that is lacking in this nation today and that is tolerance. AND it is clearly evident in this and other threads
It's a political thread. You are welcome to ignore it if it offends you.


Engorged Member
Saudi Arabia, Mexico, So. Korea to name a few. Some of them if he bowed any lower he would have tipped over.

It's basis respect to acknowledge other culture's practices, which earn you their trust and respect.

Team America World Police is not a good diplomatic strategy, except for idiots.


Retired 22 years
There is a fair amount of evidence that points to Melania being a high-end call girl. I guess she had "exceptional skills" that allowed bher to become a citizen.

bless her ---- There was a "fair" amount of evidence also that Hillary was a murderer.


Engorged Member
While we don't know if she was a murderer or not. 1 thing is for certain.

Hillary & MFE=LOSER


Trump. Is he a legitimate President? We don't know. Is he an ethical man" No...well established. Is he honest? Absolutely not. And all of you are saying you didn't elect a politician.



Well-Known Member
Trump. Is he a legitimate President? We don't know. Is he an ethical man" No...well established. Is he honest? Absolutely not. And all of you are saying you didn't elect a politician.

Yea, but he IS president and you supported a loser. Bummer
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Well-Known Member
Guys like VT and OF are so enamored with Trumps nationalist/ populist rhetoric that they pay no attention to the legislation the hard right will soon vote on. In my state a study shows that the impact of the repeal of Obamacare is as follows. 1.2 million residents of the state will lose their insurance ( and contrary to the belief of some they are not all system gaming "relief rats".) The state's budget deficit will go from 1.7 billion to 3.3 billion annually . 137,000 health care workers will lose their jobs and a sizable majority of the state's small rural hospitals will cease to exist. Our line haul contractor and his wife were paying $ 1700 a month for a basic health care plan. That's over $ 20,000 a year and were grateful and relieved to make it to Medicare only to discover that Ryan and the boys are going to "save" and "reform" Medicare by eliminating Medicare as we know it and replace it with a voucher so low that it wouldn't even begin to cover the premiums for a private policy. Now guys like OF and VT are no spring chickens and in the not too distant future will begin to consume a lot of healthcare and it will become ever more costly over time. The question is how much of their personal fortune are they willing to part with in order to gain access to the most effective but also the most costly treatments. It's easy to get caught up in the Trump patriotic drumbeat but the remember platitudes without policy is like throwing rocks at airplanes but when those policies do arrive they may shock even the most devoted of Trump supporters.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Millions peacefully protesting our new president across the world today. Latest estimate is 500K in the Capitol, that is double the number that showed up for his inauguration. Hundreds of thousands in many cities across the country. Do you trumpeters still believe he has a massive mandate? The man does nothing to even acknowledge his critics. I don't know how people believe his divisive rhetoric will make America great.


nowhere special
Millions peacefully protesting our new president across the world today. Latest estimate is 500K in the Capitol, that is double the number that showed up for his inauguration. Hundreds of thousands in many cities across the country. Do you trumpeters still believe he has a massive mandate? The man does nothing to even acknowledge his critics. I don't know how people believe his divisive rhetoric will make America great.

Today isn't a Trump protest.