You tell em Donald


nowhere special
Organizers say the Women's March on Washington was intentionally scheduled for one day after the presidential inauguration with the aim of sending a message to the newly minted administration: Women's rights are human rights.
As Millions Of Women March Against Trump, Hillary Clinton Tweets Words Of Support
MSNBC Propagandizes Women’s March Is ‘Message of Unity,’ Not ‘Hateful or Anti-Trump
Lies: MSNBC Propagandizes Women’s March Is ‘Message of Unity,’ Not ‘Hateful or Anti-Trump’


Well-Known Member
Millions peacefully protesting our new president across the world today. Latest estimate is 500K in the Capitol, that is double the number that showed up for his inauguration. Hundreds of thousands in many cities across the country. Do you trumpeters still believe he has a massive mandate? The man does nothing to even acknowledge his critics. I don't know how people believe his divisive rhetoric will make America great.
Peacefully? Fires and looting is peacefully? Try knowing what you are talking about before posting.


Just telling it like it is
Look at who is close to Trump. Any union people? Any worker's rights advocates? Anyone, anyone at all from the labor side of the economy?
Well Obama at first said he was pro labor and was all about the Employee Free Choice Act which he ended up dropping like a hot coal along with his other pro labor ideas.

Actually, I'm guessing if there are more jobs created, wages will go down if anything.
Actually you're hoping is more like it.


Well-Known Member
I spent the morning at one and have friends and relatives attending across the country. I didn't witness or hear about any fires and looting. Where are you getting your information?
You did not see the fires that were set yesterday in the streets of DC and the car that was burnt? The storefront windows that were busted out. 6 police officers were injured and several hundred "PEACEFUL" protesters were arrested.


Well-Known Member
There is a fair amount of evidence that points to Melania being a high-end call girl. I guess she had "exceptional skills" that allowed bher to become a citizen.
What evidence? What would happen if someone said anything remotely similar about Michelle Obama?

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
You did not see the fires that were set yesterday in the streets of DC and the car that was burnt? The storefront windows that were busted out. 6 police officers were injured and several hundred "PEACEFUL" protesters were arrested.
I saw some garbage cans lit on fire in front of the media yesterday. I saw reports of some broken windows. Nothing worse than an average "celebration" for a sports championship. Some children get over zealous when opportunities like this arise and take advantage to destroy things. I've seen no reports of that type of behavior today. Millions gathered to express support for women and minorities today. They gathered because Trump is terrifying to them. This is a fact that the president doesn't even acknowledge let alone try to address. He even stood in front of the CIA and lied about attendance at his inauguration. He had his press secretary lie about attendance as well. There is photographic proof, video proof, metra rider information proof of the lack of attendance, but he still lies to the public. Our new president lies because the truth hurts his vanity.


Well-Known Member
Guys like VT and OF are so enamored with Trumps nationalist/ populist rhetoric that they pay no attention to the legislation the hard right will soon vote on. In my state a study shows that the impact of the repeal of Obamacare is as follows. 1.2 million residents of the state will lose their insurance ( and contrary to the belief of some they are not all system gaming "relief rats".) The state's budget deficit will go from 1.7 billion to 3.3 billion annually . 137,000 health care workers will lose their jobs and a sizable majority of the state's small rural hospitals will cease to exist. Our line haul contractor and his wife were paying $ 1700 a month for a basic health care plan. That's over $ 20,000 a year and were grateful and relieved to make it to Medicare only to discover that Ryan and the boys are going to "save" and "reform" Medicare by eliminating Medicare as we know it and replace it with a voucher so low that it wouldn't even begin to cover the premiums for a private policy. Now guys like OF and VT are no spring chickens and in the not too distant future will begin to consume a lot of healthcare and it will become ever more costly over time. The question is how much of their personal fortune are they willing to part with in order to gain access to the most effective but also the most costly treatments. It's easy to get caught up in the Trump patriotic drumbeat but the remember platitudes without policy is like throwing rocks at airplanes but when those policies do arrive they may shock even the most devoted of Trump supporters.


Well-Known Member
Millions peacefully protesting our new president across the world today. Latest estimate is 500K in the Capitol, that is double the number that showed up for his inauguration. Hundreds of thousands in many cities across the country. Do you trumpeters still believe he has a massive mandate? The man does nothing to even acknowledge his critics. I don't know how people believe his divisive rhetoric will make America great.
They should've been as proactive in support of Hillary. They weren't, he won, and we're off to the races. If people greatly disagree with his policies they should send threatening msgs about voting to their Congressman. Enough consensus and Congressmen start worrying about their future. You see, there's a right way to do things and a wrong way. Trump had very enthusiastic rallies, Hillary didn't. If you're a big fan of everything that went on before you should've organised in your area. Instead we get this constant banal "Trump bad" without ever giving the man a chance. Obama pushed healthcare reform in his first two years, rammed it through without opposition support, and lost the House of Representatives in his first mid-term election due to it. If Trump's policies disturbs his opposition enough they are free to do the same. See how this works?