Everyone's had'em, so lets hear.
Mine was actually today (shocking).
Arrived at EXACTLY 0845 and told I was late (I guess they were pissed I wasn't working for free before?). We were told we had more volume then usual. Ok, not a big deal.
I go to my truck and...oh crap, it's not my 1000 it's a 800 and ONLY enough room squish my feet by or maybe hop on one foot, through my aisle? Oh well, lots of volume so can get it off fast. I also can't load anymore into the damn truck that's sitting behind my truck. Off I go! Zip, zoom, zowie!
My first stop (bulk stop, around 40 boxes which, later at the airmeet I receive another 13 from them, horay!) I hop out, go to the dock get it open and go to open my back door...hmm...I said OPEN my back door...what the? Oh crap, my key isn't the one for this lock. So, into the 800 I climb (I forgot my harness and rope in my mountain climbing bag, damn!) and start Godzillaing everything (crunch crunch crunch, die boxes, die!). So, you guessed it, the rest of the day, stomping boxes.
I go to the airmeet (after I throw out some *******piss bottle, thanks ********...Although it was ironic because it was done in a lemonade bottle so that made me laugh), I also call my sup and inform him I'm around 10 stops down from what my usual count is by this time and I NEED help (no help comes BTW and he claims I never asked for help, shocking). I DO manage to squeeze in the stuff from the meet though. I also told the sup I was going to have late air from running all this stupid bulk so that I could get MORE stupid bulk on my truck (which he also denies).
Off I go again! By noon I have 8 late pieces of nooners...oh well, doesn't surprise me. I get to my mall...oh, yeah, not my truck, no cart. Oh well, lets handbalm around 20 boxes through the mall! HORAY!
By 1230 I notice my gas gauge IS working properly and Mr Piss Bottle didn't fill up his tank. The nearest propane stop? Oh, about 15 klicks out of my area. Call up Mr Sup again and ask permission to go get fuel out of my area. I was approved for this and he won't deny it! So, that kills about 30-45min (I did get the last laugh on this driver though. We were told by management to hand in our gas cards. Guess who hadn't? Guess who's going to be shocked next time he's almost out of fuel and can't find his gas card?)
Oh, time for pickups...hmm, still pretty full. Get a call from Mr Sup regarding a PU I tried to get my air driver to do. The thing was about 4ft by 4 ft and on a skid! It would have taken up my whole back end! Anyways, sup tells me it won't fit in air drivers car because he has a crappy van. Ok, I'll have to pick that up later too. I ask my sup what he'd rather I miss? PU's or stops? He says niether since I shouldn't. I tell'em that I will be but will try my best not to. My second plead for help to him, which he denies.
I start my pickups in an already crowded 800. I'm delivering and picking up at the same time like many others out there. I realize I have to get to that stupid mega box on a skid pickup by 1630. Break trace in pickups and fly down to the other end of my area. The customer says, 'oh, it seemed to be a bother so we cancelled and are just going to send it freight'. Good because it was a pain in the arse bad because I didn't know and wasted my time. So, fly back to the other end of my area and continue the insanity.
I did get all the PU's done but managed to get screwed with 25 pkgs missed for businesses (oops). I then start to do my rezies. This part was the last kick in the groin. About 2 stops into my rezies (only around 15 or so onboard) I get a screw in my tire and can hear it leaking. So, need to work my arse off to get all the rezies off before it goes flat and I'm stuck out there until management decides to send a rescue (or maybe they'd just have me sleep there and continue delivering in the morning?).
I'm SURE I'll hear about it all tommorow in a lovely meeting. Maybe I'll get a day or two suspension out of it which I can grieve. I do think I'd get backpay for it since I was over 400 pkgs without a freaking backdoor that works in commercial area. I know, 400 isn't much but it feels a lot when you have no access to the back from the outside!
So, that's my hell day. Thanks for reading (if you finished it all). So, essentially this is the, 'damnit, UPS isn't fair' thread also![]()
I've had a lot of days where I had to explain or answer for people who days like you had.