Zimmerman case - Found Not Guilty

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Staff member
I don't recall the judge ever saying that. Those were rules throughout the testimony bit that included not discussing. the case at all. As they are deliberating, I would assume they would be using their notes. What difference would it make if they looked at them?


Staff member
Where were you when the riots over Rodney King occurred?
Where were you when, at the same time, Reginald Denny (a cracker) was pulled out of his truck and had his skull crushed by cinder blocks thrown by poor, deprived and so, so deserving blacks?

Is there a "bubble of goodness" where you live?

No. I watched as the police slowed down the film and explained away the police brutality. It was all done "by the book". That was pathetic.

But what makes you think this is anything like Rodney King? Because both he and Martin were black? Justice has been served in the Martin case no matter what the verdict. Kin got screwed in the criminal proceedings and won the civil.


Staff member
Maybe they can get a TV and watch the "back coverage " of the trial. Is that what you want??? Throw some newspapers in there too. Geesh!
Are you drunk? That doesn't make any sense. Are you paying attention to the thread or are you getting "hammered"? Hammered by the hammer?


golden ticket member
(Bbsam) What difference would it make if they looked at them?

Hilary, is that you ?????
Don't drink booze.................last drink, I was just 21.!!!!

You mentioned all the jurors exchanging notes.......the behavior I suggested is no more lame that what you said.


golden ticket member
No. I watched as the police slowed down the film and explained away the police brutality. It was all done "by the book". That was pathetic.

But what makes you think this is anything like Rodney King? Because both he and Martin were black? Justice has been served in the Martin case no matter what the verdict. Kin got screwed in the criminal proceedings and won the civil.

So, bottom line, it's all about the money.
The best part about the L.A. rioting was the Asian business owners with guns shooting at looters.


Staff member
(Bbsam) What difference would it make if they looked at them?

Hilary, is that you ?????
Don't drink booze.................last drink, I was just 21.!!!!

You mentioned all the jurors exchanging notes.......the behavior I suggested is no more lame that what you said.

they will be talking about the trial while referencing their notes, not while watching TV.


Well-Known Member
Zimmerman will soon have a new boyfriend...whom he totally deserves. "Butcher Hicks".
If he gets convicted? he won't have boyfriend he's a high profile prisoner. Single cell or moved to the prison that Madoff guy is. The prison for the rich. It wouldn't surprised me if Obama commutes his sentence. Obama lately has been doing what he wants it can be covert, or openly and no one is stopping him.


Well-Known Member
Nothing anyone says[-]/does outside of the courtroom[/-] matters now.

Was there ever a time in this forum where that wasn't true?

But it all made for a great side show. And while we were all busy looking over here, what were we missing over there? Hmmmm!

So after the verdict and the BS dies down, does Paula Deen ramp back up? Does the Kanye/Kim/Baby saga take a turn? Oh wait, college and pro football is back in the front burner. That's good for 6 months.

Ever get the feeling life is nothing but one continuous soap opera aka shadow puppets being played on a cave wall?

Face ahead at all times please. Eyes fixed, mouths open, slight drooling preferred. Ignore the meaningless nonsense from the back. Thank you for your complete cooperation. We'll continue the performance shortly as we reload the projector.


Well-Known Member
"We wanted an arrest, we got an arrest. Noting more nothing less." -Sybrina Fulton (Travon Martin's mother)

So....when(if) the jury rules in light of the EVIDENCE and THE LAW - justice still wont be wanted much less accepted huh? Shockerrrr.


nowhere special
"We wanted an arrest, we got an arrest. Noting more nothing less." -Sybrina Fulton (Travon Martin's mother)

So....when(if) the jury rules in light of the EVIDENCE and THE LAW - justice still wont be wanted much less accepted huh? Shockerrrr.

Florida law is strange and one of the odd quirks is if it may be a stand your ground case they can't be arrested until there is enough evidence to charge them. The police chief who got fired could not legally arrest Zimmerman right away. So they fired him and brought in new people. Its not a stand your ground case, just a plain self defense but Zimmerman could have tried it that way but it would have gone to a judge (the one who was just brought in) to decide whether the case should be dismissed. Zimmerman wisely went for normal self defense and a jury trial. And the jury is 6 women, 5 white and one Hispanic. The Hispanic is a black Hispanic but today was the first time I ever heard anything about black. Zimmerman has been referred to as a white Hispanic the whole time (self described). A double standard there. And anyone who saw or heard Zimmerman's family talk would have do doubt they are Hispanic. And as to Zimmerman being white - he is 1/2 as black as Obama ( he has a black grandmother).


Got the T-Shirt

​"Yesterday someone tried to explain to me why I should be "rooting against" George Zimmerman. That was the exact phrase he used -- rooting against. God help us. This is a murder trial, not the NFL playoffs. No, I am not rooting against him, I'm also not rooting for him. I don't know him personally, I have no stock in his fate. Despite how HLN might portray it, this is not a reality TV show. This is serious business. We surround ourselves with enough toys and colors and noises and distractions that you'd think we wouldn't be so starved for entertainment that we'd need to turn legal proceedings into circus acts -- yet, here we are. That's what gets me about all of this. Most of these people calling for Zimmerman's head and threatening to riot if he isn't convicted don't even really care about this case. You know that, don't you? Please don't make the mistake of taking their outrage seriously. They're just bored and empty inside. This is simply another sideshow for them. It's a game. Zimmerman is a trendy villain, he gives them someone who's fun to hate.

Think about the guy who helped to whip up this frenzy in the first place, Al Sharpton. The DA wasn't even going to indict Zimmerman until Sharpton showed up with his merry band of race crusaders and turned a local police matter into an international crisis. Sharpton is an opportunistic lying huckster, and every person in this country damn well knows it. The dude has purposely fomented racial hysteria and used it to destroy the lives of innocent men multiple times. Tawana Brawley, Duke lacrosse, George Zimmerman. The Brawley case alone should have been enough to permanently discredit him and irrevocably destroy his reputation, but instead he still has enough clout to rake in the dough and fire up the "kill whitey" mob when he needs a ratings boost for his MSNBC show. He likes to compare himself to Dr. King, but he's much closer to Don King.

So if you want to know who I'm rooting for in all of this, I'll tell you: Lady Justice. The legal system. The Bill of Rights. Due process. Innocent until proven guilty. I want what I always want with any trial. I want the court system to work as it's supposed to. And that's why I want Zimmerman found not guilty. It doesn't matter how you feel about him personally, it doesn't matter that Trayvon Martin liked Skittles, it doesn't matter if Zimmerman is or isn't a racist, it doesn't even matter that Martin wasn't armed. All that matters in a court of law is that Zimmerman tells a certain version of events. If his version is accurate, he isn't guilty of a crime. If the prosecution's claims are true, he is. The prosecution must prove their case. They must do this with evidence, forensics, expert testimony, and witness accounts. They failed. They failed miserably. All of the evidence supports Zimmerman's side. All of the forensics come out in his favor. The witnesses for the State were an embarrassment. They have proven nothing. Period. They have to prove it and they didn't. Not even close. Do you know why I want a man to be found innocent when the State is unable to even come close to proving him guilty? Not because I love me some Zimmerman, but because I'm selfish. Because I want all of that great due process, innocent until proven guilty stuff to be there for me if I ever need it. I don't want to think that I can actually literally be convicted by the court of public opinion, especially because I seem to run afoul of that court on a daily basis. I want to know that if I'm ever accused of a crime, the opinions of the Internet trolls and the hysterical mob won't matter. I want to be confident that my fate rests on facts, evidence, and forensics, not politics, race, and popularity polls. The troubling thing is that most of the folks in the Burn Zimmerman Brigade will fully admit that the law and the evidence really don't work in the prosecution's favor, but they still want the guy strung up by his toenails and flogged for eternity anyway. To them I ask this: Are you willing to live or die by those rules if you're ever the defendant on the docket? If I falsely accuse you of a heinous crime, can I ensure your indictment and conviction by waging an effective social media campaign to turn the peanut allergy against you?

Zimmerman claims he was walking back to his truck when he was attacked by a 6'2", 200+ pound, muscular 17 year old with a penchant for fighting and a habit of confrontation. He says his head was bashed against solid pavement and his nose broken. He says he didn't reach for his gun right away -- he called for help. He insists he only pulled the firearm when Martin noticed it in the holster and tried to reach for it. If this happened as he recounts it, he is unequivocally innocent of any crime, according to the law and, less importantly, according to any general sense of what is right and just. The prosecution had to disprove his account, instead they inadvertently strengthened it. They didn't have a single shred of evidence against him, or even one reliable bit of witness testimony. Not only should he be acquitted, it's clear they never had enough to file charges in the first place. If you "root" for a man to be found guilty of a crime that the State can't prove, you root for the destruction of our entire system of justice. And, in this case, you do so for no reason other than your own amusement."


nowhere special
The defense stressed the Law, and if you follow what the law says its fairly clearly self defense. The prosecution instead of relying on evidence throughout the trial relied on emotions and sympathy instead of proving their case, which is totally wrong for the state to do since they should be relying on the facts of the case. Exactly what happened is unclear but the burden of proof is on the prosecution. All the prosecution did was suggest alternate scenarios but could not prove their case based on facts.


Strength through joy
[h=2]Virginia NAACP Chief Dares To Question The Saintliness Of Trayvon Martin, Calls For His Resignation Flood In…[/h]


Well-Known Member
Not that there's anything wrong with that?

Nope. As long as he ends up in jail where he belongs. His sex life is not my concern. Perhaps you can pray for him?

He'll need it -- regardless of the verdict his life is over. He'll have to write a book to afford body guards for the rest of his life. A win win for the oh so tolerant in the world.
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