“Change” vs “Draining the Swamp”

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
The more I read from you the more convinced I am that you're never worked a single day for either Fedex or UPS . In fact I'm beginning to doubt if you ever worked a day period. And since you refuse to pay a dime for information the fact that this site is free and supplies you with free entertainment is why you spend your entire day and night on here.
And Lincoln said “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.”

You can keep talking, but you’ve already proven Lincoln right.


Inordinately Right
And since you refuse to pay a dime for information the fact that this site is free and supplies you with free entertainment is why you spend your entire day and night on here.
Oh so this is when you brag that you waste good money to be brainwashed by leftist media and somehow fail to realize you should be embarrassed by that. Hilarious, please continue fren.



Well-Known Member
Per usual, you miss the point that this was never about hygiene OR combatting a virus. Its about control. Being told what to do, and you doing it, like an obedient slave. And not only that, but inducting low-IQ powerless control freaks in to be the coordinators.

I dont have a problem wearing a mask into a hospital. Probably isnt a bad idea anyways. But no one is gonna tell me I have to wear a mask for the rest of my life just cause it makes them more comfortable. They should just kill themselves and be done with this place
You are required to wear pants in public, and comply like the sheep you are, yet when something like a mask that can protect others comes along, you whine like a baby.


Well-Known Member
You are required to wear pants in public, and comply like the sheep you are, yet when something like a mask that can protect others comes along, you whine like a baby.
Youre a good slave. You make your democrapic KKK Massa's proud son!


Well-Known Member
You are required to wear pants in public, and comply like the sheep you are, yet when something like a mask that can protect others comes along, you whine like a baby.
That is an excellent argument. The same could be said about any number of public safety standards and equipment.

Do you want this mask trend to continue indefinitely? After all, it's all about concern for the safety of others.


Well-Known Member
Yes you get great information from MSNBC.
You are brainwashed.
Very sad.
Given the fact that unlike you I actually pay for information what I take away from that information is mine and mine alone. And BTW since you refuse to pay for information just how could you possibly know anything about MSNBC's programming content?


Well-Known Member
Thank you for confirming your love for that little twink dutch boy. Trash. Very sad.
SOSO from you. You have nothing to offer in the way of an informed counter point so once again as you've always done before, you launch into another personal attack armed with nothing more than your hatred and your GED.


Inordinately Right
SOSO from you. You have nothing to offer in the way of an informed counter point so once again as you've always done before, you launch into another personal attack armed with nothing more than your hatred and your GED.
I insulted Rachel Maddow. You for some reason took that as a personal attack. Then you proceeded to insult me, displaying a complete lack of self awareness.

You feeling okay today good buddy?


Well-Known Member
I insulted Rachel Maddow. You for some reason took that as a personal attack. Then you proceeded to insult me, displaying a complete lack of self awareness.

You feeling okay today good buddy?
Oh, so now you're backing off when challenged to put your education level up against hers. (lol) Besides, the fact that you won't PAY to subscribe to her broadcasts makes what you have to say the equivalent of a booger heading out the side window. I never said that I agree with everything the woman says but her sheer intellect and level of formal education makes her deserving of an attentive and open mind.