“I believe” statements with Integrity


Binge Poster
That is what you said.
I'm not the one posting AA nonsense that YOU must need, but you continuously post as if everyone else needs it to....
Post what you want, have at it. If I don’t like your thread, I definitely won’t visit.
AA is all about mind control.
I disagree with this statement. You are entitled to believe this though.
This is classic!
Is it?
Don’t. Be my guest.
Are you upset that you cannot control who reads/posts/criticizes??
Drunks in AA do that.
For entertainment and amusement and to see what people on the Ground side think....Not as an AA mission
So, you're going to stop using BC as your personal AA soapbox and realize we don't need you trying to save us because we make decisions to prioritize responsible actions over getting :censored2:ed up all the time and :censored2:ing over people we love?
I will carry on business as usual .


Legio patria nostra
That is what you said.

Post what you want, have at it. If I don’t like your thread, I definitely won’t visit.

I disagree with this statement. You are entitled to believe this though.

Is it?

Don’t. Be my guest.




I will carry on business as usual .


Well-Known Member
Where you spend eternity depends on whether you are obedient to God or not
Your yardstick, lets let it judge you.

Have you been obedient to God, have you been obedient 100%?

One mess up makes you a sinner, guilty of breaking the whole law.
Don't mess your perfect record now by telling a lie.

Try answering a question for once.

Another question, where will you spend eternity?


Well-Known Member
I believe I'd like to irritate a purveyor of false doctrine.

I believe the religious institution using the moniker church of christ is a cult.

I believe I'll attempt to play under the parameters @Integrity set.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Try answering a question for once.
The answer to any and all your questions is you're an idiot.
You don't have enough biblical knowledge to ask a biblical question.
Your motive for asking is not for knowledge, wisdom, or righteousness , or even to have a decent discussion or debate, but to try and "prove" some great point with a subject that you are as skilled about as much a baby nursing.

I said I'd play until you went full idiot.
Go play with yourself. No wait, that won't produce anything productive either


Well-Known Member
I believe there are a lot of self righteous idiots out there.
I believe you are correct.

I believe the only righteousness I have credited to my account was imputed to me.

I believe anything I might choose to add to the shed blood of Jesus Christ makes his finished work of no effect for me.

I believe the shed blood of Jesus Christ on my behalf is sufficient to cover me from the wrath of God against sin and sinners.


Well-Known Member
The answer to any and all your questions is you're an idiot.
You don't have enough biblical knowledge to ask a biblical question.
Your motive for asking is not for knowledge, wisdom, or righteousness , or even to have a decent discussion or debate, but to try and "prove" some great point with a subject that you are as skilled about as much a baby nursing.

I said I'd play until you went full idiot.
Go play with yourself. No wait, that won't produce anything productive either
Don't answer me then, respond to the bible

1 John 5:13

These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.

I've never met a church of christ that has that assurance, you understand what I'm saying, you don't have it yourself.

Preach the Law and obedience, live under the Law, You die under the Law.
You don't intimidate me, call me what you like, I'm not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Don't answer me then, respond to the bible

1 John 5:13

These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.

Stop trying not to sound ignorant.
When you do bold print, it makes it exiting and mean more. I noticed in the passage , the word only is not in bold print or in any print.
The only time believe/ faith ONLY is in James 2 where James says in 2:24 " You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith ONLY."
The scriptures reveal many things that save.
Some mental accent that you call faith is not found in the Bible.