“I believe” statements with Integrity


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.


Well-Known Member
Mostly by oral transmission in my family.
We can go all the way back as far as you'd like to play the game.
If oral transmission from your family didn't come directly from God, where did they get this revelation?

An easier question,

Where did your belief in the efficacy of AA or twelve step programs come from?


Binge Poster
We can go all the way back as far as you'd like to play the game.
If oral transmission from your family didn't come directly from God, where did they get this revelation?
I believe it was direct revelation from the Holy Spirit.
An easier question,

Where did your belief in the efficacy of AA or twelve step programs come from?
I believe from direct revelation from the Holy Spirit.


Well-Known Member
I believe it was direct revelation from the Holy Spirit.

I believe from direct revelation from the Holy Spirit.
And how do you attribute this to the Holy Spirit?

How did the Holy Spirit reveal this to you?

1 Timothy 4:1
King James Version

Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

What does, or who does, this Holy Spirit give credit for purchasing this grace to satisfy God?

Who exactly is Jesus Christ?


Binge Poster
And how do you attribute this to the Holy Spirit?
How did the Holy Spirit reveal this to you?
Through my spirit.

1 Timothy 4:1​

King James Version

Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

What does, or who does, this Holy Spirit give credit for purchasing this grace to satisfy God?
Belief in God.
Who exactly is Jesus Christ?
I believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God, or God if you will.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I wasn’t there but I believe it was passed on to her from her parents through the religious tradition of her family.

Her family sought to understand the God of the universe through a Christian Religious tradition.
Heck yeah... If it was good enough for mom and dad, it's good enough for me.


Well-Known Member
I know nothing except Jesus Christ and him crucified.
I guess all your obedience and work talk was just a ruse to get him to open up.

Try that talk at the church of christ baptismal picnic next Sunday.

Your previous posts for years show what you trust. If you can't fool me how do you think you can fool God.

You're lost.
You've rejected the simple gospel of Jesus Christ for so long you're probably beyond repentance.

Turn to God, he'll still accept you.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I guess all your obedience and work talk was just a ruse to get him to open up.

Try that talk at the church of christ baptismal picnic next Sunday.

Your previous posts for years show what you trust. If you can't fool me how do you think you can fool God.

You're lost.
You've rejected the simple gospel of Jesus Christ for so long you're probably beyond repentance.

Turn to God, he'll still accept you.
You're so far gone you don't know straight up.
Repentance? What is this you speak of?
You been saying faith alone saves with some grace thrown in.
What in the world?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I believe it was direct revelation from the Holy Spirit.

I believe from direct revelation from the Holy Spirit.
This happened.
But not to you or anyone else living today.
The Bible is very clear that what are stating did not happen to you, and does not happen today.

But hey, believe, baby. Just believe. Ya gotta believe and get that feeeeeeeeeelin'! lol!


Binge Poster
This happened.
But not to you or anyone else living today.
The Bible is very clear that what are stating did not happen to you, and does not happen today.

But hey, believe, baby. Just believe. Ya gotta believe and get that feeeeeeeeeelin'! lol!
I believe you are in no position to testify as to what happened to me.

I do believe God still speaks to and through His creation.


Well-Known Member
This happened.
But not to you or anyone else living today.
The Bible is very clear that what are stating did not happen to you, and does not happen today.

But hey, believe, baby. Just believe. Ya gotta believe and get that feeeeeeeeeelin'! lol!
This happened.
But not to you or anyone else living today.
The Bible is very clear that what are stating did not happen to you, and does not happen today.

But hey, believe, baby. Just believe. Ya gotta believe and get that feeeeeeeeeelin'! lol!