“I believe” statements with Integrity


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
God help me, I’m going to defend Integrity on The just believing part. He likes to post flowery things that he cannot explain so it’s his fault for getting involved in this but Faith is strange.

Hebrews 11:1​

By Faith​

11 Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.

Logically Faith makes no sense. It’s a spiritual belief that Some do not have. I understand both sides. As a fallen and broken person I tend to have less faith. Although I have seen people with strong faith have amazing things happen. Were they just lucky? is there something to it ?that’s the question we all ask inside.
Careful. You're using scripture.
Just BELIEVING is blind and dead faith.
The Bible reveals that faith is not acceptable.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
The Bible also reveals we cannot be saved by our actions. Only grace.
I wonder , since you posted Heb. 11, if Noah had just heard God's word to build an Ark, and decided to not do as he said,(build an Ark) and counted on His grace to keep him afloat. Think that would have worked?
The grace came when God told him what to do.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
I wonder , since you posted Heb. 11, if Noah had just heard God's word to build an Ark, and decided to not do as he said,(build an Ark) and counted on His grace to keep him afloat. Think that would have worked?
The grace came when God told him what to do.
His first response was “what the hell is an Ark?”


Well-Known Member
I wonder , since you posted Heb. 11, if Noah had just heard God's word to build an Ark, and decided to not do as he said,(build an Ark) and counted on His grace to keep him afloat. Think that would have worked?
The grace came when God told him what to do.
To my understanding God would’ve found someone else. Noahs actions did not Guaranteed his salvation either way.
He used a lot of strange people in the Bible to do good stuff.
That is the allure of the stories in the Bible he uses a group of losers, Whores , criminals and miscreants.

So we fit right in I think we’re all going to heaven will be OK


Binge Poster
I’m glad you beat your addiction.
Thank you.
I believe calling alcoholism a disease is a cop out for sympathy. My dad was an alcoholic he did not beat it, it beat him put him in the grave. Having cancer is a disease you have a little control over. To become an alcoholic you make choices and continue making those choices, even after your life is spinning out of control. Patronizing people and telling them “you poor thing you have a disease” is garbage. Running from your problems and going to the bottle makes you an alcoholic or any kind of addiction, wouldn’t matter if it was alcohol or some other drug. IMHO
I have run across some fundamental Christian recovery groups where their school of thought is that alcoholism/addiction is a sin or moral issue if you will.

I respect their right to believe this, however I believe alcoholism/ addiction is a disease or illness if you will.

You are certainly entitled to your belief as well. I hope it works for you.


Well-Known Member
Thank you.

I have run across some fundamental Christian recovery groups where their school of thought is that alcoholism/addiction is a sin or moral issue if you will.

I respect their right to believe this, however I believe alcoholism/ addiction is a disease or illness if you will.

You are certainly entitled to your belief as well. I hope it works for you.
They could legalize every drug in the world it would not matter to me, I don’t have a desire to do them or be addicted.