“I believe” statements with Integrity


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I believe you are in no position to testify as to what happened to me.

I do believe God still speaks to and through His creation.
I didn’t.
The Bible does.
In fact, the Bible calls you a liar.

You can definitely see God’s hand in creation.
He might speak that way but he doesn’t speak through or to you directly .
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Well-Known Member
That’s not the Bible definition of repentance.
Anyway, aren’t you adding to the faith only salvation you been spouting if you add repentance?
No, I'm not adding anything.
I said believe. Don't put words in my mouth.

Ephesians 2:8​

“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:”

Believing is what that God recognizes to bestow His grace.

If you have the stomach, watch this. I'll wait for your critique.
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Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
No, I'm not adding anything.
I said believe. Don't put words in my mouth.

Ephesians 2:8​

“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:”

Believing is what that God recognizes to bestow His grace.

If you have the stomach, watch this. I'll wait for your critique.
Lol! So you didn’t say repentance was necessary for me to DO?
You are one confused man.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King

Here's part 2 if you had enough guts to stomach part 1.

I used all bold this time, you like it so well.
You’re hilarious.
But remember, you gotta believe!
You just do. I mean, really, really , really believe.
When you get that tingle, you know the Holy Spirit has gotcha and buddy look out then.

Then they said to him, “What must we do, to be doing the works of God?” Jesus answered them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in him whom he has sent.” -John 6: 28-29
My oh My...Jesus saith belief/faith was a work! What in the world are we gonna do now?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
You've rejected the simple gospel of Jesus Christ for so long you're probably beyond repentance.
No, I'm not adding anything.
I said believe. Don't put words in my mouth.
I thought you said the simple gospel was just believe?
That's right. You said you didn't add a thing. You know, words in your mouth.
Looks like you added repentance to the simple gospel.
Which side of your hind end are you gonna talk out of tomorrow?


Binge Poster
I didn’t.
You did.
The Bible does.
I don’t believe the Bible is God, you apparently equate the Bible to God.
In fact, the Bible calls you a liar.
I believe a book cannot speak but a God can speak.
You can definitely see God’s hand in creation.
He might speak that way but he doesn’t speak through or to you directly .
Oh but He does. I believe you are sadly mistaken.

You might want to get your nose out of the book and just sit with God.

Talk to Him, Listen for Him.
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Binge Poster
One can say anything. Even good old mom and dad.
And what ever they said had to be right because they said it.
My beliefs don’t line up 100 % with my family but I did receive the foundation of my faith through the oral traditions of my family.

My parents never forced belief on me.

My parents believed in religious freedom.

You don’t seem to do that. Your religion appears to worship your written tradition over a living God.

That is not for me. I am glad it works for you though.


Well-Known Member
My beliefs don’t line up 100 % with my family but I did receive the foundation of my faith through the oral traditions of my family.

My parents never forced belief on me.

My parents believed in religious freedom.

You don’t seem to do that. Your religion appears to worship your written tradition over a living God.

That is not for me. I am glad it works for you though.


Please remove my account. This forum sucks.
With due respect to any and all alcoholism IS a disease. This has been scientifically proven. An alcoholics brain processes alcohol differently from a "normal" brain. Alcohol bring a much greater amount of pleasure to the brain of an alcoholic and also triggers a craving that doesn't occur in the non-alcoholic. These are facts and there is no question this brain malfunction is present in alcoholics. It's also the reason an alcoholic can't just have a single drink without risking relapse.
If you chose to ignore the facts thats OK. I feel a lot of people use their non alcoholic brain to show how superior they are that they can drink and alcoholics are weak. Good for them.


Well-Known Member
With due respect to any and all alcoholism IS a disease. This has been scientifically proven. An alcoholics brain processes alcohol differently from a "normal" brain. Alcohol bring a much greater amount of pleasure to the brain of an alcoholic and also triggers a craving that doesn't occur in the non-alcoholic. These are facts and there is no question this brain malfunction is present in alcoholics. It's also the reason an alcoholic can't just have a single drink without risking relapse.
If you chose to ignore the facts thats OK. I feel a lot of people use their non alcoholic brain to show how superior they are that they can drink and alcoholics are weak. Good for them.
Science you say?

With all due respect I think the jury is still out on the whole scientifically proven aspect.

A disease of choice perhaps, just like any addiction.


Binge Poster
Science you say?

With all due respect I think the jury is still out on the whole scientifically proven aspect.

A disease of choice perhaps, just like any addiction.
I appreciate your point of view.

I believe alcoholism/addiction is a disease but I respect that others may not believe the same as I do and it is possible that they may be right regardless of what I believe.

This doesn’t change my belief that alcoholism/ addiction is a disease.

Red Devil

The Power of Connected
Science you say?

With all due respect I think the jury is still out on the whole scientifically proven aspect.

A disease of choice perhaps, just like any addiction.

Disorder or condition might be a better word.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
My beliefs don’t line up 100 % with my family but I did receive the foundation of my faith through the oral traditions of my family.
From what you write, it might have been a whole lot better for you.
Your religion appears to worship your written tradition over a living God.
Lol. It has appeared to you incorrectly.
My “religion “ doesn’t worship.

Sorry, I have no written tradition.
I do have however the written Word of God. The traditions handed d own by inspired prophets and apostles.
That is not for me.
That’s true. But, it goes without saying. Your comments prove you reject what’s in scripture.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I don’t believe the Bible is God, you apparently equate the Bible to God.
You apparently are wrong. The Bible is God’s Word. Not God.
I believe a book cannot speak but a God can speak.
You’re a fool.
God speaks through His Word.

You might want to get your nose out of the book and just sit with God.
You might want to get your head out of you hind end and recognize “the book “ you refer to is the living, breathing, Word of God, that is sharper than any two edged sword. It and only it contain instructions that are able to save your soul.