“I believe” statements with Integrity


Well-Known Member
You've went full idiot.
Sad, you refuse to have a biblical discussion and maybe learn the truth.
Nite Nite
You never answered one question, you know and I know you have no assurance of salvation.

No skin off my neck, call me full idiot if it makes you feel better.

You still have no assurance.

1 John 5:13​

“These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.”

You don't, that is why you don't.

But you certainly believe in your water baptism and your other "obedience."


Well-Known Member
I believe it took the shed blood of God, in the form of a human being, (born of a virgin sinner named Mary that needed her own redemption) to make me acceptable to God the Father.

I also believe God the Father, full of grace and mercy, (for some reason I can't fathom) wanted fellowship with humans enough to give His son as a sacrifice to make us acceptable to His holiness.

I accept the gift of Grace and Mercy.


Binge Poster
You can't get alcoholism like you can get cancer.
You don't drink cancer or take cancer pills until your body demands you you lie ,cheat, steal, and kill to have it.
There is a point where you have no choice because you have put your body in the place where it must have it to function.
A disease comes with no choice.
Alcoholism/ addiction comes with a choice. Big difference.
I believe alcoholism/addiction is a disease and not a sin.


Binge Poster
You've been posting your warm & fuzziness for a long time. When did you decide to go the God route?
I go the route that I feel God is guiding and leading me.

If you have any topic suggestions. I am open. I love Safety Topics, Safety Committee Topics, and I also love talking about issues related tho the corrupt culture at UPS and in corporate America at large.
They haven't always been so "spritual". IMO you must have hit rock bottom at some recent point no?
No. In my view I hit rock bottom and my life course changed in 1990. I have been on a different path since then.


Well-Known Member
I go the route that I feel God is guiding and leading me.

If you have any topic suggestions. I am open. I love Safety Topics, Safety Committee Topics, and I also love talking about issues related tho the corrupt culture at UPS and in corporate America at large.

No. In my view I hit rock bottom and my life course changed in 1990. I have been on a different path since then.
I’m glad you beat your addiction. I believe calling alcoholism a disease is a cop out for sympathy. My dad was an alcoholic he did not beat it, it beat him put him in the grave. Having cancer is a disease you have a little control over. To become an alcoholic you make choices and continue making those choices, even after your life is spinning out of control. Patronizing people and telling them “you poor thing you have a disease” is garbage. Running from your problems and going to the bottle makes you an alcoholic or any kind of addiction, wouldn’t matter if it was alcohol or some other drug. IMHO
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Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
One day a man went to pick up his prescription at the pharmacy.
He BELIEVED with all his heart it was the amoxicillin the doctor ordered.
The pharmacist filled the bottle with rat poison and he took it home.
But, because he BELIEVED it was amoxicillin, that made it right and ok take.

You believe what you want to believe for whatever reason or feeling you have and that will make it so!
It has always amazed me that people do not BELIEVE this statement in anything (real life, job, etc.) But, when it comes to God and things eternal and spiritual, whatever one BELIEVES it will be fine with God.
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Well-Known Member
Let me guess. You just do.
But nothing else.
Well then, like everything else, that makes it so.LOL!
Let me guess. You just do.
But nothing else.
Well then, like everything else, that makes it so.LOL!
God help me, I’m going to defend Integrity on The just believing part. He likes to post flowery things that he cannot explain so it’s his fault for getting involved in this but Faith is strange.

Hebrews 11:1​

By Faith​

11 Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.

Logically Faith makes no sense. It’s a spiritual belief that Some do not have. I understand both sides. As a fallen and broken person I tend to have less faith. Although I have seen people with strong faith have amazing things happen. Were they just lucky? is there something to it ?that’s the question we all ask inside.


Well-Known Member
One day a man went to pick up his prescription at the pharmacy.
He BELIEVED with all his heart it was the amoxicillin the doctor ordered.
The pharmacist filled the bottle with rat poison and he took it home.
But, because he BELIEVED it was amoxicillin, that made it right and ok take.

You believe what you want to believe for whatever reason or feeling you have and that will make it so! Isn't it great?
Anytime we trust another person we have some faith. And we’ve all been burned to one degree or another.