10 step pay raises


Well-Known Member
Love it when people whine and complain they don't make enough money to fund their 401k or can't afford the insurance benefits, then admit they use sick days for little or no reason instead of taking the 40 hour check every year. If you are sick, by all means, take the days. If you aren't and use them up, what will happen come April or May when you are really sick and are out of days? Or if you get hurt and have to take 5 sick days before workman's comp or short term kicks in. Sounds like you are off without pay.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Love it when people whine and complain they don't make enough money to fund their 401k or can't afford the insurance benefits, then admit they use sick days for little or no reason instead of taking the 40 hour check every year. If you are sick, by all means, take the days. If you aren't and use them up, what will happen come April or May when you are really sick and are out of days? Or if you get hurt and have to take 5 sick days before workman's comp or short term kicks in. Sounds like you are off without pay.
And if so, guess what? It's my problem and not yours.


Well-Known Member
Just give people more to complain about. Can hear the complaints now. "I am out of sick days and now I call in sick and don't get paid". Or. "I got hurt and have to take 5 days off before short term kicks in and I am out of days".


Well-Known Member
When you work in a small station and take a sick day expect a lot of hassle. Last summer when I slipped and fell it took almost a month for pain to go away yet I was back after 8 workdays. The tone in my mgr's voice was getting angry. I came back at the point I could tolerate the pain. And of course several of my coworkers acted like they wanted to spit in my face. About 15 employees, so yeah if one goes out it affects others. Funny how when they call in sick they don't want any questioning of legitimacy. It was at that point I decided to retire, tired of the B.S..
I've experienced this when I was at a small station. People figured it out when I would laugh at them for coming up to me, trying to make me feel guilty for calling in sick.

You really screwed us over.

I didn't screw anyone over. You screwed yourself over if you worked any hard than you usually do. That certainly isn't my fault.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Just give people more to complain about. Can hear the complaints now. "I am out of sick days and now I call in sick and don't get paid". Or. "I got hurt and have to take 5 days off before short term kicks in and I am out of days".
Guess what? I had a surgery early last leave year having to use all my sick days. Never once did I whine like you said above. It was what it was. No sick days so I worked sick. That simple.


Well-Known Member
Just give people more to complain about. Can hear the complaints now. "I am out of sick days and now I call in sick and don't get paid". Or. "I got hurt and have to take 5 days off before short term kicks in and I am out of days".
Must you come on here and complain all the time? Complain, complain, complain, that's all you ever do!:thunderstorm::sochildish::runcirclsmiley2::hapydancsmil::overreactsmiley::tinfoilhatsmile:


Well-Known Member
Guess what? I had a surgery early last leave year having to use all my sick days. Never once did I whine like you said above. It was what it was. No sick days so I worked sick. That simple.
That isn't what you said originally. You said that when you wanted a day off you call in sick. They would not let you off for a personal so you called in sick. Now you mention having surgery and using your sick days. Make up your mind. Do you have more stories to tell? Try the truth this time.
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