10 step pay raises

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
While he has said many things that are, imo ban worthy, I'm not for reporting someone just because I don't like them.

If he says something stupid or is just starting :censored2:, by all means but I like the fact that everyone here has a voice. Even if I don't often or ever agree with that voice.
I don't have a problem with someone who disagrees with me. I often learn from that discourse. But vile, obnoxious, offensive, sexist, racist diatribe?? Ban them!


Well-Known Member
I don't have a problem with someone who disagrees with me. I often learn from that discourse. But vile, obnoxious, offensive, sexist, racist diatribe?? Ban them!
I totally agree. As I said, oldguy has done enough to warrant a timeout, imo.

That said, me personally, I won't hit report on every comment he makes, in hope a mod will ban him. If it's report worthy, fine.

Route 66

Slapped Upside-da-Head Member
Now, in regards to the upcoming fight between van and oldfart - I trust you guys'll pass the "where and when" on to the rest of us once ya hammer out all the details. I would most definitely travel to see that. What the hell, I'll even gladly bang in sick!


Well-Known Member
Now, in regards to the upcoming fight between van and oldfart - I trust you guys'll pass the "where and when" on to the rest of us once ya hammer out all the details. I would most definitely travel to see that. What the hell, I'll even gladly bang in sick!
Someone needs to YouTube that for me. My passport is expired!


Well-Known Member
There's a difference between replacing a trickle, and everyone up and quitting on them. You keep telling the unhappy to quit. If everyone who was unhappy did that the company couldn't operate. More than likely at this point with the new pay plan that wouldn't happen. But I transferred around enough to know back when we were getting 2% raises that the majority of employees were very unhappy. If they did what you keep saying they should do the company would have had to shut it's doors.
2% raises made you mad? EVERYTHING made you mad. I don't recall reading 1 happy or positive post from you. You seem to be unhappy from the moment you wake up till the time you go to bed. Very sad.


Well-Known Member
2% raises should make you mad too. Too bad you don't realize that inflation outpaces 2% most of the time. Bummer.
Can't live in the past. 2% raises went out years ago. I got 3% for bout 3 years in a row. Last raise was 4% or so. Same as the next will be next October if memory serves me right. Besides, you didn't finish my original post. EVERYTHING makes tex mad. He could have gotten 6% every year and he would be upset. Just can't make some people happy.


Well-Known Member
2% raises made you mad? EVERYTHING made you mad. I don't recall reading 1 happy or positive post from you. You seem to be unhappy from the moment you wake up till the time you go to bed. Very sad.
I was extremely happy that I never worked with you. But seriously, you think at $18.17hr after 14 years I should be perfectly content? Topped out couriers were making close to that 12 years before. That also meant smaller contributions from company into the 401k and portable pension. Went all year without calling in sick? Much smaller sick day bonus than top out. Oh, but we did pay the same for insurance on much less pay. And when we were getting 2% raises, you were getting 3% on higher pay. So not only were we not catching you, top out was pulling away while starting pay was catching up to us. But knowing you were doing well should have been enough for us, huh?


Well-Known Member
Can't live in the past. 2% raises went out years ago. I got 3% for bout 3 years in a row. Last raise was 4% or so. Same as the next will be next October if memory serves me right. Besides, you didn't finish my original post. EVERYTHING makes tex mad. He could have gotten 6% every year and he would be upset. Just can't make some people happy.
Well if they had given 6% a year I would've like to have had the chance to see if it made me unhappy.


Well-Known Member
Now, in regards to the upcoming fight between van and oldfart - I trust you guys'll pass the "where and when" on to the rest of us once ya hammer out all the details. I would most definitely travel to see that. What the hell, I'll even gladly bang in sick!
Working on getting on the undercard of Mayweather vs. McGregor. Calling it the "Get Your Snacks Before the Next Fight" fight. "Captain Oblivious Goes Down" wasn't accepted by the boxing commission.


Well-Known Member
In other words you've got no justification for what they did to us but you love them so much you'll never admit they did anything wrong. That's it in a nutshell.
You in a nutshell. A tool that whines moans and bitches every day. All 6'7" 290 lbs of you.


Catching up was nice until oldfart started back up. I reported one post of yours, oldfart, for hostile remarks.

Last couple pages of yours, oldfart, have been childish. Good day