Seems like everyone here has jumped to a conclusion. No the freight side is not under the master freight agreement. Alot of the guys at freight do not expect to jump right up to where you are in pay, or even some of benefits. But, for some of you to treat us like a red headed step child is beyond me. UPS freight isn't making the big profits because of the poor drivers. And I know I will catch crap for this one,,,,lol...the 2 can't even be compared. Yes you guys do bust your balls with all the stops, but they bust their balls also. They do not have the luxury of stopping 50 yards away when traffic is bad or something else is happening to make their delivery, they are the mercy of who is front of them and we might only have 1 or maybe 2 doors they can unload in. So you can't compare stops. You just cannot run the operations the same which is what they are trying to do. How about just accepting they just want to get to where you guys are in a contract or 2. I will give credit to UPS that for the most part they do have you guys down to a science. They didn't get there with freight yet, but its not the drivers fault. They get the same numbers crap that you guys do and they are short handed as well. I still believe that if small pak and freight do not start coming together, UPS will divide and conquer. As far as backing you up if your on strike, I think the drivers would back you up. IF THEY GET THE CHANCE! remember your CBA is different then freights. Just food for thought.......ok, I'm done, now you can let me have