Well-Known Member
diesel.....I was relaying a case where the Company was fighting the Teamsters contract violations. The "John" in my story commited the illeagle act while he was being paid to honor the Contract by performing the duties he was contractually obligated to do. He violated that Contract. Do you honestly believe that Teamsters never violate the contract?. That a Teamster never takes more than the contractual lunch and break time? That a Teamster never takes an unaproved "short cut" instead of the method he was taught and instructed to do? That a Teamster never drives unsafely? That a Teamster never spends more than the required amount of time with a customer? That a Teamster never falsifies the records?
According to Griff it's only the Company that violates the contract, and the hourly is unfairly treated. It's been my experience in the 32 years I worked for UPS that the most vocal and outspoken hourly has more than a few things hiden in their closet, and when revealed, the hourly claims he is being unfairly treated.
What's your point? I really suggest you go back and reread the post, you're way off target. There's accountability for us on every level and thanks to weak union members there is none for you. It's your job as a manager to hold us accountable for those violations you listed. Are you actually trying to sell the idea that management "looks the other way" in regards to a driver violating those things you listed? What a damn joke. I have a 2nd job at UPS and that's to ensure the contract is being honored in every way. This kind of attitude scares management, at least bad managers that have to violate the contract, they want obedient workers who don't question anything.
ups_vette said:Griff seams to forget, or just dosen't care, that both Company and Teamsters have areas they both agreed to comply with.
Try reading a post before hitting reply, amateur.Griff said:It's time to force UPS and the Teamsters to uphold and adhere to the contracts in which they ink and therefore agree to.