You don't even have the sense you were born with. You're making ridiculous assumptions about my personal life in almost every post you make. This is part of the reason I ignored you for months on end, you make outlandish assaults and assumptions on people's person. You brazenly mock people and often stoop to the level of shouting empty stereotypes that have no foundation. Managers should be thoroughly embarrassed by your voice and presence on this website. It stands for one track mind thinking, ignorance and the ever-present "do as i say, not as i do" attitude that so many bad managers have at UPS. You look for the worst in union employees, this much is clear from your posts, so what delusional state are you in that leads you to believe you have the high ground here?
You have no idea what kind of a person I am. You might think you know, because of your prejudice, but you have no idea. Money isn't everything, which is probably why I won't be around to collect my pension from UPS. Like I said before, I'm a right fighter, I stand up to scumbags like yourself whenever you feel the need to posture up at me. I'm not afraid to lose this job and that makes me dangerous, you guys depend on being able to dangle the employment carrot in front of these peoples faces. That flag doesn't fly around these parts, you're either going to do what's right or you'll suffer the consequences. Simple as that.