Another one bites the dust....


Staff member
As a Christian, I can say that the church is full of hypocrisy and has gone away from true biblical teachings. It's more interested in making you feel good so you can give more money to the church. Money is spent on building a bigger more modern building. The pastors salary has gone up as well, because they live in a big house, children go to private school and drive a new car. The church has been going on for about 1955 years and still we have a number of denominations. One would think that we should have gotten closer to truth and have less teachings. Every denomination: Baptist,Methodist,Reform is reluctant to teach anything that is against what they have learned in seminary school.Obviously someone is teaching falsely.
It's the whole freedom of religion thing, no? People can believe what they want, and if they're not happy with one church they'll find another that they think is a better "fit".


Well-Known Member
As a Christian, I can say that the church is full of hypocrisy and has gone away from true biblical teachings. It's more interested in making you feel good so you can give more money to the church. Money is spent on building a bigger more modern building. The pastors salary has gone up as well, because they live in a big house, children go to private school and drive a new car. The church has been going on for about 1955 years and still we have a number of denominations. One would think that we should have gotten closer to truth and have less teachings. Every denomination: Baptist,Methodist,Reform is reluctant to teach anything that is against what they have learned in seminary school.Obviously someone is teaching falsely.

I think the church and its teachings are sound. What individuals in the church do on their journey is really irrelevant to my life.
Whether my life has been a good one or bad one is not dictated by whether some minister has secretly been having gay relationships.


Well-Known Member
This is not exactly on the same point as Jones original context but it does raise IMO where gays for whatever reason hide out of plain sight and at the same time appear what some might call anti-gay. In this case I speak of SCOTUS nominee Kagan and a piece written by Alexander Cockburn for Counterpunch. Kagan will be a very interesting case because 1) under allegations she might be gay, rt. wing christians might have to hold their noses as her record in their muslim crusade is very strong 2) liberal Obama supporters who hold strong civil libertarian ideals might have to look the other way so they can remain a true team player and 3) gays might have to walk away from this case of outing in order to gain political payoff elsewhere.

It's odd that here is a nomines who controls such diverging vested interests who on the outside appear so opposed to one another. Neither Kagan nor Sotomayor represent some vast departure from the status quo so it will be fun to watch as the vested interests dance the Washington Two Step as this process continues. Outcome? Kagan sits on the bench come October!

As to the hypocrisy of the George Rekers? Christian history as in all religions is loaded with hypocrisy of all types so this lastest revelation comes as no surprise either. We scream today about how jihadists would instill a non-thinking, religionist totalitarianism on conquered peoples and yes in some cases this is true (Wahhabism for example) but we ignore our own christian history and it's own totaliterianism and in many respects if one wanted to see ourselves prior to the enlightenment period, one only need look to certain quarters in the Middle East today?


Well-Known Member
I was simply remarking on your story selection. You apparently expose yourself to news sources that highlight fallen conservatives
I thought your story selection here mirrored the bias in media that continues to take place.

You should subscribe to more conservative news sources.

Christian=gay hmmm..... Does that mean that anyone that does anything bad that is affiliated w/ a group your in that the represent the whole?

Since you guys have so many unfounded hang ups on bias media....or shall I point out it goes both ways :

Who owns the WSJ ? And what's being implied here ? What if your daughter express her interest in playing softball and legal studies ? Seems as if the right decided, "you must be a Lesbian"....IMO This is a slap in the face to ALL women who ever played softball competetively

By the way it thought it was the Catholics that did the gay thing? :funny:

Try the pedophlia thing, which is punishable by law with the exception of being a Priest... Which we are still waiting for some to be prosecuted starting at the top. IMO The Catholic Church is guilty of harboring criminals...Last time I checked, the religious gay couple living down the street have not been arrested yet for being gay, just procecuted for being Religious....I just request they keep their blinds shut....

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Another Congressman Flames Out

He should rejoice not slither away in shame. Take a 10 year sabbatical, work the chicken dinner circuit, sucker the morons and come back as a possible presidential candidate. It's a proven strategy that has shown again to work!

Until we choose on principle rather than power, no matter who we send up, it will always end in a train wreck with "the people" being left with the mess to clean up and pay for!

Another politician playing hide the sausage...this seems to be a common thread in Washington. That is part of the problem...they are to busy screwing around instead of working for the people.

Here is another brewing controversy that is even more disgusting...lieing about his military service:


golden ticket member
That Blumenthal from CT. is a real piece of work....claiming he served in Viet Nam and never set foot there. It was also reported numerous times in various papers that he was a Viet Nam vet and he never made a move to correct that info.

So, today at his news conference he has other vets trying to cover him.....what a jackhole !!
No Mazal for you !

Lue C Fur

Evil member
That Blumenthal from CT. is a real piece of work....claiming he served in Viet Nam and never set foot there. It was also reported numerous times in various papers that he was a Viet Nam vet and he never made a move to correct that info.

So, today at his news conference he has other vets trying to cover him.....what a jackhole !!
No Mazal for you !

He did a nice job skirting the reporters questions and they wanted to ask him more but he abruptly left. What a total POS.


Staff member
Supposedly some veteran's groups are standing by Blumenthal and his claims that he just "misspoke" on a few occasions, I assume because he has always been a solid supporter of veteran's issues. The NY Times story is disturbing though. Bottom line is if this guy was actively lying about his service he needs to go, there's not many things lower than stealing the laurels of the men who fought and died for their country.

As far as Marc Souder goes, all I can say is "typical". It's always these family values crusader types.


golden ticket member
This guy (Blumenthal) has had since 2004 to correct the language that appeared in various newspapers. All he had to do was say, "Hey wait a minute, I was a Marine, but never went to Nam."

But he let it go many times and even spoke as if he believed it himself.....oh boy, we don't need another delusional politician. Take a hike,liar !!

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Served In Vietnam
By Oliver North

What Richard Blumenthal has been doing through much of his public career is to walk on the backs of those who really did serve in Vietnam – and falsely build affinity with those who serve today.

A hero is a person who puts him or herself at risk for the benefit of others. That certainly characterizes anyone who donned a uniform and went to war, voluntarily put themselves in harm’s way in our armed forces and those who serve or served far from home in difficult or dangerous circumstances. That’s an apt description of those with whom I served in Vietnam. That’s not Richard Blumenthal, the Attorney General of Connecticut, who wants to be his state’s next United States Senator. He’s a phony.

According to The New York Times, the Associated Press and just about every other news outlet on the planet, Mr. Blumenthal has made a habit of portraying himself as a veteran of the Vietnam War. He is quoted as having told a Connecticut veteran’s group in March of 2008, “We have learned something important since the days I served in Vietnam…” He has also emotionally recalled being “spat on” and “we couldn’t wear our uniforms” when “we returned from Vietnam.” On other occasions he has reflected on “…the taunts, the insults, sometimes physical abuse” he suffered after coming back from Vietnam. At a 2003 rally in Bridgeport, Conn. to support U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan he said, “When we returned, we saw nothing like this…” Unfortunately for Mr. Blumenthal, we now know he never served in Vietnam. He has known it all along.

In fairness to Mr. Blumenthal, he did indeed enlist in the Marine Corps Reserve in 1970 – after receiving at least five draft deferments. He apparently made it through Marine “Boot Camp” at Parris Island, S.C. – no mean feat. The publicly available record shows that after completing Basic Training he never deployed overseas but he did fulfill his obligated service in a Washington, D.C. – based Civil Affairs detachment and a Motor Transport unit in Connecticut. That entitles him to wear the same Eagle, Globe and Anchor that adorns my uniform. But that doesn’t give him the right to demean the service of the young Marines and Navy Corpsmen with whom I served in that long ago, far away war – or those from the present fight who have volunteered to go in harm’s way.

Mr. Blumenthal’s lies about his service aren’t simply a problem of “misspeaking” as he now claims or just a matter of padding his résumé. What he has been doing through much of his public career is to walk on the backs of those who really did serve in Vietnam – and falsely build affinity with those who serve today.
In the 1990s, Oregon Republican Congressman Wes Cooley, who falsely claimed he had served in the Korean War, was thrown out of office by his constituents after being caught up in his lies. Indiana Republican Congressman Mark Souder resigned just this week when his extra-marital affair was revealed. These men are no greater charlatans or frauds than Mr. Blumenthal. It’s hard to imagine how the people of Connecticut would want a hypocrite like Mr. Blumenthal to be seated in the same U.S. Senate with a real American hero like Virginia’s Senator Jim Webb. Perhaps Democrats just have a higher tolerance for deceit.


Staff member
That first line by Ollie got me. Forget Blumenthal. Try Cheney/Limbaugh and the rest of the chickenhawks and get back to me.:happy2:
This guy (Blumenthal) has had since 2004 to correct the language that appeared in various newspapers. All he had to do was say, "Hey wait a minute, I was a Marine, but never went to Nam."

But he let it go many times and even spoke as if he believed it himself.....oh boy, we don't need another delusional politician. Take a hike,liar !!
I'm thinking being delusional is a prerequisite to being a politician (regardless of the letter after their name).
That first line by Ollie got me. Forget Blumenthal. Try Cheney/Limbaugh and the rest of the chickenhawks and get back to me.:happy2:
To my knowledge neither Cheney nor Limbaugh has built their careers on stating they served in any wars. Apples/Oranges.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Al Gore and Tipper......done after 40 years together !! No global warming there, I guess.

Tipper found out that Al was not just lieing about Global Warming....

Got to wonder if it will turn into a nasty divorce since they are worth millions from the lies and misinformation Al spewed. Maybe it will get nasty and Tipper will come out with something juicey on Al....