If I didnt know you better, your post sounds like only hourly should serve in the military, and never management.
The way you look at things, then that would mean that the doctor at the ER should stay here, and let someone else go. After all, qualified doc are hard to find and ER doc esp. Then of course since we have 2 ER docs from the same hospital, well heck, we cant allow that, who would staff our ER. And I know they dont allow docs to work over 6-8 hours, heaven forbid!
So where would your litmus test stop? Should our district manager go if called or is he just to valuable to let go for the year abroad? As to the docs, how can you justify taking them out of their 500,000 grand jobs and tossing them into an area where they can only make 45,000?
So really, that statement should never been stated, and I am offended by the manager that did. Shame on him/her. As far as coverage goes to cover your slot in your building, the way I understand it there is a bucket full of "unasigned" sups in all districts. That would be a good place to start looking for bodies to cover management that gets sent over seas.
Of course if you insist on only us hourly serving their country...........