


From Teamster web page message board...UPS issues;

"On Friday, at work, teamsters reps were handing out a copy of notice given to UPS, regarding a 72 hour notice to strike. The issues were the companies firing of employees for non-cardinal rule infractions. It was based on cases returned from panel, in which the arbitrator ruled that the employees were to be returned to work, but the company refused. It involved Cal, AZ, Utah, but will affect all western conference teamsters. Was told by local stewards, that we would know this week (presumably Monday)if pickett lines would go up."

Anyone heard any more on this?


Is this true? UPS had been firing people with no hearing? This has to be stopped!


ewave was fired because he couldn't cut it at UPS. Let's not forget that...

We work there because it's a highly respected job with high wages and good benefits. If you worked there and your goal was to "beat" the company did you'd be beating yourself out of a job...


I just received the following email and thought perhaps someone reading this would have some information:
Is there any information on a major hazmat spill in the Phoenix hub that occured 4/28? The confirmed material was Mercury


Tribal mentality is a great description of the way some of the teamsters look at the world. Motivate through fear, ostricize those that won't accept the teamster philosophy. Threaten with violence and intimidate members into believing that you are protecting them from a big bad enemy.

It's a great analogy.


As compared to an all caring, protective,provding employer?One who would gladly offer full time workers fulltime wages and benefits of their own free will?Even if you are in management, you should thank the unions of this country, for the 40 hour/5 day workweek.And your vacations and benefits. Do you think corporate America would have given up profit, for your well being? Proud to be a TEAMSTER!


Another True DMV Story
After spending 3-1/2 hours enduring the long lines, surly clerks and insane regulations at the Department of Motor Vehicles, I stopped at a toy store to pick up a gift for my son. I brought my selection - a baseball bat - to the cash register.

"Cash or charge?" the clerk asked.

"Cash," I snapped. Then apologizing for my rudeness, I explained, "I've spent the afternoon at the motor-vehicle bureau."

"Shall I giftwrap the bat?" the clerk asked sweetly. "Or are you going back there?"


Are you implying that the Teamsters are an all caring, protective,providing union? Have you heard about all the theft and corruption by certain individuals in the Teamsters?

Organizations are made up of people. In every organization there are at least a few individuals that will undoubtedly do things that are unethical or below the standards that the organization as a whole hope to meet.

Both UPS and the Teamsters set certain standards for their employees but it's simply not possible to expect every person in an organization to meet them. It's not accurate to characterize either the company or the union as entirely good or evil based on the actions of a few individuals in a limited number of situations. The world is much more complex than that. That's my main problem with the us against them mentality that seems so prevalent on this board lately.

It just not that simple...


I agree Cheryl, no organization is perfect. In a perfect world,management and labor could work together to attain a specific goal. Unfortunately, it is not a perfect world. Corporations have one goal, maximum profit, and to that end, do what they can to meet that goal. I do understand that principle. On the other hand,since the time of my great grandfather, the only organizations working and speaking up for the working man, has been the trade unions.I have been on both sides of the management/labor table in my 37 years of work. The IBT, even with all it's past wrong doings, has done more for it's members, than any business would have done on it's own for it's workers. That is simply a fact of economics. So, it is , by necessity , an us v. them situation.If corporations would live up to their contractual agreements, perhaps there wouldn't be so much decisiveness.Sorry if I seem hard headed, but experience tells me, we need the IBT to keep the companies from total disregard for negotiated contracts.


The problem with the IBT "too me" is that you don't have a unverisal contract. With each local being able to negotiate their own contract. It causes confusion to what the rules are. In this confusion people being train in new management areas at UPS can make mistakes. I truly believe that most teamster and UPS management are good people. Just doing their job and can't wait to get back home to their families. Where life is really important.
I would love to discuss this further and other topics... but my "yard areobics" is calling me.
Hope to talk to you soon.
PS... Cheryl.. thanks for letting me be a member
Ewave give it up!


Are you sure that you aren't just trying to alarm people?

Could it be that posting threats and supporting the division between organized labor and corporate management is how you get some feeling of self importance and power in your life?



I disagree with your point that historicaly the union's only concern for the working man. Many in union management are in it for the power and not because they are worried about you. They seek political power and exploit the fear of their rank and file members to their own personal financial and professional benefit.


Family rumor has it that a package containing mecury from Pittsburg went thru Chicago Cache and a hazmat team was brought in to do clean up there. Hazmat is very efficient, they closed down a few doors and trailers to eliminate all possible contamination. Family rumor also said that more of these packages continued on to Arizona and Hazmat traced the packages to Arizona. No mention of packages being broken in Arizona. I'm guessing! but, it was probably hazmat following the above shipment and checking the packages for damage and possible repackaging needs... I must say again I'm only guessing on what happened in Arizona. If anyone has any more information... I would love to hear it.


Didn't say their only concern was the working man, I said they were the only ones working and speaking up for the working man.As with any organization, politics drives unions too. Power is power, no matter if it is in management, unions or congress. And those that lead,have a natural desire to gain more power.However, if they fail to address the needs of their power base, they don't remain in power long. Yes the Teamsters have had their problems, as any union has, but without the Teamsters, ( and Jim Casey's original invitation to the teamsters to represent his workers), how many of the benefits and wage increases do you suppose we would be enjoying today? And how many of our negotiated benefits that the company matches for management, would they enjoy?
People love to bash the unions, but look past our borders, to countries with no unions. Sub-standard wages, excessive hours, poor working conditions, child labor exploitation..and where does corporate America open new operations to gain a cost advantage? Is this the working environment those who oppose trades unions would like to return to? I for one will always suppport trade unions, for they are the reason we have the standard of living we enjoy today.


How can telling the truth be posting a threat. I checked out the Teamster site, and there it is in black and white. Your way out in left field somewhere.


I checked the teamster site too and there is no mention of anything about it. I did see it on the board but it could have been posted by anyone just to get everyone agitated. The official teamster site didn't mention it at all.



Do you work for UPS or the Union?

You are quick to bash UPS and like to do public relations work for the union. I get the impression that you are a union spokesman.


I am an hourly UPS employee AND a Teamster, they go hand in hand lest you forget.We are all union spokespersons.I just speak up when I see an abuse of the contract or law.I believe that is still my God given right?



Looks like all the original poster was asking, is if anyone had heard anymore on this? I too am curious.


Do we really need this topic..."STRIKE" ??? I wish everone (and I do mean everyone) could just enjoy the prosperity instead of "some" feeling like they have to "posture" for one side or the other. I thought by now that we all realized that management cannot make the company go forward alone, and the Teamsters cannot govern the board and sign the checks each week. WE ARE IN THIS TOGETHER.... for better or worse. Happy trails to all.