


I agree seahorse. I never could quite understand the vicious "us vs. them" mentality. Sometimes, the more radical comments sound like they want to shut down UPS, but doesn't that also mean they'd be jobless?
I am a Former CWA member, but never felt the hatred for my company that is expressed by some of the teamsters on these posts.



Thank you for cutting through all the crap and making it clear to everyone that we all need to work together. After all these years we should have learned that us against them thinking doesn't help anyone.


Funny you would mention god in your post JBul because if he was posting to this board he would tell you to turn the other cheek, forgive and forget etc. Most people I see with your venom have thier own power trip that their on.


I just speak up when I see an abuse of the contract or law

A quick follow up do you speak up when you see a teamster abuse the contract but not giving a fair days work for their fair days pay?


So Jbul, I gather from your posts that you earn a good wage, work for a good company, and for the most part are satisfied with your lot in life, correct? Please give part of the credit for your fiscal well being to the "corporation" that seeks maximum profit. You can't have it both ways. We can certainly all get along, (better than we do now), but unfortunately somebody has to watch the numbers; all the numbers... the packages, the stops, the miles, the check in time, etc, etc. Happy investing to all.


I fully agree. Let's all work together, abide by the contract and the law. Then we can all do our jobs to the best of our abilities. But that is a pipe dream. Just look at the track record. If management would stop trying to skirt the issues, and follow the agreements made, employee moral would improve. I use to look forward to going into work everyday. But it seems that since the buyout,there is no direction anymore. Management hops from this crisis to that crisis, and never solves anything.This part-time to full time jobs deal, did nothing to improve morale. Everyone sees it as another fight we thought was over,needing to be fought again.This last contract could have brought some real peace, but instead ,management went on a revenge kick for awhile, further eroding morale. And after this full time jobs arbitration, it was like night and day, and we are now into another revenge mode.I have no problem with the company choosing how the business is run, and I try to do my part . But when procedures are changed week to week with no obvious reason, one tends to think no one is guiding the ship.
As one example,we are now in a "pull on time" push.But when we watch a feeder supe, close a trailer door and say , this trailer is getting pulled "NOW", and a hub supe opening the door back up and saying no it isn't, and then they stand there yelling at each other for 10 minutes..."Who is steering this ship?" and where the hell is it going? Either, we are pulling on time and living with the overflows, or we aren't, but make up your minds. Don't put us in the middle of your indicision.

Oh,and you can can the FMLA savior thing, there are people interested ,whether you are or not.



I did turn the other cheek. But management slapped that one too. That's when I got pissed , and filed a complaint with Employement Standards Division.If UPS had just followed the law,there would have been no problem, I needed FMLA leave, I had the proper medical certification from my doctor. If they had a question, they had remidies,i.e, have medical dept. talk to my doctor for more info, or send me for a second opinion. They chose to ignore the law. So I got a second certification, at my own expense. Still they chose to ignore the law..So what was I to do, just quit and say thank you? I got a lawyer!Then they seemed to understand the law.I'm not turning anymore cheeks.


A quick reply.You are management, not me. I don't hire and fire.



I give full credit to a good living,working for UPS.I am very satisfied with my live,(except I could do without the long hours :-) ),but I'll live through that too.I really have no problem with someone checking the numbers, as long as the numbers are real, and if a man is doing the job,why mess with him.I guess my only gripe is, I see that things could be better, if we all operated by the same rules.I'll keep my side of the contract, you keep yours, I'm happy.

We have a negotiated contract,follow it.
We have laws, follow them.
If I go out and get a speeding ticket,you tell me to obey the law.


I have seen exactly what Jbul refers to on pull times. Being in a different department I found it incredible to think that we would not hold a trailer for a few more minutes to assure that shippment integrity was not scrutinized.
But lets think for a minute where these directives oringinate from? Surely you wouldn't expect a Divey to come in at 2:30 or whenever the pull time was to find out what the problems were. Sure they'll come in for ONE NIGHT, for a few hours, after, of course they feed themselves and put a PLAN together just to give everyone a showing of support. And just like Murphy's law, everything runs smoothly the FEW hours they are there. No, they need a week or two of full shifts to really get a feel for the operation and to see the REAL problems so they can go and report them to the region, then to the corporate guru's.
99.99999% of the people who create on this site are the grunts who make UPS run. I'll bet that corporate doesn't even know this site exists. They probably don't care. But what concerns me is all the hard work put in by most UPSers and you see a posting like the one I saw a few days ago with a signoff of 4 numbers........2002. An ominous sign or wishful thinking on his or her part?
Jbul you are right in some ways while others are right too. And it's nice to see that we do agree to others disagreements.
As far as people getting fired without a hearing, it happens. But the due process always works in the end --- for or against, depending on which side you're on.
With that I'll close.


The service quality vs. time allowed conflict exists in all service businesses. Do the work efficiently and yet make sure that the service is excellent. How do you do it perfectly? You can't, that seems to be lost on some people that don't work in the operation and only see their production numbers.

This balancing act will continue until the end of time. It will always be slightly leaning to one side or the other depending on the big kahuna of the hour's preference.


A typical answer from a certified company hater Jbul you speak of the holy grail the contract. You wring your hands and wail when the contract is not followed to the tee yet you look the other way and cop out when your union brothers do not follow the contract.


Maybe it is because of you and others like you in management,that view the contract with disdain, that we have this us v. they problem. It is a fair contract, negotiated by UPS and the IBT. You sound like some of the supes in my building, that had a real problem with the settlement of the contract. Perhaps you should look in the mirror. I don't hate UPS, I hate some of the things that go on at UPS. Mainly from management people who hate the union,and try to make end runs around the contract.Just one more reason we need a strong IBT.


jbul you have to say that there are guys that you work with that abuse the contract to. It happens on both sides of the contract.


Yes ,I agree, there are workers that abuse the contract. But that is up to management to take care of, and don't expect me to be their ears and eyes. I don't hire or fire.You wanna catch somebody goofin off, get out from behind your desk and go catch them.


The point is again JBul that if you want Management to follow the contract you should expect your brothers to do the same. When some of your brothers dont pull their fair share they make it that much harder on the rest.I dont want you to rat on anyone but at the same time if you promote pride in union labor then you should apply a little peer pressure on those that give union labor a black eye.



OK, let's put this same shoe on your foot. How many lazy supes you know? We have one who can't even make it to the gate on a feeder OJS without falling asleep.Then he tries to tell us how many times we checked both mirrors. To damn funny.
How many of your co-workers have an obvious alcohol problem. You turn them in?
How many of your co-workers have you turned in because they are incompetent? How many of your co-workers have you seen go off on an employee to extreme. Have you taken him aside and used some peer pressure? Told him you can't talk to people that way?
Clean up your own blackeyes, then come back and we'll talk.


It's really sad to read about this "enforce the contract" zealotry. These confrontations serve no purpose other than to make going to work a living hell. More often than not, problems get created where none existed. Personally, I know if I have a problem, I'm confident I can talk it out with the involved parties. This works just fine for me.