I fully agree. Let's all work together, abide by the contract and the law. Then we can all do our jobs to the best of our abilities. But that is a pipe dream. Just look at the track record. If management would stop trying to skirt the issues, and follow the agreements made, employee moral would improve. I use to look forward to going into work everyday. But it seems that since the buyout,there is no direction anymore. Management hops from this crisis to that crisis, and never solves anything.This part-time to full time jobs deal, did nothing to improve morale. Everyone sees it as another fight we thought was over,needing to be fought again.This last contract could have brought some real peace, but instead ,management went on a revenge kick for awhile, further eroding morale. And after this full time jobs arbitration, it was like night and day, and we are now into another revenge mode.I have no problem with the company choosing how the business is run, and I try to do my part . But when procedures are changed week to week with no obvious reason, one tends to think no one is guiding the ship.
As one example,we are now in a "pull on time" push.But when we watch a feeder supe, close a trailer door and say , this trailer is getting pulled "NOW", and a hub supe opening the door back up and saying no it isn't, and then they stand there yelling at each other for 10 minutes..."Who is steering this ship?" and where the hell is it going? Either, we are pulling on time and living with the overflows, or we aren't, but make up your minds. Don't put us in the middle of your indicision.
Oh,and you can can the FMLA savior thing, there are people interested ,whether you are or not.