


I have been with UPS for almost seventeen years, in this time I have witnessed many problems with our payroll systems.
I believe strongly that in order to serve the public with excellent service we must always learn how to serve each other first.
Our payroll systems are antiquated, it will take time and money to create and implement a more efficient system.
The question for the organization at large is, will this be considered an investment that can or will bring a return to the business or is this considered just another cost item to be deferred to some later date?


Because you have never seen it, felt it, or heard it , it does not exist. I don't take grupsdude problems as extravagant exaggeration,I figure he has a major problem going on. Hopefully, with enough grievances on his behalf, UPS will get his checks straightened out. One could only hope that you someday feel the pain, of mailing your mortgage payment in, only to find that your pay is wrong and your check is going to bounce.


I would have to agree. While the majority of our people get paid properly each week there are some who we frustratingly screw up on. The majority of these from what I have seen are the ones who work different classifications in one week. Our system is not kind to these folks and our payroll clerks do not put the controls in to make sure all the bases are covered.


Anyone having these kind of problems should request that their pay be corrected within the 2 working days allowed by the contract,and if the pay isn't adjusted in that time period, a grievance should be filed to collect the 1/2 days extra pay, as provided for in the contract. UPS tends to take corrective action on problems that start to cost them money.


I'm looking for the UPS Porsche models, anyone know where I could purchase a a few of them?


For sale:
1/25 scale die cast 1905 delivery car bank made by ERTL

Will trade for UPS plane item


I heard this one again today from a operations manager. He said it came from a good source. This rumor just won't die.


From: Dom 2465

I've been a loyal employee for 13 years not taking many days off. I'm a friend/t driver in bklyn, the other day my father had a mild stroke thank God he's doing ok but it will take time for a full recovery. I call in sick for 3 day too see my father in the hospital, and on the 3rd day i got a hard time saing they were down 5 loads. I tried getting some light work at night
such as car washer or any thing like that so I could spend time with my father. This fell on deaf ears, went as far as the district manger.

This came from an AOL message board. As you can see, people do need to be informed about FMLA. This person is being told to come back to work or else. Hope he takes the following suggestion:

Ask for Family and Medical Leave, if your father needs your assistance in his recovery. You may be eligible for a block amount of time, or intemittant leave to help in his recovery. Discuss it with his doctors too, as they will need to fill out the medical certification. UPS has a habit of not informing employees that they qualify , or may qualify under
the Family and Medical Leave Act. Good luck to you, and a speedy recovery for your Dad.


Software AG Says Italians, UPS to Use Flagship Tamino Product

Italian software companies Winsome Italia SpA and Enter SRL will form a partnership with UPS to implement a logistics system for e-IMPULSIVE.IT. The logistics system will be based on Software AG's Tamino product, the company said in a statement faxed to news organizations.

Software AG also said two Italian software developers, Uniteam SpA and TXT e-solutions SpA, are developing computer programs by adapting Software AG products. A third company, IT Way SpA, started selling Software AG's electronic business products.


Don't mean to pour cold water on your good deeds Jbul, but while we are on the subject, I have a tip which may help union members if one plans to take extended leave: make sure you ask your union about obtaining a withdrawal card because chances are you will be billed for back dues while you are not working. A fellow co-worker of mine learned this the hard way, as she recently returned from 4 months of pregnancy leave. This is money, which could have spent for diapers, instead of back dues.


Good point 2cents...but one must be sure that by taking a withdrawl card, your health and welfare will continue to be paid by UPS. Check with your local as to your supplemental agreements and group insurance policy. $45.00 a month union dues is cheap, compared to having to provide your own insurance while off, even under COBRA. If you are on FMLA leave, then UPS must continue paying your coverage.


MIAMI (AP) _ In a ruling that challenges online anonymity, a Florida appeals court declared Monday that Internet service providers must divulge the identities of people who post defamatory messages on the Internet.


You may be disappointed to hear this but you can't use this ruling to threaten anyone that disagrees with you or becomes frustrated and blows off a little steam and calls you a name. Defamatory messages would have to be specific, such as a thread that contains the individuals name or other identifying information.

By posting this here are you implying that there are situations that fall under the defamation ruling on this board or other UPS boards? I've never seen anything even close to that, even the ewave threads don't go that far.


I only posted it FYI. But then I guess your a lawyer, and we don't have to worry about it.....


Guest about calling names...

A lawyer is about as low as you could go : )

This board is here to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and I am concerned that the threatening nature of your post will discourage people from participating. A good debate is much more informative than most other types of converstions so I really encourage that kind of conversation here. While it may not be your intention to chase off possible participants I want to share the information that I am aware of to counteract the fear based message of your post.

Everyone has probably heard horror stories about malicious posts that are designed to harm a specific individual's reputation or expose them to actual physical harm. Then there is the falsified information posted on boards designed to manipulate stock prices or business relationships. In my understanding those are the types of posts that are the target of legal actions.

By the way information about your identity, like your name or address, are not required to post here.



Would you please post a link to the news story about the ruling?


JBUL1 is the Lawyer here! We used to refer to them as "<FONT COLOR="ff0000">••••</FONT>-house lawyers." They know "everything about everything"....except when it comes to the "actual facts."