


I was injured in Jan. 2000 on the job. I was making a pick-up and fell over a pallett and tore my rotator cuff in my right shoulder. I had surgery in Feb. and my Dr. said it would take 6-8 months for it to heal enough to go back and do this kind of work.The UPS nurse told me I should be able to go back in 12 weeks. She said that was normal for this type injury, well after 5 months I was being pressured by my sups.&the UPS nurse so I told the Dr. I thought I could do the job. They loaded my tail down the very first day, gave me work off of another route and said you'll be fine. The next day, same thing more extra work. I made a pick-up of 3 132lb. next day airs and tore my rotator again. Now, if you get injured you better stay off until you know for sure you are healed.I have since retired, I got my 30 years in Oct. and I got out.Not one time during my injury did I ever have a sup. call me or even come see me when I was hospitilized. All they care about is is having a body on that package car. I had been there 29 years when this injury occured and it was my first one.Bottom line is , you are a number and that is all. This put a very bitter taste in my mouth toward UPS mgt. and their health providers.>>>>


>>> Chicago Cubs outfielder Andre Dawson on being a role model:
>>> "I want all the kids to do what I do, to look up to me. I want all the
>>> kids to copulate me."
>>> New Orleans Saint RB George Rogers when asked about the upcoming season:
>>> "I want to rush for 1,000 or 1,500 yards, whichever comes first."
>>> "Nobody in football should be called a genius. A genius is a guy like
>>> Norman Einstein." --football commentator and former player Joe Theismann
>>> "You guys line up alphabetically by height." --Bill Peterson, a Florida
>>> State football coach.
>>> "You guys pair up in groups of three, then line up in a circle." Bill
>>> Peterson, a Florida State football coach
>>> Boxing promoter Dan Duva on Mike Tyson hooking up again with promoter Don
>>> King: "Why would anyone expect him to come out smarter? He went to prison
>>> for three years, not Princeton."
>>> Shaquille O'Neal on whether he had visited the Parthenon during his visit
>>> to Greece: "I can't really remember the names of the clubs that we went
>>> Shaquille O'Neal, on his lack of championships: "I've won at every level,
>>> except college and pro."
>>> 1982 - Chuck Nevitt, North Carolina State basketball player, explaining to
>>> Coach Jim Valvano why he appeared nervous at practice: "My sister's
>>> expecting a baby, and I don't know if I'm going to be an uncle or an
>>> 1991 - Steve Spurrier, Florida football coach, telling Gator fans that a
>>> fire at Auburn's football dorm had destroyed 20 books: "But the real
>>> was that 15 of them hadn't been colored yet."
>>> 1996 - Lincoln Kennedy, Oakland Raiders tackle, on his decision not to
>>> vote: "I was going to write myself in, but I was afraid I'd get shot."
>>> 1991 - Torrin Polk, University of Houston receiver, on his coach, John
>>> Jenkins: "He treats us like men. He lets us wear earrings."
>>> 1987 - Shelby Metcalf, basketball coach at Texas A&M, recounting what he
>>> told a player who received four friend's and one D: "Son, looks to me like
>>> spending too much time on one subject."
>>> 1991 - Frank Layden, Utah Jazz president, on a former player: "I told him,
>>> 'Son, what is it with you---Is it ignorance or apathy?' He said,'Coach, I
>>> don't know and I don't care.' "


I stumbled on this Brown Cafe web site after searching for UPS employee web sites. After looking through all the information in this site it is obvious that it is created and funded by UPS but presented as a grass roots employee web site. This fraudulant misrepresentation of the site is typical of the deceptive tactics of UPS management. Give us a little credit, we can see through your disguise. That Black Sheep Voices page is an obvious antiunion effort that would hae only been promoted by management. No hourly person would have made that page.



Welcome to the BrownCafe, I'm glad that you found us. This site is for UPS related information of all kinds and viewpoints. The site was designed and is maintained by me and was never approved or commissioned by UPS. If you look around with an open mind you can find all kinds of information and links that represent all viewpoints, not just one. If you know of any UPS related sites on the Internet that are not linked to BrownCafe please do our community a favor and send me an email with the links.

By the way, Black Sheep Voices is not part of this site, we provide their links to our users to support their UPS related web site. Their site is unique and provides original material and topical links so I find it particularly interesting, regardless of the point of view they express. If you feel under-represented here create your own site and send me a link. If you don't want to go to that much trouble you could contribute links to UPS related web sites that represent your viewpoint.

I've been exploring the idea of adding a create your own page on BrownCafe feature so check back in a few weeks, maybe you can add your own page to our site.

Your suggestions are welcome.

Cheryl Ferraro
[email protected]


It appears bigshot is looking for a negative site to complain about the evil empire. if you had gone through enough of the brown cafe message posts you would have seen a variety of opinions on both sides of the fence posted freely. If your really looking for some hardcore anti company material you can also follow the link to the teamster web page which is also freely posted. If you just plain want to be miserable then your probably on the wrong site.


Once again the old proverb is true....Everyone serves a purpose... even if it is to be a bad example!


They must have felt that they needed representation. I'm not really familiar with the situation but sometimes people feel better protected with union representation, even if they may be losing out in the long run. They like the having the group approach to negotiating their employment terms because it is more psychologically comfortable to be part of a group.


Rumor is that UPS is going to buy Emery Worldwide can anybody shed some light on this issue?


That rumor has been flying around fast and furious lately. It was so widespread that a European News Source, Cargoweb, actually published it as an unconfirmed story on the 15th. Today another news story appears in both Transport Topics and Eye for Transport denying the rumor.

Looks like it may just be a rumor...but maybe it's some kind of strategy...I just don't know for sure...


Help. I am trying to track a person. Her name is Stacey Durham and she used to work for UPS. She may still be there. Last knew she was in the Atlanta area. If anyone has any info on her, please contact me. Extremely important.

Thanks so much.

e-mail [email protected]


Can anyone help me on this? I have two yrs partime from 1971- 1973. They dont count. Who can I contact to see if the pension can be paid in for them or I can somehow get them to count?


Hello Everyone,

Is anyone interested in trading/buying UPS lapel pins?


he has broken vessel in right eye left o.k. does anyone know of anyway i can get him out of a spo tter and back on the road where he belongs. contact jim swanson at


before i came over to the big brown screw machine i use to drive over the road . there are heaters that you can buy at the truck stops that roll out on the bed of a sleepers matress . they run off of thr cigerett lighter plug and does not run down the battery after using all night long


The way I understand it & have been told is that you have to have 5 yrs part-time to be vested in the UPS Part-Time Pension Fund. I would call your local HR dept or write/call UPS headquarters in Atlanta. I believe this is the address:

UPS Pension Plan
55 Glenlake Pkwy, NE
Atlanta, Ga 30328

This is the only telephone # I have, not sure if it is the right one. (404)828-6044
Good Luck


Sheese, like this is big news...the order is in regards to contractors working under a government contract, it is merely a restatement of an existing presidential order,and does nothing to change anything about the Beck court decision as it pertains to private industry.


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The health care industry is stepping up pressure on the Bush White House to delay sweeping new rules aimed at protecting the privacy of patients.
Issued by former President Clinton, giving patients greater control over their records and imposing stiff new penalties on health plans, Internet Web sites and others that distribute medical information without consent.
During the presidential campaign Bush spoke out in favor of privacy protections for patients.
Under the regulations, health care plans and providers would be required to inform patients about how their information is being used and to whom it is being disclosed. Doctors and hospitals would be required to obtain written consent before using a patients' health information, even for routine purposes. Patients would also have the right to access their own medical files, as well as the right to request amendments or corrections. Under the rules, protections would be extended to personal medical records, whether written or not, and would guard against their unauthorized use by companies in hiring new employees.


True, this executive order is largely symbolic, but hopefully this will send a signal to the NLRB to start enforcing Beck, like they are supposed to. There have been Beck cases which have languished in the NLRB bureaucracy for 6-10 years before decisions have been issued. Attorneys arguing these cases have had to go the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals on more than one occasion to get court orders to tell the NLRB to do it's job. Something which is very unusual. In short, hopefully, this executive order will lead to better enforcement of this law.