Please Read The Contract, Please.
Muncher: i will try not to assume anything, but it was mentioned u were in the south, so i will be refering to the Atlantic Area Supplemental Agreement.
To all others: this is not covered in the Master Agreement so follow along in your own Suppliments.
First you ask way more of a question then u believe. Whereas: (1) Did you have a formal layoff this January and have they all been returned?
(2) you are a cover driver,was a cover list posted by Thursday of the prior week, and did you bid?
Article 48 SENIOITY Sec 2- Layoff and Recall
In a Building where there are two or more package centers, the affected driver may displace the least senior driver in the building. (Keep in Mind: this is on layoffs ONLY)
You seem to fall under section 5 Package Area Bids
Whereas:These package cover drivers must select such work in seniority order. This selection will be completed by Thursday for the following weeks to be covered.
Next paragraph: Any cover driver who does not recieve a start time for the following week will be assigned any work in the classification or be subject to the appropriate layoff Article.
So My Friend you are on layoff in your center, not the building.
The other question raised was movement between centers
Article 48, but we move to Section 6

All permanent vacancies and permanent new areas shall be bid by seniority to all package drivers in the building.
KEEP IN MIND: i have used all my info from the Atlantic Area Supplemental Agreement
I make no claims to to anyones area agreement nor the master contract with this post.
thank you, read the contract please.