


As I have said before over different PT sup subjects, "they will do what they want, You have no rights" It is sad that in some places PT sups get abused, because you guys/girls work as hard as any employee. You all need to do what you are doing and maybe more PT sups will start talking to each other, and get your job responsibilities and pay straightened out.



That was just wishful thinking--Unless something has changed, I don't think that you can go back.


I NEVER EVER thought I would stoop this low and say this. But a management position is looking better all the time. It will now take me less time to retire as a supervisor than it will IF and WHEN I go to full time.



Have a question someone might be able to answer.
I work in a building with 2 centers, am a cover driver in north center, there is a cover driver in the south with less seniority working in that center then me, I was told I can't bump that guy even though I have more building senority because cover drivers are asignrd by center, and I could only drive in that center if they use all there cover drivers. call my union rep and really did not get the answer I was looking for, is that right? can they use less senior driver?


Our building has 3 centers,3 Center Manager, and 3 Stewards with 3 different seniority lists. You can NOT bump a driver from another centers seniority list here. The only time building seniority comes into play is if there is a building bid job on the board (porter, cust counter) or a layoff list.Thats it munchman.....I dont think it would be that much different down south or whatever state your from. If the BA told you the story, than thats what it is, like it or not......


so even thhow I have more senioity overall I can;t bump him? I din't get to choose the center I am in, if I had known that I would have gone south center, can I switch centers?


Here it would be both yes and no.

WE have two centers in the same building, one serving one state and the other another state.

While the seniority list is separate for both centers, and usually they dont cross over, it does happen.

Then you have days like today. Wanted it off and they have 6 drivers on layoff. But because there are 3 cover drivers in the other center laid off higher in seniority than the one to cover mine, claimed they couldnt use the one to cover my route.




Call the UPS employee hotline, get paid what you work, that is crap. I dont know the number, but I know you can most likely get it at You people have to get this right, and maybe when UPS starts having trouble promoting part time sups because of the reputation of abuse in your ranks, they will start treating you fairly, til you do you will continue to get the shaft. You can brown nose all day and do all they ask and it wont get you anywhere, its like free labor, THINK about it. What happens if you refuse? I cant wait to hear this answer.


Many operations have had to put some accountability in place to keep from losing scanner equipment. If you lose the equipment and don't keep good control of who you assign it to then you can be expected to pay for lost equipment. Your example seems to be the extreme. Unfortunately it now appears to be a convienent excuse to gather some free labor. Most lost equipment does eventually show up. What do they do if you work your doubles and the scanner then shows up?


Thanks for the replies!

I now have the number for the Florida Department of Labor, so I am going to call them later today and I am going to call the Employee Relations Manager for our Hub.

I talked to two different full time supervisors about it at work (about an hour ago) and one said that I either had to work the double or pay for the equipment and the other one said that it was just for punishment....I told the one that said it was for punishment that I wasn't a child and that I didn't need to go sit in time out... I also told him that our pay was based on a 5 hour shift and he tried to act like it wasn't (can you say "class action law suit") I also told him it was illegal (I'm talking federal law here!) to make an employee work without compensation and guess what he said ..."so do you think you're union now?" ....jackash

I also found a supervisor who lost equipment and never worked a double or payed for the expense

and I found another supervisor who was supposed to work unpaid doubles for two weeks for next day airs that were left in the building.

I can see the future of this unwritten "policy".... if a supervisors employee has a misload we'll have to reimburse the company for the service failure!?!?

I'm not fighting this crap for myself anymore, I can't believe other supervisors have just sat around and done this crap!!
They messed with the wrong supervisor this time!

I'll keep you posted!


correction ...the supervisor that had to work free doubles for the mistoggles did it for 5 days, not 3 as previously stated.



request off days are history in our area (I think we are in the same district). The company lays off from the bottom if they have extra drivers. Im #12 on a list of 60 drivers but I (and everyone else) cant get a day off except for the procedure of VAC Days, PHs and call in. The company claims this is contractual.

Im also in a building with 2 centers and the managers borrow drivers all the time.



so even thhow I have more senioity overall I can;t bump him? I din't get to choose the center I am in, if I had known that I would have gone south center, can I switch centers?

In my area if a route goes up for bid in the other center and no one takes it, it would then go up for bid to the entire building. Then you could bid on it and change centers. I looked at a similar situation here but I found that I would drop down from #12 in my center to #22 in the other center. I wasnt willing to give up that many spots. Take a hard look at it, you could be better off where you are.


Please Read The Contract, Please.

Muncher: i will try not to assume anything, but it was mentioned u were in the south, so i will be refering to the Atlantic Area Supplemental Agreement.

To all others: this is not covered in the Master Agreement so follow along in your own Suppliments.

First you ask way more of a question then u believe. Whereas: (1) Did you have a formal layoff this January and have they all been returned?
(2) you are a cover driver,was a cover list posted by Thursday of the prior week, and did you bid?

Article 48 SENIOITY Sec 2- Layoff and Recall
In a Building where there are two or more package centers, the affected driver may displace the least senior driver in the building. (Keep in Mind: this is on layoffs ONLY)

You seem to fall under section 5 Package Area Bids

Whereas:These package cover drivers must select such work in seniority order. This selection will be completed by Thursday for the following weeks to be covered.
Next paragraph: Any cover driver who does not recieve a start time for the following week will be assigned any work in the classification or be subject to the appropriate layoff Article.

So My Friend you are on layoff in your center, not the building.

The other question raised was movement between centers
Article 48, but we move to Section 6:Para2
All permanent vacancies and permanent new areas shall be bid by seniority to all package drivers in the building.

KEEP IN MIND: i have used all my info from the Atlantic Area Supplemental Agreement
I make no claims to to anyones area agreement nor the master contract with this post.
thank you, read the contract please.


Good luck, and please keep us posted.

I have heard horror stories, but it is a step upwards. So the way I see it, as I already mentioned, it will look good on a resume.

On a side note,
Do they give employee evaluations?
I have been there over a year as a UPSer, but never had an evaluation. just curious.


I treat that yearly letter from UPS about the promotion procedures into supervision as junk-mail. In the trashcan as quickly as possible.


Mr. Feeder

The annual promotion letter request is just another paper driven administrative procedure that HR uses to justify their existence. But...if they weren't doing this they might foul up something important...think about it..



At my bldg, its common rule to pick the highest cover driver no matter what center he/she is in, to fill an assigned pkg-car fulltime position. I remember years ago during my coverdriver years, I knew I was one of the highest cover drivers' in the bldg, but didnt know exactly where on the cover-driver senority list, cuz we didnt have an exact senority list for that. Well anyways, I remember the phone call that came in, thinking they were calling me into work, but, the sup said; "We have a pkg-car fulltime job for you", I replied, "I'll take it!! then I paused, "Where is it??"(refering to what center the bid was)...hehe