


I love the whiners, those who think we work bankers hours, and if they work past 5:30 they get mad. He found out how much I made last year and said, "gee your kid must be wearing gold diapers". I said, "No I just worked".


One of our feeder drivers may be transferring to El Paso due to a change of ops and he was wondering what their vacation and option days are there. I thought maybe one you Central States guys could shed some light. Thanks


I think every center has one of those drivers. We actually have two, one male, one female, UPS is an equal opportunity employer. Fortunately the male bid on an inside combo job and the female says she is quitting the end of February. The male reported so many injuries that the district safety manager came to the center to give him HABITS training. During the training the employee claimed he hurt his back while seated in a chair. Out on Comp again!


In the Southern Conference the vacation I think is still:

1 year service= 1 week
2 year service= 2 weeks
10 year service= 3 weeks
15 year service= 4 weeks
20 year service= 5 weeks
25 year service= 6 weeks

Option days are 7 days plus 1 personal day but these now don't take effect until after an employee has completed 3 years of service. As for my not being sure about the vacations after nearly 23 years the only number I watch now is that next week I'll earn at 25 so those earlier numbers may have changed in some way that I'm just not aware of anymore. If I'm wrong I hope someone will correct me.

Now that they (CS)have changed the retirement I wonder if UPS will give consideration to granting more vacation time with more years of service. You know, like an extra week after 50 years service!

Lighten up managers, it was just a joke.

Rumor has it the Safety awards program will also increase in years and Walkers and cases of geritol will be added to the prize selections.


I know as a steward I'm not suppose to think or say this but IMO they should have sent this clown packing many moons ago. Come to think of it, they should send the management team who condones this packing. Bet he's at the top of the Injury Repeaters list to boot. Is it possible to box them all up and send them somewhere via FedEx Ground? You know, the service that let's the box sit on the dock for days!

I know, I'm mean!


My access account is locked out but I saw nowhere to contact a site administrator for help. Anybody know where you go from here?


No power in our center yesterday. Plow took out 5 power poles. Pushed 2 trailer loads down the belt in the dark. 7 or 8 loads still sitting in the lot. Now today we have 45 supes from all over the state coming in to be helpers. Oh and there's six inches of overnight snow on the ground and still falling. That first cocktail tonight will be good!! BM


We also had a driver of less than 2 years call in sore. And after returning preceded to tell a 30 year driver he just didn't understand she was sore.? Another called in sick because he had to pay his bills.Huh? And finally one that is no longer with us would fax in unable to work..."to stressed".


I remember years ago during my pt years, pt sups used to wear business like dress up attire(suit, tie, white shirt, dress slacks and dress shoes). I remember my pt sup used to take off his dress coat and get up in the trailer and load or get up on top of the pd and pull off packages, only just to help out from time to time, but not make it an everyday routine like the current sups do. Back then, you would never hear a sup complain about his daily problems with his workers, his hours or his gripes against his superior sup. Now, I hear them whinning and complaining to the point that the hourlies hear it. Back then, getting into supervision was the way to get out of back breaking work(those who couldnt cut it, the lazy ones). Now, it makes me wonder why they wear those worker style clothing now, just a thought. Back then, we used to call those sups that worked(handled packages), a worker with a tie on, its funny now, their not wearing ties anymore....hehe


wkmac: I just registered two days ago. I copied a page that said if you are locked out of the system, you will have to click on log in help and use the Technical help form to request a password reset. They respond within 24 hours.


Excuse my simple logic--but as the foot traffic increases at the various MBE/UPSS locations and the volume of packages increases--- is that all that is taken into consideration is package volume? How about all of the people shipping or just dropping off packages---do they buy packaging suppies--boxes--tape-----is there additional opportunities for custom packaging (which is a huge profit for the stores!)----how about the other items for sale----private P.O Boxes--pagers---copies- greeting cards--passport pictures--notary------if the foot traffic increases into the stores, should not the other sales go up as well? If they are not, than I would assume it would be a local problem----or is this something else that needs to be blamed on UPS as well??

Another good question---why is it that people are waitng to buy UPSS locations----and how much has the price of a UPSS/ MBE location gone up since UPS has acquired MBE???


Many operations have had to put in strict controls because supervisors don't apply the basic amount of accountability in controlling scanners. Making sure you control which scanner was assigned to which loader and making sure the loader returns all of the equipment. A complete handheld scanner costs about 1500 dollars. A Hub like Jacfl probably has about what 300 of these scanners? With no accountability replacing these scanners could be very expensive. In most operations you would be expected to pay for a scanner if you lose one and did not at least apply this basic amount of accountability. In the case of the lost scanner it sounds like you did not ensure everyone returned their scanner at the end of the day. Thats the very least you could have done. Sounds like Jacfl has decided to let these sups work off the punishment rather than take the money out of their paychecks. You may want to talk to an accountant. If your going to continue losing scanner equipment it may be better to be paid the doubles and have the money deducted from your check. That way you can claim the loss on your taxes.


Many of you have taken this at face value as UPS trying to get out of paying overtime. Let me ask you drivers a question. What would happen to you if you kept losing packages or losing your diad? I bet most would end up having to pay for the board or package?


LOL good luck sounds like we must have misdelivered mother natures package.


What happens if you do all your supposed to do, as far as having them sign out equipment, but they 'lose' it during the course of their job?

As a P/T sup. to be, must I sit with the employee until he is done so is not to lose it or should I
expect some responsibility on their part, and not fear I may work more, or have pay deducted from my check because of his lack of responsiblity?


Duh, mbeups. I would like to know if there are any other boards that would have more information.


its easy if you have all the controls in place make the hourly pay for it. or go look in a trailer on the yard thats where we keep finding scanner parts.