


As I understand it, Comp time is considered "Time Served" I know mine did, or at least I have credit for it showing on my years toward pension credits. This guy makes a point to make sure he has enough hours in to collect. He is very good at what he does. He is working the system to the T to get back at UPS for not letting him qualify as a driver TWICE. Funny how he seems to think it was the companys fault that he didn't work at a fast enough pace. Nearly every driver in the building qualified on the same training route he failed to qualify on.


Think about this

A car company can move its factories to Mexico and claim it's a free market.
A toy company can out source to a Chinese subcontractor and claim it's a free market.
A major bank can incorporate in Bermuda to avoid taxes and claim it's a free market.
We can buy HP printers made in Mexico. We can buy shirts made in Bangladesh.
We can purchase almost anything we want from many different countries, BUT heaven help the elderly who dare to buy their prescription drugs from a Canadian pharmacy. That's called un-American!
And you think the pharmaceutical companies don't have a powerful lobby?
Think again!


Sounds similar to a situation we had two weeks before peak. Fire destroyed several cars along with all power and heat. Couldn't get a sort going except in the parking lot for air on Monday so we had two days worth of peak pkgs to contend with on Tuesday with no power and no heat. Now snow, just freezing rain and ice that night. That was a long "weak". Package cars still all smell like smoke.


Here in AR it was 40's and 30's and wetter than hell all week. We did get some sleet and snow for about 10 minutes thursday in central AR. to warm to stick. This to me is to cold, how the hell you guys up north manage I will never know, don't want to! My hat is off to ya, I cannot imagine. We got about 8 inches here a couple of years ago and it shut us down! stay warm and stay safe!!!


When you are locked out, it is no longer for 24 hours, it is for 15 minutes and then you can try again.
Underneath where you enter your employee ID and password are 2 help links. One is if you have forgotten your password, it will bring you to your hint questions that your previously answered.
If you are unable to remember the answers to your hint questions, (remember they are case sensitive), also on the login page is a technical help link. If you complete the technical help page, telling them you forgot your password and hint questions, they will email you a new password in 24 hours.


yeah, I qualified on that route and I am like the WORST swing driver alive. And I was on it for 3 yrs, so whats that tell you?


I agree, if you assigned them, you can control them, if you didnt then it should not be your responsibility, hourly who lost them would pay just like if we lost a diad. Or Goodbye. If an hourly cant keep the tool of his trade, what good is he? But I dont feel the person in charge who really isnt should be held accountable for stuff lost he has no control. Not rocket science just a scapegoat thing.


As a group we are planning on meeting with HR. Hopefully all will go well and we can get this crap sorted out. Thanks for all the help and positive feedback.



snow where you dont usually have it can be horrifying. Personally I could fight 2 feet of snow easier than the 1/2 inch of ice that refreezes every night.. You can brody your way through snow, provided that you have the experience of living on Lake Erie shores for 40 yrs. A center I used to work at did not have power for three days, we had some real mooses pushing packages then. Im not sure how we all survived that, but we did. No lights to sort by,no belt to run packages on, no lights in parking lot. Kind of like the fire......But now That little sound the board makes when you finish for the day, with no Stuck in snow, no injury and no accident sounds sooooo good. Just goes to show what we are all made of. Enjoy those cocktails you deserve it!!!


Lets look at the case of the sup who is moved to an area that is already set up and running. That sup is required to touch base with each loader at least once an hour and make sure the loader has the correct scan information setup/logged into the correct load. This is the perfect time to review the sign out log and make sure the loader has the equipment that person signed for. If it was not signed out then its the perfect time to make sure you account for every piece of equipment you are supposed to have. If its not there then this is the perfect time to alert the scan sup and the sort manager that you just did your initial inventory and that your area does not have every piece of equipment it is supposed to have. This is CYA to keep you from having to pay for equipment that you had no control over. If you wait until the end of the night to discover you don't have the equipment then shame on you. If you have the controls in place then you will know which loader lost the equipment and what trailer he was in. You can then either search the trailer for the equipment or alert the next building to look for the scanner and return it to you. this is the control of the equipment we need to keep from losing it. If a sup has good control of the equipment then he/she does not pay for it.


tieguy far as losing the scanner head during the sort the employee that turned in the scanning equipment said she remembered seeing a scanner head for every scanner.

A full time sup. said that working the double was for punishment
and if they say it's to repay the company well, I've ran multiple PDs during the same sort (the work of obviously more then one supervisor) so I feel like I've already earned their stupid laser head

last year a loader lost a scanner head and nothing happened to him, a week and a half later the very same employee lost another scanner head. did he have to pay for it? Nope, he got a warning letter.

I also found a supervisor who lost scanning equipment and never paid for it (he didn't work a double either)

Our HR manager called Atlanta yesterday and said that she and her boss "weren't taking this lightly" They said that it was obvious that something was not right with the policy.


Not to mention that if the full time management had used the common procedure (of having a "cover supervisor" or a supervisor double from another sort) to cover the belt with a supervisor on vacation, I never would have been on the PD that "lost" the scanner head.

I feel as though I was abused more then normal because I am leaving next Tuesday (I'm taking military leave)
I worked a total of 6 days in my assigned area this year!


I agree tieguys theory is correct, but I dont know the facts of how the scanner got lost. Or if sups are trained in this version he gave of How it should be done, if not his post may help some in the future. And providing all a pt sup has to do once he gets to an assignment is find out who has the equipment, etc. Which wont happen most times because once you are in an area, everyone needs you. As the last poster (OMZIGG) said and I totally agree, ALL need to be held accountable. If PT sups have to work for free as punishment, then lets have the hourly work for free to find it. Or let the FT sup work more than they do,(which isnt really possible since they work so much in most places already) for free since they are ultimately responsible for the PT sups work. I agree that would be a good appoach as people need to be held responsible. But will that happen to an hourly? I sincerely doubt it, most have the protection of a UNION against unfair actions, PT sups do not.
On a more important note:
If you feel the company is abusing you when leaving for the military, that is sooo sad. I for one appreciate your service and sacrifice, and many companies are looking to hire military experienced people when they get home because they are disciplined and responsible, and have met the challenge of what may look like impossible odds, and were not beaten down. And many other companies are extremely happy to welcome you home with a promising career where you will be appreciated for your service, and dedication.


"A full time sup. said that working the double was for punishment
and if they say it's to repay the company well, I've ran multiple PDs during the same sort (the work of obviously more then one supervisor) so I feel like I've already earned their stupid laser head"

I think I have explained the reason for this procedure. To be honest I'm not sure it sits right with me, since it appears Jacfl is using this issue and others to get free labor. I can certainly see that this type of punishment a great win for Jacfl managers they keep the cost of scanner equipment down and they keep the management payroll expense down. What makes me wonder however is your comment like the one above about their "stupid scanner head". I have had the pleasure of sitting in a refco meeting explaining why the company needs to buy more equipment because we lost what we had. Its not a pleasant experience and its one I told myself I would not do again.


Hes not here to defend his comment, but my inclination on reading his past posts it was said out of exasperation, such as when your car breaks down although you love it its a stupid car. he knows, we all know how expensive the equipment is, and it could be a company problem, one of which I dont get to know the costs of as you do. Look at the "Big Picture"


toner just because the guy is in the military reserves does not mean he is an angel.


Where can these scanners be going? When we leave the depot, we go through a metal detector and the guards use a prison style wand to scan for metal objects.Where are these scanners going??????? It really isnt like anyone is going to use these outside UPS.I like the fact that UPS makes them work if they do lose them. If you dont have the right tools, you cant complete the job.


I don't profess to say they are stealing these scanners. They lose them. They leave them somewhere in the area or they leave them in one of the trailers. If you don't keep good accurate records of who had what scanners in what trailers then it can be very difficult to find the scanner. Jacksonville is a huge building. Its very easy to lose scanners in a building that size if you don't keep good records.