
Well-Known Troll
SB, That's probably the best thing you could do working for this company, you think? It took me 9 years, but it was my own fault, I passed on the feeder list about 2 years earlier. Duh! what was I thinking? (slaps forehead):huh:

This was my first shot at it. Figured why work 20 years in delivery doing the hard bs work and then 5 in feeders. Why not do 6 in delivery and 19 in feeders? Mama didn't raise no fool


Pineapple King
This was my first shot at it. Figured why work 20 years in delivery doing the hard bs work and then 5 in feeders. Why not do 6 in delivery and 19 in feeders? Mama didn't raise no fool
Must be nice to have that option. 25 years in package here before you have a chance at feeders.


Well-Known Member
I thought the mileage rate sucked for people still in progression

You still come out ahead in the sleeper even in progression especially when you throw the per diem in.

Did sleeper for a couple of months when I was in progression a scheduled 38hr run was the equivalent of around 50hrs pay wise.

Although I call it the "sleepless team". I just couldn't sleep in a moving truck and it wasn't fear of not being in control.


Phoenix Feeder
Please, newbies are told by the senior guys where to stop and exactly how much time you need to spend there before leaving.

So if I told you to stop somewhere and steal 20 minutes every day you and your co-workers would do it? When did we start hiring sheep?