
Well-Known Member
I haven't seen one yet. I'm sure it because, "we can fit more packages in them", and they'll work a lot better than a 53' in a yard designed for 40'. Most places have extenders so they wouldn't really have to jack them up too high since the extender can be lowered to meet the rollers.
Remember the people who suggested/ordered them don't have to unload them.


Pineapple King
Do they have the hydraulic legs on them? Although long before my time in feeders I've heard nothing but horror stories from the old timers about them.


cap'n crunch
The hydraulic legs could be a booger for sure. You could tug on them too hard and it would bend the tube part of the leg. One leg would go up and the other would stay down. Every building I went to had a giant pry bar about 6' long and weighed about 40+ lbs. Sometimes hitting a bump or a rise would be all it needed to go up. I had a favorite high spot in the yard I would driver over before I would head to the shop to pry it up. Mechanics absolutely hated those trailers. The hydraulic fluid would leak all over the shop when they worked on them. If you had say a high hook and the 5th wheel of your dolly or tractor went past the kingpin, it would take out the hydraulic fittings. The legs wouldn't work at all then, and it was an instant avoidable accident. Also every building you went to wanted the trailer jacked up all the way to make it easier to unload, and most smaller building had an air hose for that reason. Only thing is, they would jack it higher than it was designed, and the leg would pop out of the top of the tube and the trailer wouldn't go down. You had to bang it with a something heavy like a big hammer to help it pop back in and work properly. If I was asked to jack it up, I had a 6" rule, no higher than that.


Pineapple King
Are any of you feeder drivers (or mechanics) familiar with the new dropframe pups? I have 3 questions:
  1. I don't see any hand valves on the back of them. Does supplying air to the pintle snubber also automatically supply "emergency" & service air to the dolly & rear box?
  2. With the hand crank landing gear, are you expected to (and will it actually) crank high enough for a gravity feed on the unload?
  3. I saw the rear tires have an air pressure equalizing hose, is there also an auto-inflation system on these?
Missed that.

Bottom rung

Well-Known Member
We were told that a inside employee passed after falling and hitting their head some years back on some frost inside the trailer, and thats why you never see many of them anymore.


promoted to mediocrity
Ok so there is a bid posted for a feeder porter... what is it? Do you just clean the tractors? ?
It could possibly be cleaning/sweeping out trailers (empty pallets and other debris).

Edit: FWIW, around here, washing the tractors would be a washer or fueler/washer.


cap'n crunch
The guy that was on my yard had a list of CPU trailers that he had to sweep out every day, plus some that required pallets, and after he knocked those out, he would usually disappear somewhere till time to punch out. Not a bad gig sometimes, like Superballs63 said.


Staff member
Except when it's raining, snowing, or extremely hot or cold
You could say that about any job really. If it's snowing I'd rather sweep out a few trailers than take a set up the road.

The guy that was on my yard had a list of CPU trailers that he had to sweep out every day, plus some that required pallets, and after he knocked those out, he would usually disappear somewhere till time to punch out. Not a bad gig sometimes, like Superballs63 said.
Yup, on a nice day it wasn't unusual to find our guy snoozing in one of the CPU trailers like a railyard hobo.


Well-Known Member
I forgot to lower the landing gear once and drove forward.Noticed the trailer dropped onto the tractor frame and tried to stop but the momentum and weight of the trailer kept pushing me forward and the trailer eventually went all the way to the ground.Luckily it was soft gravel and the trailer was empty.I just jumped out and cranked the legs up .It was like nothing happened.....shew