Atheism ON TOPIC

El Correcto

god is dead
The problem, the big deal, isn’t homosexuality. — It is an arrogant refusal to do and live God’s way.
Imagine if some idiot would have posted this

just a few short years back. This thread speaks volumes of the downward spiral of our society. The idiot who would have posted this would have would have been in a very small minority.
Not now. You may not believe in an imaginary sky god , but you have to be living in denial not to admit that since folks have decided to take a godless path, it has not been to the betterment of anything.
Step back and think how ignorant the discussions are by the so called enlightened people the day. Look at the stuff in this tread. The subject matter is not off the charts, but the hearty endorsement of the bs is, as well as the idea that as we continue, it won't hurt anybody or anything. Nothing could be further from the truth.
I lol when I see the things that we are supposed to accept and heartily endorse with no questions asked as normal, and if you don't you must be a racist, some kind of phobe, or raised in a swamp.
Choice...Live it up .. Me?
"And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the LORD, choose this day whom you will serve, But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.” -- Joshua 24: 15
Tommy attends a funeral.


Well-Known Member
Nah. That’s like 1 day in the Bible. Chill your titmice. For what it’s worth, that’s probably how long it would take anyone to muscle through to the bottom of the coffee you served ‘em though.

is there a minimum age reguirement to post here?

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Ah yes, the argument that the world is terrible now, and it's all because people have abandoned god. That's a tall tale religious people have been pushing for thousands of years.
I think it’s safe to say gay people are better off in our new godless society. Children are better off being taught science. I honestly don’t see anywhere where society has lost anything turning away from ancient myths. I see it as progress.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Ah yes, the argument that the world is terrible now, and it's all because people have abandoned god. That's a tall tale religious people have been pushing for thousands of years.
Now? Always been leaning terrible.
Not my argument.
I said you have to be in denial to say that our society is better since we went godless.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Not assuming anything. Going by what he puts out there on BC. If I am wrong, wonderful. If not, well everyone can use a little constructive criticism now and then.
Help again.
What I have put on the bc that has lead you to what conclusion?
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Well-Known Member
Did cnn interview you?
Let's get one thing strait, George, you obviously don't read what I post, or it doesn't register with you.
I do not attack gays, I am not ashamed to call it deviant behavior however. I even used the definition, from webster and abnormal psychology.

You don't want to poke this bear, I can be very crude and illustrative to present an image I want to fix in ones mind. You are fortunate the mods have to sift through my :censored2:, and I will say they do an admirable job for the most part. Ok, that was my nice speak, or nice talk.

I don't really give a rats rear end what you and your boyfriend do.. in private, keep it there.... it is deviant behavior, by definition.
I don't need your type of deviant or the ones on the other side that have a more manly type haircut than you sweetheart, pushing your deviancy on my grandchildren in school as normal. I for one have not lost my mind and actually understand why a tool was made, the inventor of the tool had a purpose, he was making something to perform a certain act.
Granted, people use tools for purposes they weren't for. We'll call that, improper usage of the tool the inventor created or made it.

I tried to call the dogs off yesterday, I, at the end of the day try to present the redemption offered through the blood of Jesus's cross.
Are some sins worse than others? absolutely, however, it is not my job to convict any of sin, actually it wouldn't be possible. That said, some actions don't need to be flaunted and promoted, especially to young minds. My grandchildren specifically in my instance.

If you are poking me for an attack, that's fine, you can thank the god you don't believe in I'm behind the mods fence.

Look clown, we're all sinners we may not have the same in common but the interesting thing is, each requires the same sentence.

That is exactly where the bloody cross comes into play, one man, one God, Jesus hanging for all.

When I heard that it was good news to me. "You mean I can be free from the penalty of the law of sin and death" I'll take it.
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Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Not sure if I did or not. Only he knows. We all know that helping the poor is serving the Lord. It takes few words and virtually no Bible quotes.
I'll help you.
Yes you did.
You didn't like the quote, so your little hit was an attempt to throw the scent off of what was said .
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