Atheism ON TOPIC


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Because that is how we serve the Lord, not by standing in judgement of others.
You know better.
The quote was not judgmental.
We will be judged by how we judge others. How? By his righteous judgement.
If God says it's wrong, I have every right to say its wrong.


Well-Known Member
I agree with A constructive criticism .
Bbsam comment wasn't constructive.
Understood, My agreement was with his statement, not the particular situation, I should have been clearer, my mistake. I will rectify my mistake now.

@bbsam in that post you did come to a conclusion, you certainly made assumptions, I had no idea of the basis or grounding of these assumptions in my initial post to you @bbsam. In your response to me you mentioned his previous postings, his posting history as grounds for your claim. You stated you may be wrong, agreed, you may be, kinda a definition of an assumption, one you served. @newfie, I tag you because you gave my post a funny, I can understand why you did, you now see my thinking.
The fact is, no one has any idea what the flusher does, and that is how it is supposed to be, another fact is you did assume something, exactly why I called you on it.
Fact three constructive criticism is useful, that is what I agreed to, nothing more nothing less. Constructive criticism, by definition is criticism designed to build upon, not tear down.
Thanks for calling me on it flusher, thanks @newfie for the funny, I did think about what I posted immediately after your funny appeared.

El Correcto

god is dead
Let's get one thing strait, George, you obviously don't read what I post, or it doesn't register with you.
I do not attack gays, I am not ashamed to call it deviant behavior however. I even used the definition, from webster and abnormal psychology.

You don't want to poke this bear, I can be very crude and illustrative to present an image I want to fix in ones mind. You are fortunate the mods have to sift through my :censored2:, and I will say they do an admirable job for the most part. Ok, that was my nice speak, or nice talk.

I don't really give a rats rear end what you and your boyfriend do.. in private, keep it there.... it is deviant behavior, by definition.
I don't need your type of deviant or the ones on the other side that have a more manly type haircut than you sweetheart, pushing your deviancy on my grandchildren in school as normal. I for one have not lost my mind and actually understand why a tool was made, the inventor of the tool had a purpose, he was making something to perform a certain act.
Granted, people use tools for purposes they weren't for. We'll call that, improper usage of the tool the inventor created or made it.

I tried to call the dogs off yesterday, I, at the end of the day try to present the redemption offered through the blood of Jesus's cross.
Are some sins worse than others? absolutely, however, it is not my job to convict any of sin, actually it wouldn't be possible. That said, some actions don't need to be flaunted and promoted, especially to young minds. My grandchildren specifically in my instance.

If you are poking me for an attack, that's fine, you can thank the god you don't believe in I'm behind the mods fence.

Look clown, we're all sinners we may not have the same in common but the interesting thing is, each requires the same sentence.

That is exactly where the bloody cross comes into play, one man, one God, Jesus hanging for all.

When I heard that it was good news to me. "You mean I can be free from the penalty of the law of sin and death" I'll take it.


Staff member
Help again.
What I have put on the bc that has lead you to what conclusion?
It’s what you haven’t put on BC.

We get lectures and sermons. What we don’t get is the real you. We don’t get the confession, the Christian that you really are. We don’t hear HOW and WHERE and WHEN you fail daily. You will readily accept that you are in full need of God’s saving Grace and you are willing to tell others why THEY need it.

What about you, BF? How do you fail God? Where do you come up short? How can you be just a little bit better today?

Do you attack homosexuality for God? Couldn’t you do better by extending the mercy to others that has been shown you?

You wanna show people what Christianity is about? Be humble. Serve. And do so not because you expect reward but because you have already been rewarded handsomely.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Speaking for myself, I am a better person because of my religious upbringing.
A shame you reject something you don’t could only make you a better person than you reveal here.
How do you know you’re a better person? There is no control Fred’s Myth that was raised secular. Maybe that person did more with their life to help humanity knowing there’s only one shot at life with nothing coming after. You can’t know.


Staff member
Which part is funny?
1. That God says it's wrong.
2. That one agrees with God , and says it's wrong?
That one seems to focus on the wrong in others rather than the wrong in oneself. That one would trumpet with blaring voice the condemnation of others and silently ignore the blackness of his own soul. That one can be boastful of God’s Grace and smugly condemning of another sinner.

Do you agree with God? Do your actions match your words?

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
How do you know you’re a better person? There is no control Fred’s Myth that was raised secular. Maybe that person did more with their life to help humanity knowing there’s only one shot at life with nothing coming after. You can’t know.
My human nature urges me to take for myself regardless of who might be harmed. My spiritual nature urges me to serve others for the benefit of my fellow man, as well as to set an example. It’s not that hard to come to the conclusion I’m a better person.