
Bad Moon Risen'
Here’s the strange thing that needs explaining about these “specialists” unionizing. We have two here and from I was told both opted in? Are they attending our union meetings? There’s no way that can be allowed. Both work in dispatch and both are snakes. So how are they going to allow them to attend our union meetings? I’m assuming they won’t but we haven’t been given that info yet.
Afraid those two will double the attendance and ruin your chances at the raffle?


Well-Known Member
Here’s the strange thing that needs explaining about these “specialists” unionizing. We have two here and from I was told both opted in? Are they attending our union meetings? There’s no way that can be allowed. Both work in dispatch and both are snakes. So how are they going to allow them to attend our union meetings? I’m assuming they won’t but we haven’t been given that info yet.
Do they pay dues? If so they can attend.

10:30 resi

Well-Known Member
Here’s the strange thing that needs explaining about these “specialists” unionizing. We have two here and from I was told both opted in? Are they attending our union meetings? There’s no way that can be allowed. Both work in dispatch and both are snakes. So how are they going to allow them to attend our union meetings? I’m assuming they won’t but we haven’t been given that info yet.
I wish our local had a problem of people who are "snakes" coming to the meetings. We have about 11,000 members and 50 at the meeting is a good turnout.

10:30 resi

Well-Known Member
Wow, that's crazy. Was talking to a BA in another local. He told me it's a good day if they get more than 17 people.
Our local holds the monthly meeting at 7pm on a Thursday. I can put in an 8 hour request, work 7.75 and sign an 05, pay $20 in tolls, and get there 15 mins late. The meeting isn't really for the membership they don't want to be accountable to their constituents.


Well-Known Member
Our local holds the monthly meeting at 7pm on a Thursday. I can put in an 8 hour request, work 7.75 and sign an 05, pay $20 in tolls, and get there 15 mins late. The meeting isn't really for the membership they don't want to be accountable to their constituents.
Ours is 730pm on Thursday nights as well. If they did it on a Satursay or Sunday no one would show up also and people would still say the same thing.

10:30 resi

Well-Known Member
Ours is 730pm on Thursday nights as well. If they did it on a Satursay or Sunday no one would show up also and people would still say the same thing.
That's the same thing our officers say. I told them well why don't you do a craft meeting once a quarter on a Sunday so that way the most UPS employees possible have the opportunity to attend. My BA laughed at me and said I hate that idea it sounds like I would have to work on a Sunday once a quarter.


Well-Known Member
That's the same thing our officers say. I told them well why don't you do a craft meeting once a quarter on a Sunday so that way the most UPS employees possible have the opportunity to attend. My BA laughed at me and said I hate that idea it sounds like I would have to work on a Sunday once a quarter.
We actually do 4 Sunday meetings lol. Also rent out a hall I believe twice a year an hour north for the people up there.


Legio patria nostra
Most of the ones here couldn’t wait to join and asked what took us so long.
It’s opposite to the notion of “upward progression” through the management ranks.
What I meant though, is why not join a CBA group versus one that is not and then want to unionize?
There were some guys here in the Airline that thought joining the union was good, then they found themselves at the bottom of the seniority working weekend and holiday nights and hating the company…


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
Not familiar with that position I don’t know if that’s the same as these specialists, we had about a dozen of them here almost all of them in the feeder department. The company was definitely trying to hide these jobs from us giving us very little information.

They wouldn’t give us any information. We had to investigate everything for ourselves and talk to these people.

We looked into it, but all the OMS people are considered part-time supervisors here.

They are in kind of a gray area here. Not union but not management either (although some of them want to act like they are)

Let us keep it simple...If these OMS's, Non Union Clerks, Dispatch Specialists are not eligible for the annual MIP, they are not Management. Filed grievances over this back in the early nineties over this issue, all I got was stonewalling from the Company and the Union leadership. The Company's solution to prevent any further organizing of these (Non Union Clerks) was to change their classification to OMS and the Union let it happen, either too weak to challenge or they didn't give a damn about organizing inside their own Units. There is a lot of history over what happens if these (Non Union Clerks) decide to join the Teamsters, it happened in my old local back in the early 70's. Back then all they had to do is sign a Union Card.

The major concern is the vested time under the Company's pension plan and their transfer into the Union's plans....but that is another topic I do not want to get into....



Well-Known Member
Let us keep it simple...If these OMS's, Non Union Clerks, Dispatch Specialists are not eligible for the annual MIP, they are not Management. Filed grievances over this back in the early nineties over this issue, all I got was stonewalling from the Company and the Union leadership. The Company's solution to prevent any further organizing of these (Non Union Clerks) was to change their classification to OMS and the Union let it happen, either too weak to challenge or they didn't give a damn about organizing inside their own Units. There is a lot of history over what happens if these (Non Union Clerks) decide to join the Teamsters, it happened in my old local back in the early 70's. Back then all they had to do is sign a Union Card.

The major concern is the vested time under the Company's pension plan and their transfer into the Union's plans....but that is another topic I do not want to get into....

They are not clerks or oms, they are specialist,( in your defense the company does not make it easy to differentiate) and this was a side agreement made during the contract that the company would allow them to become Union if they wanted to. UPS being UPS they agreed to something and then don’t follow through or drag there feet.


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
They are not clerks or oms, they are specialist,( in your defense the company does not make it easy to differentiate) and this was a side agreement made during the contract that the company would allow them to become Union if they wanted to. UPS being UPS they agreed to something and then don’t follow through or drag there feet.

So many labels...are these (specialists) getting MIP or are they full time? It looks like the Company has finally decided to get rid of every administrative/clerical position (Union or Not) since the current Union leadership started to ask questions. Side agreements galore in every conference and region, some of them dated back over 40 years ago.


My Senior Picture
Let us keep it simple...If these OMS's, Non Union Clerks, Dispatch Specialists are not eligible for the annual MIP, they are not Management. Filed grievances over this back in the early nineties over this issue, all I got was stonewalling from the Company and the Union leadership.
What would tthat grievance be and what article was being violated?


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
What would tthat grievance be and what article was being violated?

Basic “subcontracting” articles…back in the day work was being transferred to Non Union Clerks before the name change, went to JAC on one of them back in 1994…I was a known Carey supporter at that time so we all know the final outcome…learned a valuable lesson about Union politics at that panel.

At one time in my local there were no such thing as OMS’s or Non Union Clerks at UPS. Our Counter people were all Union and even the operational reports where being done by Union Clerks.


Well-Known Member
Basic “subcontracting” articles…back in the day work was being transferred to Non Union Clerks before the name change, went to JAC on one of them back in 1994…I was a known Carey supporter at that time so we all know the final outcome…learned a valuable lesson about Union politics at that panel.

At one time in my local there were no such thing as OMS’s or Non Union Clerks at UPS. Our Counter people were all Union and even the operational reports where being done by Union Clerks.
Just so I'm clear. What does an OMS do in your opinion that they are considered clerks?