I was on a preload for 8 yrs, and the preloader makes or breaks your day.
I have always tipped my preloader at Christmas, no matter who or how long, its just Christmas.
My loader has tipped my normally well adjusted self, to the point I want to smack him and say hey wake up, you are at work!!!!
I would never do that, zero tolerance and all, that is why at 910 when I started and maybe 50 of my 250 pkgs for that day were loaded, and wrong I might add, I just said, get out of my way. He spits his tobacco all over the floor of my NEW TRUCK. Today he said, Oh Im so sick and proceeded to hawker all over while I was standing there, and handing me a pkg, not even acting like he knew where he was., and saying here I dont know where it goes........Its so nice to pull pkgs off the floor and get tobacco spit all over my own self. I finally said to a sup, send him home or Im going home, all he kept doing was bouncing off me, and by 925 I had enough. I get paid to do a job, and so does he, today he didnt even try, last week he was NO call no show 2 days, obviously there is a problem, and while I feel for him, Im all done enabling him.
The sup asked what I thought. I do not want to see anyone fired, so I said, I dont know I didnt even look at him I just told him to get out of my way. If I had talked with him I would have decked him. So I didnt associate with conversation since he was way beyond that. But I did say, did you come in late??????, have you been in the restroom puking,?????? did they not let you go home coz you are sick????b My tip for him and the best of his life was get help, your messed up, and get out of my way.