Those are two completely different scenarios, but both carry consequences. Lets make an example. ( this is only an example!)
I go on facebook and post a story where I call * (my supervisor) a bumbling idiot. I go on to say he is stealing from UPS and giving false information to customers. I post his name, center and region. UPS then finds out and calls me into the office.
UPS and * would have the right to SUE me for slander and libelist claims. On a public forum, we cannot name names, or post contact info on a person working at UPS no matter how true it may be. Depending on your state laws, this is illegal.
You cant make claims without proof.
In the case of this thread, we dont know what was posted, but we do know the company took offense to it and terminated an employee. If the post on facebook was benign, or harmless as it did not contain UPS information (like copies of reports, names, identifiers) then there shouldnt have been a problem.
In most cases, people who bash on their employers name names, or make charges in the public domain. For the most part, we do the same here, but we dont name names or give locations.
If you speak to a newspaper and you make similiar claims, two things have to happen, first, you have to go on the record with the claims, that puts the liability on YOU, second, the paper should validate your claims before they print it, cause if they dont, and it makes print and you name names or make charges that cant be proven, then your up a creek without a paddle.
The Teamsters are not responsible for our actions in our off time. They have no obligation to stand up for us when we do something wrong in our personal time.
Indeed, they need to be in the meeting and listen, but at that point, they are limited to being a witness to the meeting, facts and outcome.
People should understand that putting something on facebook is a dangerous action if you are giving out UPS information. Reports and such are proprietary and WE dont have a right to release that information in the public , no matter what the concern is.
For example, we work long hours. If someone copied a WOR report and posted it on facebook, that person would be discharged for Stealing. The information contained in the WOR report is proprietary and protected company information. We have NO RIGHT to release this information to the pubic.
You can be sued and prosecuted for this, depending on your local laws.
I hope this clarifies it for you.