Be careful what you post


Retired 23 years
I don't do FB. Too much drama. I prefer Brown Cafe for UPS issues. I enjoy my anonymity. Especially posting after consuming adult beverages on the weekend. LOL!

Drama is what this site (or any public posting site) is all about. If it wasn't for the drama (and the only postings were about where to get UPS socks) this place would shut down in a heartbeat.


Well-Known Troll
Drama is what this site (or any public posting site) is all about. If it wasn't for the drama (and the only postings were about where to get UPS socks) this place would shut down in a heartbeat.

Who needs UPS socks?? Black ankle socks work for me


bella amicizia
Drama is what this site (or any public posting site) is all about. If it wasn't for the drama Queen(and the only postings were about where to get UPS socks) this place would shut down in a heartbeat.
I knew that title would come in handy!! :winks:


golden ticket member
I miss beer.
Ok, why do you miss beer? Did you run out and have no $$$ to buy more? Did you have to give it up for health reasons?? Did your wife say "give it up or else??

Do you pour it and miss the pitcher .....therefore you proclaim like a caveman, "I miss beer !"

old levi's

blank space
Ok, why do you miss beer? Did you run out and have no $$$ to buy more? Did you have to give it up for health reasons?? Did your wife say "give it up or else??

Do you pour it and miss the pitcher .....therefore you proclaim like a caveman, "I miss beer !"

Re: Things I haven't missed out on because I'm a upser



Well-Known Member
I am certainly not a lawyer, though I have come to find the law and the logic of thought and arguement very interesting...

Anyway I remember a certain actual lawyer once writing to someone that "The truth is the best defense to an action in slander" when that accusation was made. If a claim is true, by definition, I don't belive it can either be slander (spoken) or libel (print).

When it comes to work related stuff, I think it makes a huge difference whether you work under a union contract or are simply empolyed "at will." I remember reading in the paper once (business section - 'on the job' advice column) that an "at will" employee can be fired for nothing more than the powers that be just don't like the person - no real explanation needs to be given, so long as the firing is not due to the employee being part of some legally protected class such as race, nationality, etc. (Some would argue, in defense of this freedom, that the employee is likewise free to quit his job wiout having to justify himself.) Now if you are under a union contract, as the case with labor at UPS, you have far more protection.

So as I understand things, if one were to post on facebook "I hate working at UPS. I despise all the overtime which I do not want, and my on car sup, Tom Jones (his hypothetical real name) I find to be a complete jerk," I don't think one would have committed a legitimately disciplinable offense. I would advise anyone facing discipline at UPS for such a comment to examine closely what his rights are. Now if a comparable statemnt were made by a Walmart employee, for example, where there is no union and you are employed "at will," I belive you could be fired and would have no recourse.

The legal limitations one needs to be mindful of as a UPS employee would be things like conspiring on facebook to do something illegal - like go on a shooting rampage at in the hub, or sharing something that is in some way proprietary. That could include something like having your fb picture be of you in uniform by the ups truck you drive (company property), or better yet something like a picture of all your packages having fallen off the shelves into a disasterous pile in the back.


Well-Known Member
Seems that unless a crime comitted or about to be comitted were detailed, or personal info including names, places and dirty deeds were included, it's none of their business. If anyone would post the above exceptions, they would deserve any action against them. Just for stupidity. I don't much like the idea of facebook. Why not talk to the people around you? I heard of a young film taker at Notre Dame college who was on a scissor lift filming the team practice during a windstorm. Rather than using any common sense or brainpower he was posting on his facebook about how scary it was. Meanwhile, the wind blew the thing over and he was killed. Kid would be alive and well if he had just gotten off the thing rather than need to tell his friends about the situation and wait for advice? Also know a gal at work who got a wood tick on her body, had to take a pic and post it on her facebook page. Good grief, get some tweezers, iodine or alcohol and pick the damned thing off. There isn't anyone out there in cyberspace going to do anything about a tick.


Well-Known Member
dill, the kid at Notre Dame was working for the athletic department and was on the scissor lift taping a football practice. He posted on facebook because he was concerned for his safety. It turns out that the facebook posting was used by the family to negotiate a financial settlement with the university.


Well-Known Member
Upstate, as always, thanks for your input. I respect your opinons. However, your statement says a lot. Yep, he worked for the athletic dept but had the right to refuse that particular assignment. Even at our own jobs we have the right to refuse unsafe practices. Duncan certainly felt a responsibility to do his job, be a part of the team's success and was also under peer pressure. To be considered a pusillanimous by the football team would be rough, and he would have been considered such. He was concerned for his safety but posting to people who couldn't help him one bit. I wish he had put the phone in his pocket and lowered the lift since he felt concern. He was young and most unwise. I don't believe the family received or wanted any type of settlement. The university was heavily fined by the powers that be. Not the family.Notre Dame is very important to the community. They provide a sense of pride and bring lots of money into South Bend. They are very powerful. With all due respect, you know a lot but not everything.


Well-Known Member
I thought I had read where the family received a financial settlement for his death. If I misread I am truly sorry. Thank you for your kind words--the respect is mutual. Dave.


Well-Known Member
upstate, I am sorry for my last sentence. Was trying to edit it out right after posting but it didn't take. Maybe because you were already replying. I might also be wrong about the family getting a settlement. We agree that neither one of us is perfect, for sure.Again, I am so sad by this death. I wish he had lowered the lift. I wish he had been able to overcome the need to continue filming.And I wish the damned college had done that practice inside.


Well-Known Member
I was researching while typing my last post. Did you know he was only making $7.80/hr for his work? The family did not pursue legal action. The university was fined $77.5K by OSHA.


If you register with, they have your computer's address. They can track a lot of things with that. Why people post on Facebook, when we are all too aware of the dark side of it, is beyond me. Facebook is a very dangerous addiction that some people have. Of course, if I did use Facebook, I can only imagine how often I would be in the office. A lot more than I ever was, I am sure of that!! Friday night drunk posting how psyco susie did this or that! Damn mechanic was too busy sniffing paint to fix my seat, again!! That OMS needs to have her cell surgically removed from her hand, so she will stop fighting with her boyfriend and answer the damn phone!! Thank, God, I don't use facebook. LOL!! "Them Sons-a-bitches" as one of my co-workers would say!!! LOL!!
​I've never been called in on anything I have put on FB. Pics or posts alike.


I'm not a lawyer, but my advice is to never post personally identifiable information anywhere. That includes this site and every other site on the internet... I have a facebook acccount that I do use but I'm so paranoid about fb that I don't list my info (relatives etc.) or post anything personal there.

Social media emerges as battleground for protected speech at work - Chicago Tribune

Administrative Law Judge finds New York nonprofit unlawfully discharged employees following Facebook posts - NLRB

The National Labor Relations Board’s Acting General Counsel report detailing the outcome of investigations into 14 cases

FACEBOOK FIRED: 8% of US Companies Have Sacked Social Media Miscreants - Mashable
And these NLRB cases, if upheld (I haven't read through all the cases), are what is going to protect the majority of users that are fired by their companies.


It was more than something about his pay check. I would bet he used names, locations, and what he said about the people he named wasn't nice. People get fired all the time for posting stupid stuff on there Facebook page for everyone to see, you here about it all the time in the news.

This situation reminds me of the phrase, "give someone enough rope and they'll hang themselves".
​LMAO!! I said that to my OR the other day.:rofl: