Beck Law


Well-Known Member
As for the teamster's being a union ya right, I grew up in a union family, my Dad worked for the Ibew, so don't tell me what a union is, this isn't one
You never grew up in a union. You dad was a manager maybe at a union company so you sir have no idea what a union is about.


Well-Known Member
If you are so fired up about how your local is being run, jump on the ballot and run for office. If your not part of the solution then you are a huge part of the problem. Run for office and turn that bad boy around. Surely you're not the only fed up member. Shoot I bet you would have a huge following.


Well-Known Member
Your just like some of the other union people, your unhappy about how something is handled but all you want to do is bitch to other people about it. You have no backbone to stand up to anybody or to stand up for what you believe in. That is why you came on here hoping you would get approval from someone to go ahead and press the issue. Spineless.


Pineapple King
Think of it this way. There is union representation then there's UNION REPRESENTATION. Do you really believe your local will truly go to bat for a non-paying dues member like they would for a dues paying one? If you do then you are living in a dream land. Sure by law they have to but......prove they didn't. Also wonder why your pension check shows up late, may be it sat on a desk forgetting to get mailed.


Well-Known Member
Your just like some of the other union people, your unhappy about how something is handled but all you want to do is bitch to other people about it. You have no backbone to stand up to anybody or to stand up for what you believe in. That is why you came on here hoping you would get approval from someone to go ahead and press the issue. Spineless.
your the man


Well-Known Member
[quomepu, post: 1237368, member: 28"]Stonefish typical lyb no of your business what my wife does[/quote]
You wouldn't have mentioned it if you didnt want us to ask.

smells like godzilla

Well-Known Member
Beck objector pays about $2-5 less per month in dues, way to kick em where it hurts (not really). Now you won't be able to vote in anything (local, international, contract). Great way to voice your dissatisfaction (not really). If you have a problem, run for office, or help someone run for office.
If you don't want a union, work for FedEx. Nonunion is 90+% of the workforce, find a job there

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smells like godzilla

Well-Known Member
If you want to choose to not be in a union, get a job that isn't union. It's that simple. Don't ruin the jobs that pro-union folks want and have chosen to be a part of (or organized).
Oh, you won't get the same pay and benefits, the price you pay for complaining about dues....

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Im a beck memeber and it seems misrepresented here. Im in a right to work state and i chose to join and pay union dues but as a beck member the portion that would be spent on politics i do not pay. I pay for collective bargaining, representation, arbitration, strike funds etc. its not half as much more like i pay 90% (each local is different). I chose to join then ibt becuase i believe that the collective bargaining and representstion is what maked this job what it is and being a scab is ignorant to take advantage of benifits and not pay in.
Reason i am a beck memeber... You may disagree with my positions but do you really feel that i should be forced to have my money spent on things that i strongly oppose?

There are many reasons i disagree with democrats but primary is i will not have the blood of unborn babies on my hands by having my money go to abortionist democrats. Not going to happen.

Second i do not need my dues being spent to endorse democrats who will spend and tax even more and take even more of my money through taxes.

outside of some very narrow politics (perhaps getting fedex under same labor rules things like that) i think the ibt should concentrate on labor issues and enforcing contracts!

Elvis i get s ballot to vote on everything may be different cause im in a right to work state


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Some here seem to think one can't be a union member and not be a far-left liberal. There are plenty of conservatives around here but our leadership seems to have drifted far away.


Huge Member
Leave the union job if you don't want to be in the union !!!

I don't know what's worse, your scabby views of the Teamsters or your a Mets fan like me !


Well-Known Member
I have to admit that I agree with the reasoning behind this law. I also don't like it when the union uses our dues money to support political campaigns and/or issues. I have no problem with how the rest of our dues money is spent.


Well-Known Member
I have to admit that I agree with the reasoning behind this law. I also don't like it when the union uses our dues money to support political campaigns and/or issues. I have no problem with how the rest of our dues money is spent.
You don't pay dues, you're in management. Don't try to fool anyone.


Got the T-Shirt
I have to admit that I agree with the reasoning behind this law. I also don't like it when the union uses our dues money to support political campaigns and/or issues. I have no problem with how the rest of our dues money is spent.

The Union can't use dues monies for political purposes.... it's illegal.

They can only use voluntary contributions.... thats what DRIVE money is for.

Every Local is audited by the IBT every 5 years.

Another agent in my Local, had to make restitution.... for over-tipping on a cup of coffee.

It's no joke.

Read the back pages, of the Teamster magazine.



Package Car is cake compared to this...
I have to admit that I agree with the reasoning behind this law. I also don't like it when the union uses our dues money to support political campaigns and/or issues. I have no problem with how the rest of our dues money is spent.
Whether you agree with the way they use our dues money in political arenas, this happens in every company. What if you are a UPS sup and you don't approve of the way they lobby Congress? Because they do.

BTW, our union, with Hoffa as the president alines itself--and US--with UPS more than anything else. We endorsed Obama, but for what? The union opposed, for the most part, Obamacare.