You're a fool if you believe there's any difference whatsoever between Democrats and Republicans. They both hate us equally because of the power we have AND the money we make. Let's never forget THE most anti-union legislation EVER was put into law by a back-stabbing Democrat President (NAFTA).
You're a fool if you believe there's any difference whatsoever between Democrats and Republicans. They both hate us equally because of the power we have AND the money we make. Let's never forget THE most anti-union legislation EVER was put into law by a back-stabbing Democrat President (NAFTA).
Forever will I be a liberal. Not sure, exactly, what that means anymore, except that I'm not represented in Congress.
Even liberal, though, doesn't accurately describe me. I have many libertarian views too.
At the end of the day, I choose to vote for my livelihood. This country has a completely broken government. When politicians only care about re-election, and the only way to make that happen is to collect as much money as possible, promises become thin as onion skin. Promises from ANY politician start changing the minute they leave the room.
If Obama would have lived up to his word, Bush JR. and his flunkey Vice President would have faced war crime charges; instead, Obama double downed on horrible policies, to the point where the NSA's stated mission is to monitor EVERYTHING we do or say on the internet and our phones.
And the worst thing? These are the people on our side.
What, am I supposed to vote Republican? Please. Republicans make no secret that union people like us are the clear enemy. Just like Reagan, they would declare a loud victory if they could break our union, drastically cut our wages and benefits. No thanks, partner.
Sorry, I'll vote for the people who have my interests at heart, even if I can't stand them. Like the old bumper sticker said, working people voting for Republicans is like chicken voting for Col. Sanders.