

nowhere special
It sucks here in my state. When it's quitting time for myself and coworker, all the bars are closed.


Sometimes i feel like a nut sometimes i dont
It'll be a long drive. This store is part of a small local chain in North East Ohio. If you are ever up this way, let me know and I'll show you some of the local breweries.
Cool thanks , I go to all the breweries i can, its one of my hobbies along with any local beer tastings . What's the name of the chain?


Sometimes i feel like a nut sometimes i dont
They have four different beers on tap for tasting. If you like one you can get a 12oz. glass for three bucks. That is why I call it the best grocery store.....ever.
I do most of the grocery shopping and I was told I'm gone too long . Well I guess you can double that time. Fresh beer is proof that god wants us to be happy.


Sometimes i feel like a nut sometimes i dont
I spent 50 bucks. Here Is your bread and milk. lol
Just don't say anything , lyrnerd skinnerd song , Don't ask me no questions and ill tell you no lies. Get the beer out of the car and in the garage beer fridge quickly. What you drank during shopping is history ,,she knows what store you went to so say you bought a gift card for someone's birthday and let the lie get bigger . Put drops in your eyes and try and nurse that beer you just popped. Lol!


good people drink good beer
Which ones do they have ? Not sure why I asked that ,I'm just curious.
It varies from week to week but they usually have a couple IPA's, a seasonal, and an imperial. This week they had Southern Tier Warlock which is a pumpkin stout which made the others pale in comparison.


Man of Great Wisdom
What the heck I'm going to get in the car and drive there when I can get a day off since I'm out of option days and vacation weeks. Unbelievable, this would never happen here in ga. We just recently passed the Sunday sales with waiting till 12:30 on Sunday to buy it.
Is it still 1950 there?