

That’s Craptacular

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
I had a friend from work help me move one time. I told him I had cold beer (leftover from a party I had). He's drinking the beer and had a funny look on his face. He said the beer tasted funny and checked the expiration date. It expired 3 years earlier. Who knew beer expired? He brings it up EVERY time I see him. Lol.


nowhere special
I had a friend from work help me move one time. I told him I had cold beer (leftover from a party I had). He's drinking the beer and had a funny look on his face. He said the beer tasted funny and checked the expiration date. It expired 3 years earlier. Who knew beer expired? He brings it up EVERY time I see him. Lol.

Haven't you ever had skunky beer? Green bottles are worse for that since they allow more light penetration than brown bottles. Commercial beers do have a short shelf life. Older and home brewed beers have more yeast and last longer.


That’s Craptacular
Haven't you ever had skunky beer? Green bottles are worse for that since they allow more light penetration than brown bottles. Commercial beers do have a short shelf life. Older and home brewed beers have more yeast and last longer.
That's why I'm not a big fan of Landshark and Corona...skunky beer!