Biden signs executive order mandating vaccination.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
I have no problem getting tested regularly
Some of our unvaccinated union brothers and sisters think they will teach the government a lesson and refused to be tested.

It will be interesting to see how fast they get tested after no paychecks come in...

PT 4 Life

Most-Hated Member
Some of our unvaccinated union brothers and sisters think they will teach the government a lesson and refused to be tested.

they’re not proving anything. You got third world countries with covid under control, yet the USA can’t even get its population to wear a mask.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Some of our unvaccinated union brothers and sisters think they will teach the government a lesson and refused to be tested.

It will be interesting to see how fast they get tested after no paychecks come in...
A long way from that


Lunch is the best part of the day
So are we going to be required to share our medical history including our vaccinations with the company?


At the end of the day, if you want to work at UPS, you will get the jab or be on the street. The company has 22.4 drivers lined up to take your place, contract be damned, and we know the union at the national level will not hold the company accountable. When it comes to taking a stand or having to go home and realize that you can't provide for your family, I think many drivers will back down.

These types of Executive Orders, issued through and enforced by federal agencies are often broad and sweeping and can be used for a variety of things. This mandate, which I think the Administration spent months carefully crafting in order to circumvent obstacles to its power, will set a precedent for future executive orders ranging from assault weapons bans to public education mandates in the name of your safety and well-being.
Additionally, much of it is being done with the assistance of private businesses, many of whom were mandating vaccinations before the Administration even made its decree.

While it may get tied up in the courts for awhile, I ultimately believe the SCOTUS will side with the Biden Administration.

You can be angry about it, but this sort of thing was a long time coming. The increasing encroachment of federal power over the states, the out of control Executive Branch, an uninformed electorate, the bloated and monolithic federal bureaucracy, the influence of Big Pharma, a useless Congress, the list goes on and on.

The divisions run deep in this country and the covid pandemic has accelerated them even further. At the end of the day, you will be forced to be vaccinated by Joe Biden, or you will not work at UPS and don't expect anything from the Teamsters.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
At the end of the day, if you want to work at UPS, you will get the jab or be on the street. The company has 22.4 drivers lined up to take your place, contract be damned, and we know the union at the national level will not hold the company accountable. When it comes to taking a stand or having to go home and realize that you can't provide for your family, I think many drivers will back down.

These types of Executive Orders, issued through and enforced by federal agencies are often broad and sweeping and can be used for a variety of things. This mandate, which I think the Administration spent months carefully crafting in order to circumvent obstacles to its power, will set a precedent for future executive orders ranging from assault weapons bans to public education mandates in the name of your safety and well-being.
Additionally, much of it is being done with the assistance of private businesses, many of whom were mandating vaccinations before the Administration even made its decree.

While it may get tied up in the courts for awhile, I ultimately believe the SCOTUS will side with the Biden Administration.

You can be angry about it, but this sort of thing was a long time coming. The increasing encroachment of federal power over the states, the out of control Executive Branch, an uninformed electorate, the bloated and monolithic federal bureaucracy, the influence of Big Pharma, a useless Congress, the list goes on and on.

The divisions run deep in this country and the covid pandemic has accelerated them even further. At the end of the day, you will be forced to be vaccinated by Joe Biden, or you will not work at UPS.
I doubt it


Inordinately Right
At the end of the day, if you want to work at UPS, you will get the jab or be on the street. The company has 22.4 drivers lined up to take your place, contract be damned, and we know the union at the national level will not hold the company accountable. When it comes to taking a stand or having to go home and realize that you can't provide for your family, I think many drivers will back down.

These types of Executive Orders, issued through and enforced by federal agencies are often broad and sweeping and can be used for a variety of things. This mandate, which I think the Administration spent months carefully crafting in order to circumvent obstacles to its power, will set a precedent for future executive orders ranging from assault weapons bans to public education mandates in the name of your safety and well-being.
Additionally, much of it is being done with the assistance of private businesses, many of whom were mandating vaccinations before the Administration even made its decree.

While it may get tied up in the courts for awhile, I ultimately believe the SCOTUS will side with the Biden Administration.

You can be angry about it, but this sort of thing was a long time coming. The increasing encroachment of federal power over the states, the out of control Executive Branch, an uninformed electorate, the bloated and monolithic federal bureaucracy, the influence of Big Pharma, a useless Congress, the list goes on and on.

The divisions run deep in this country and the covid pandemic has accelerated them even further. At the end of the day, you will be forced to be vaccinated by Joe Biden, or you will not work at UPS and don't expect anything from the Teamsters.
Even without Justice Roberts, conservatives have enough to get rid of this garbage.