Big oil


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
You can gas up and be on the road again in 5 minutes.
I think 20 minutes they can get 80% charge now.

Is it going to be exactly the same? No. I simply said people make recharging out to be some huge issue are wrong. It would require some planning but it’s not some deal breaker.


Retired 23 years
I think 20 minutes they can get 80% charge now.

Is it going to be exactly the same? No. I simply said people make recharging out to be some huge issue are wrong. It would require some planning but it’s not some deal breaker.
An electric car that I would have to stop every 200 miles for 20 minutes to get an 80% charge would definitely be a deal breaker for me. I bitch every time the wife wants to stop for a bathroom break or get a cup of coffee. I don't drink coffee and apparently have a much better bladder than Ma.


I'm a star
I may be wrong but don't they require 220 volts like a dryer?

That would be for a quicker charge. You can still charge with 110, it'll just take longer.

The ideal is you plug your car into a solar island in the parking lot at work, get a full charge throughout the day, go home, plug in and back feed most of your home's electrical system, or at least add to your home's battery bank capacity. That's a set up I am working towards.
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Inordinately Right
That would be for a quicker charge. You can still charge with 110, it'll just take longer.

The ideal is you plug your car into a solar island in the parking lot at work, get a full charge throughout the day, go home, plug in and back feed most of your home's electrical system, or at least add to your home's battery bank capacity. That's a set up I am working towards.
I don't think my neighbors would appreciate an extension cord going through my front yard and over the sidewalk to my car.


I'm a star
We actually don't even have a green strip in my area. Hardly anyone has a garage because people didn't have cars when these houses were built. Most people with carriage houses converted them to back houses for easy rental money.

I'm just saying it's not all cookie cutter for electric charging. There's a lot of people who street park in cities.

I never meant to suggest that I think everyone could, or even should, have an electric car and charge it at home. I am working towards producing all my electricity at home. I'd rather have a hybrid than a straight up electric, but having a car that I could charge at one of the free charging stations around town during the day and plug into my home electrical system at night would be a nice bonus.


Inordinately Right
I never meant to suggest that I think everyone could, or even should, have an electric car and charge it at home. I am working towards producing all my electricity at home. I'd rather have a hybrid than a straight up electric, but having a car that I could charge at one of the free charging stations around town during the day and plug into my home electrical system at night would be a nice bonus.
I really wonder what they auto market is gonna look like by the time electric has majority share of the market. Kids don't even seem to want cars like they used to.

We've got a subscription generation being raised right now that doesn't seem very interested in ownership of anything.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
I really wonder what they auto market is gonna look like by the time electric has majority share of the market. Kids don't even seem to want cars like they used to.

We've got a subscription generation being raised right now that doesn't seem very interested in ownership of anything.
Cars will be driving themselves mostly any way. You’re right kids won’t much care when they get a license.


Well-Known Member
Free charging stations would be a good way for churches to slow if not reverse their dwindling attendance if not for the fact that for many so called "Christians" the internal combustion engine is their god.

If only we had been able to take the thousands of American lives lost and the trillions spent defending Middle East oil and dedicated it to EV's and clean fuel technology.... the nation as a whole might have been much better for it.


Well-Known Member
DIDO dismisses anything that conflicts with his Reagan era viewpoint of the 21st century. If American's truly want to become a more isolationist nation EV's are a good place to start. Trouble is components are made from rare earth minerals and 70% are located in China. So pick your poison....Middle East Kingdoms or China?

Netsua 3:16

Pure ignorance. As if we can rely on low oil prices to forever boost the economy? Then push all blame on the placeholder when the prices go up? Pure friend’ing ignorance. This is inevitable. We’ve killed how many people in an effort to control the oil game??? And we still can’t keep up. Because it’s a dying resource. We need to get over it and wake up
I’m not trumpeting Joe Bilbo here, unfortunately I have to make that clear. He’s just the friend’ing puppet man.