The conservative perspective is no more driven by fear than the liberal. Conservatives may be less willing to take risks that could negatively impact something that is currently working, you can say that is driven by fear, and that's legit. Fear of seeing everything that has been built up over thousands of years turn to crap because of reckless charging forward, that's not unreasonable. Liberals are afraid that bad things will happen if we don't act. It's easy for both sides to get stuck in a mode, and why both views are necessary for a healthy society, they just need to balance each other out.
I don't fear technological advance, I embrace it. I'm just not going to get suckered by sleazy salesmanship that the sky is going to fall if I don't buy into uneconomical, unproven technology.
The key to nearly absolute economic independence is personal, or distributed, power generation, and matter manipulation. Those two technologies would make economy almost completely unnecessary. There would be no money to be made on those technologies, and they will make money irrelevant. Government won't develop it because it eliminates their power, and private industry won't for basically the same reason.