BLM means WHAT ????


nowhere special

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Too cold outside for wealthy white kids now.
No doubt, that's part of the answer.

Since Trump was defeated, and consequently, much of the initiative and power has been sucked out of the group's raison d'être.

If Biden doesn't bend to some of their demands and beliefs, their intensity will increase.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
No doubt, that's part of the answer.

Since Trump was defeated, and consequently, much of the initiative and power has been sucked out of the group's raison d'être.

If Biden doesn't bend to some of their demands and beliefs, their intensity will increase.
Yeah, it's strange. The hard leftists were pushing me toward the right but the attempted subversion of democracy on January 6 might push me right back. Pretty stupid. Might have to become @rickyb 's gardener even if Trump doesn't run for President again in 2024. Not interested in arguing or fighting for the extremist morons on either side if things continue to deteriorate.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it's strange. The hard leftists were pushing me toward the right but the attempted subversion of democracy on January 6 might push me right back. Pretty stupid. Might have to become @rickyb 's gardener even if Trump doesn't run for President again in 2024. Not interested in arguing or fighting for the extremist morons on either side if things continue to deteriorate.
this marks another decline in US democracy.

what jingles didnt say was BLM started under obama lol. biden is likely a racist but he probably wont encourage a race war to justify himself getting re-elected like trump did.

what trump or biden or hard leftists do shouldnt swing you one way or another. im also disgusted with violence at these protests, it doesnt mean im really going to change my beliefs, its just a faction of the left i disagree with. guys i listen to support non violence to a degree.

your problem is you know something, but im assuming you dont do anything besides vote and argue online.


Well-Known Member
No doubt, that's part of the answer.

Since Trump was defeated, and consequently, much of the initiative and power has been sucked out of the group's raison d'être.

If Biden doesn't bend to some of their demands and beliefs, their intensity will increase.
conflict will probably increase in general in america if biden continues the obama program of neoliberalism which is to say declining standards of living for you, and govt will help the rich.


Well-Known Member