BLM means WHAT ????

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus

Darn it. For some reason I just can’t muster any sympathy. Maybe because we’ve been watching BLM harassing people for months, beating on their cars, screaming in their faces as they’re outside eating dinner, throwing all kinds of projectiles at cops just trying to do their jo , saying ACAB, silence is violence, defund police, etc. And after all that, she wants cops to help her. Lol.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member

Darn it. For some reason I just can’t muster any sympathy. Maybe because we’ve been watching BLM harassing people for months, beating on their cars, screaming in their faces as they’re outside eating dinner, throwing all kinds of projectiles at cops just trying to do their jo , saying ACAB, silence is violence, defund police, etc. And after all that, she wants cops to help her. Lol.
Yep. I think if you're willing to step onto the idiot battlefield you should be ready for the consequences. I've never understood why groups from either side feel the need to come into direct conflict with each other. Just :censored2:ing vote, morons.


nowhere special

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American

Gotta love the peaceful BLM and Antifa people attacking people walking down the street holding Trump flags.
For all you white racist anti-Trumpers, THIS is who you just got into bed with.




It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Then that is a fair point, and I accept it.

I think that very few on the left are challenging the public assertions by the media that there was no election fraud.
I would suggest that they follow your advice.
There is no evidence of election fraud. There are selectively edited video clips that people claim are evidence of election fraud. Major news agencies are not equal to randos on Twitter.