BLM means WHAT ????

El Correcto

god is dead
If you brain isn’t fully developed enough at 19 not to murder two youth ministers, not even going into details of how, then it’s probably never going to be mature enough to be a part of our society.

The guy got what he deserved for a double murder in Texas. They shot and killed a minister and then shot his wife and stuck her in the trunk of a car while still alive and set it on fire. She died of smoke inhalation. It’s a savage and pointless murder, glad they executed him for this non sense. I want them dead if that was my family, death row is justice.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Whoever will not observe the law of the king, let judgment be executed speedily on him, whether it be death, or banishment, or confiscation of goods, or imprisonment --Ezra 7:26

All the appeals. Life sentences. The system. Nothing "speedily" about it.
Even if they put someone to death, by the time they do, nobody remembers the person, much less the reason for the execution.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Whoever will not observe the law of the king, let judgment be executed speedily on him, whether it be death, or banishment, or confiscation of goods, or imprisonment --Ezra 7:26

All the appeals. Life sentences. The system. Nothing "speedily" about it.
Even if they put someone to death, by the time they do, nobody remembers the person, much less the reason for the execution.
There is no good solution to the problem of justice being served here on earth.

A speedy trial oft-times comes with flawed evidence from a closed-minded investigation.
A swift execution, while definitely a deterrent in ONE case, must be made public for deterrence value.
If justice is served, so is blood lust.
If an innocent is executed, justice is damaged and becomes inept.
Imprisonment rarely rehabilitates, it more likely hones the criminal's skills and provides a reference network for them.
The majority of criminals have no goods to confiscate.
Banishment only works when the banished are unable to assemble into a retaliatory force.

The day may come when justice is meted out by Artificial Intelligence, heralding the end to human freedom from tyranny.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Whoever will not observe the law of the king, let judgment be executed speedily on him, whether it be death, or banishment, or confiscation of goods, or imprisonment --Ezra 7:26


Well-Known Member
........I would think that most racists are male ( all colors ) due to males are vision priority whereas women have more sense......hope this wisdom helps you....we all have dna from the same place in Africa ( Kenya ) bro......


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
males are vision priority whereas women have more sense
Is this your conclusion from your life experience? I know men who can't see worth a smilet and women who are dumber than a post.
we all have dna from the same place in Africa ( Kenya ) bro......
lol... Not a drop of my blood can be traced to Kenya.. I can't run fast with the best Nikes on, much less barefooted.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member

“All 50 of Portland police’s highly trained rapid response unit voted unanimously to resign on Wednesday during a union meeting in response to the recent indictment of Officer Corey Budworth for allegedly assaulting a photographer with his baton during as an overnight riot broke out last August.

"Unfortunately, this decorated public servant has been caught in the crossfire of agenda-driven city leaders and a politicized criminal justice system," the Portland Police Association said in an initial statement Tuesday after a Multnomah County grand jury indicted Budworth on one count of fourth-degree assault related to an incident that occurred on Aug. 18, 2020.”


Inordinately Right

“All 50 of Portland police’s highly trained rapid response unit voted unanimously to resign on Wednesday during a union meeting in response to the recent indictment of Officer Corey Budworth for allegedly assaulting a photographer with his baton during as an overnight riot broke out last August.

"Unfortunately, this decorated public servant has been caught in the crossfire of agenda-driven city leaders and a politicized criminal justice system," the Portland Police Association said in an initial statement Tuesday after a Multnomah County grand jury indicted Budworth on one count of fourth-degree assault related to an incident that occurred on Aug. 18, 2020.”
Let it burn.

El Correcto

god is dead
Whoever will not observe the law of the king, let judgment be executed speedily on him, whether it be death, or banishment, or confiscation of goods, or imprisonment --Ezra 7:26
Let’s go drag that Christian baker out into the streets and execute him!

laws of the king my hood sir!

Your book is so stupid.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus

“Please note Dallas Justice Now will be publicly announcing the names of those who have and have not signed the pledge.“

And I bet there are woke idiots who will sign the letter denying their own children, because they feel so guilty.