Bomb at Boston Marathon???


Well-Known Member
But, we were told by the media they acted alone?

CBS Boston bombers appear to have acted alone - CBS News Video
Boston Mayor Boston mayor: Bombing suspects acted alone
CBS again Video: Boston bombers appear to have acted alone - One News Page [US]
Boston Globe Menino says bombing suspects acted alone - Metro - The Boston Globe

I suppose the one that is alive, his testimony was fact, and never doubted.

You know the one that stated he and his brother acted alone, and his brother was the radical, not him.
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Well-Known Member
Oh, they acted alone.....the others are part of the obstruction of justice.....or cover-up..
That would make me a conspirator to parrell benghazi, and other other government and media events
and not trust all they report. Sad for me to doubt................

I will ask this highly credible person / Government Person / future Presential Candidate for her opinion and
form mine on her reply. I will email her and ask....................What I should think............... I
guess it I should email her Presidential Url and ask.
Support Hillary Clinton for President! | Ready for Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton Leads In 2016 New Hampshire Presidential Primary Poll
Hillary Clinton Leads In 2016 New Hampshire Presidential Primary Poll

I know I will obtain a very accurate account and the truth about this.


golden ticket member
Was suppose to be a July 4th attack, but the brothers were able to build the bombs, the Boston Marathon was an "opportunity" for them. The body of the older one got shuffled around last night and its location is unknown at the present time.


golden ticket member
So is some enterprising person going to design a "where's Waldo"-type game only it'll be where's the body of Tamerlin? (or whatever his name is )


Staff member
Feels like the shock is of terrorism is over. We aren't going to end terrorism by starting wars overseas. A little sad but in a "lost innocence" kind of way.


golden ticket member
Obama said terrorism was over too.......oops, he was wrong. Terrorists are learning to build those bombs right now. I hope it blows up in their faces prematurely!!!! Makes my day!! Karma.


Well-Known Member
Feels like the shock is of terrorism is over. We aren't going to end terrorism by starting wars overseas. A little sad but in a "lost innocence" kind of way.

Agreed. After reading the late Chalmers Johnson "Empire" series along with some of the things Michael Scheuer, former head of the CIA Bin Laden group sez among others, I'm more convinced these wars do nothing more than act as a motivation to incite acts of terrorism. In fact I've reached the conclusion than certain vested interests actually want these attacks for a variety of reasons. Former FBI translator and whistle blower Sibel Edmonds has been talking about Chechnya for several years and few listened and here we are but it's also coming out that Tamerlan Tsarnaev attended a CIA sponsored workshop put on by the Jamestown Foundation last year when he was home in Chechnya. If you look up Jamestown Foundation in SourceWatch, you'll find some interesting names associated with the organization. Looking further you'll see Jamestown under the umbrella of Freedom House and connected also to American Committee for Peace in Chechnya and again looking at the membership, an interesting cast of characters appear. I might add that Michael Scheuer is also a member and senior fellow with Jamestown so even his words have to be back sourced verified. For some background on Sibel Edmonds, in the "media bias" thread I posted an article by Ron Unz entitled American Pravda and Ron delves a little into Sibel and her story.

Initially we were told the Tsarnaev brothers were unknowns and almost lead to believe as RoadRunner rightly pointed out that these 2 were just on their versions of Bill and Ted's Great Adventure. In the initial day or 2 after the event, I thought lone wolf and then as we learned of the brothers initially, Road's "Bill and Ted" made sense. As the days have gone by we learn these 2, their family and surrounding environs were in fact known, maybe well known and they weren't as disconnected as we were initially lead to believe. As the days went by even the Tsarnaev uncle it was learned had CIA connections as his former father-n-law Graham Fuller, a former CIA official was outed.

Correlation does not imply causation but I don't think this cast of characters should be ignored either. People don't trust the gov't not so much because it's gov't, well some that, but rather because more and more they are caught lying to us. At some point any rational person will just stop believing a known liar even when they might even be telling the truth.

For me, the gov't has to prove any and all claims they make now regardless what they are because they've proven themselves liars and it makes no difference the issue or what political party holds the reigns of power at any given time. And with all the hidden vested interests involved regardless of the issue, we should be making them prove every point. But we don't and thus the source of our own downfall.

Naomi is right, we should be wising up!


Bad Moon Risen'
They are young punks and they do it their way.......spoiled brats like most of the kids of today!! Hard to get the girls to like their hairy faces!! They are cheap imitations of the real things, but deadly just the same. There's no pigeon hole for jerks like these. The only common denominator is Islam .
Thanks for the history lesson.
I didn't realize that Timothy McVeigh and Eric Rudolph practiced Islam.


golden ticket member
Born on October 21, 1986, reportedly in Kyrgyzstan (officially the Kyrgyz Republic), Tamerlan Tsarnaev moved to the United States with his two sisters in July 2003.

Questions on where they can bury him ?...........drag his ass back to his country of origin and let them deal with it......He was born in another country. He was glad to plan and kill Americans and we are suppose to bury him???


Strength through joy
Burial should be in the city of Cambridge , they have a few mostly located along the city border with Watertown .
Cambridge likes to think themselves as a free republic within Massachusetts , so they should openly rejoice that Speedbump was one of their own & celebrate that the plans & construction of those weapons of mass destruction happened within their city .


golden ticket member
Burial should be in the city of Cambridge , they have a few mostly located along the city border with Watertown .
Cambridge likes to think themselves as a free republic within Massachusetts , so they should openly rejoice that Speedbump was one of their own & celebrate that the plans & construction of those weapons of mass destruction happened within their city .
Sounds like a sanctuary it? They can grant sanctuary to this POS if they want to.........they deserve all consequences of being a sanctuary city, if they are.