Tieguy it's really a matter of what these "bonus" drivers aren't doing.It's called customer integrity.Every driver I work with was made to sign a piece of paper that stated when doing a pickup line that we as service providers promised to show up every day at a prescribed time,give or take a few minutes,for each bussiness pickup.Now if say,a customer with a 4:15PM commit and a close of 5PM has to stay at his/her bussiness until 5:45PM because some "bonus" driver showed up not at the commit time but at 3PM since he's skipping lunch,breaks,call tags and maybe a safe work method or two in his frenzy to punch out by 4:50PM,where did the integrity for this customer go?What's to stop that customer from diverting those missed packages to a competitor?It's me,the guy using the methods,turning the truck around,driving in rush hour traffic,putting the customer above the increased hours,miles,stoplights,etc.Tieguy I average around an hour bonus a day,but I don't go about my day trying to meet or beat a time study.When a driver cheats,a price has to be paid and sometimes another driver and/or customer has to pay it.