BonusCenter Equals More Stops, Long Hours, Shrinking Bonus



Not in NY ups79. The whole districts time studies were all done over within the last 5 years and not one of us used paper.


our time studies were done about 3 years ago, but time studies don't enter into it. at an am meeting we were presented a demonstration where one driver using a diad and one using paper. of course the driver using the diad was much faster. they then proceded to tell us that are time allowance was going to decrease 6 seconds for every pkg delivered. this happened on a friday. the new allowances went into effect on monday of the next week. i said nothing about time studies. iam also telling you this is going to be national. you won't get a new time study. you are going to lose 10 minutes for every 100 pkgs sheeted. if on friday you delivered 300 pkgs and run 30 minutes(50 hundreths under) and then on monday and everything else was constant with friday you will run scratch. the centers are not going to be time studied. this difference in time to handwrite compared to scan has been determined by i.e. in an office.


I havent heard it here yet, but I expected it. Of course its faster, and it took them a while to change the times, but the FACT REMAINS, we get no additional time added for wrestling with some of these huge pkgs, that they charge for extra handling with because they KNOW it takes us longer to handle them. The bonus centers should be screaming big time. With the 070 pkgs, they say they give us allownace, but I dont see much difference in the reports. Maybe in 6 yrs or so they will change that too, hahaha JM humble O


"I did disagree with dammor who tried to make the point that anyone going faster them him was taking shortcuts on service and safety."

Tie, it's just fine with me if you disagree with me. What really irritates me though are the statements like the one above. Yes, it is true that some in the center go faster than I do. Could be something to do with the fact they are 20 years younger than me. The facts you are missing though are huge. First of all, I run under everyday and have for most of my 20 years driving. (I care) Perhaps even more important is the fact that I have no customer complaints filed against me in those 20 years. If a business is to succeed it will be because the customers are pleased with the service. We had an irrate customer come to the center here because a driver put the package in front of the door of his Mother's house who was in a wheelchair. She couldn't get out the door all day. Perhaps that sounds silly to you but not to me.(He was pissed) A good driver would notice the ramp and take an extra minute or two to get the package in the hands of the person or at least give her a way out of the door. I realize we are in this business to make a profit, but if we run so fast that we don't take care of our customers you and I will both be looking for a new job and their will be no profit in that for sure. The safety issue is no brainer to me. If we run too fast we are more proned get hurt.



It is drivers like you that have given the company the name that has kept it running for almost 100 years. It is the little things that customers remember and love us for. The past 2 years have been a ... trial. With the contract..FEDEX, going public, etc, the company has obviously changed a bit.

Our center has been approved to add 2 more drivers in a 71 route facility. Just in 2 days, our drivers with over 9.5 hours have dropped from 38 to 9 hours. With 2 more added, the entire bldg may be under 9.5 (for the first time in 2 years). Hang in there, do not get caught up in the hopelessness that is starting to suck in many employees. You and I both know that UPS has its ups and downs, hopefully we are pulling out of the rut...


"Tie, it's just fine with me if you disagree with me. What really irritates me though are the statements like the one above. Yes, it is true that some in the center go faster than I do. Could be something to do with the fact they are 20 years younger than me."

Could be. However it does not make everyone isthat someone who is taking safety and service shortcuts.


ups79 it was bound to happen sooner or later.I agree that bonus is going to be history by the next contract,although I hope I'm wrong on that prediction.But IE's "reason" that they "forgot" to account for this innacuracy when the change was made from sheets to DIAD is about as flimsy as it gets.Do you really think these guys just happened to stumble onto this oversite just now.It's simple...Company finally throws in towel on 9.5 grievances and says they will start honoring the contract language to get drivers under it...All of a sudden,what was once considered an 11 hour day is 9.5 hours starting today.I'm surprised they could tell you that with a straight face ups79.Don't accept anything an IE guy tries to pass off on you at face value.Amazing how some things just never change.


When did you guys start accepting ups time measurements as your standards?


<font color="ff0000">When did you guys start accepting ups time measurements as your standards?
</font><font color="000000">It doesn't matter whether the driver accepts the standards, the standards are what the compnay uses to dispatch. </font>


Tieguy,I will agree with you that there are some bonus guys who run better who don't cheat in the least.There is always someone doing it smarter and better than me.Identifying those guys and learning from them can help a guy get better over time.As for standards to be accepted,that will vary from driver to driver.As for me,the standard I live by is keeping the relationship with the customer an open and honest one.I don't know what standard IE goes by,since they feel no need to talk or much less listen to to a package car driver,but after 15 years on the job,I sure know they don't hold themeselves to the standards that I just described above.


Well said. The core of UPS is our ability to form a relationship with the customer and take care of them so well that we keep them. That requires some effort from the people on the front lines which are the drivers, and I think most of us care and do make that effort.
We will prosper or not depending solely on that.
Perhaps the IE folks will realize that someday.


Exactly!! Management can change standards at will, and they do. In other words they are stealing money from it's employees and their families mouths. Management is padding their pockets and taking money from the drivers which over time directly affects that employees retirement fund. Management is stealing from it's employees!


"Management is padding their pockets and taking money from the drivers which over time directly affects that employees retirement fund. Management is stealing from it's employees!"

chevydog66, I have to say that statement is a little over the top for me. My first response would be to suggest a tin foil hat alert, but it would seem some take offense with that term. Perhaps I am a true brown blood because I really don't think all management folks are out to get us and "steal our money". Let's face it, they need us to get the job done and we need them to
do the best they can by figuring out a dispatch thay will work. I sure as hell wouldn't want that job...



Would you please tell the board what drugs you are on that lead to your conclusion that standards directly effect retirement benefits?

UPS contributes a contractually stipulated amount of monies to the Union each month for all full time Teamsters who worked an agreeded number of hours that month for the employees retirement. The Union administrates the retirement plan

Hopefully, once you've gone through recovery, you'll see the stupidity of your drug induced statement.


actually a driver only has to work 1 day a week to earn a weeks pension credit.


Dear UPS vette: Just think about it though. When management changes standards in their favor it allows them to add more work to the drivers planned day. It will lower the amount of bonus a driver can make if they can run bonus on their route. A driver will get paid less to do the same amount of work, no matter how fast or slow that driver is. Which in turn affects his paycheck, as well as the percentage that he or she contributes to their 401k retirement plan. Which is similar to what "tdu" said that started this whole thread. Get it now? Oh, and I really find no need to insult people in this chat room. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. This chat room is a place for people to voice their opinions and views so that we all have an open mind. Posting insults is a waste of everyones intellect.