Build That Wall!!


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Students in Trump hats mock Native American; school apologizes | Reuters

Y’all must be so proud! Bringing up such fine litt racist a-holes!

Why am I “playing the race card”? Because they’re racist little a-holes.


The Media Wildly Mischaracterized That Video of Covington Catholic Students Confronting a Native American Veteran -

The boys are undoubtedly owed an apology from the numerous people who joined this social media pile-on. This is shaping up to be one of the biggest major media misfires in quite some time.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Nah, I'm pretty sure you have that crown.
Yeah you're right.
I'm a left racist dream.
White, Baby Boomer, Republican, Daily Wire & O'Reilly subscriber , got a token black guy and Mexican friend, build the wall supporter , stand up and cheer watchin' All In The Family reruns, (you pukin'yet?)

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
You see what trump has done look at us in here what a shame


“People crossing our border illegally is a problem we should all be able to agree on. Let’s attempt to make our border more secure.”

The left:



Inordinately Right

“People crossing our border illegally is a problem we should all be able to agree on. Let’s attempt to make our border more secure.”

The left:

It's a shame he ran on the claim immigrants are murderers, rapists, and drug dealers.

Sure, being a bigot got him elected, but it also made getting anything accomplished close to impossible.


Staff member

“People crossing our border illegally is a problem we should all be able to agree on. Let’s attempt to make our border more secure.”

The left:

You are going to pick one Trump quote here? C’mon. There’s a treasure trove of racist comments that come from the man that you are trying to defend from being called a racist.

Maybe supporting a wall is not racist. But Donald Trump is a racist and his reasons for wanting a wall are racist and self serving.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
You are going to pick one Trump quote here? C’mon. There’s a treasure trove of racist comments that come from the man that you are trying to defend from being called a racist.

Maybe supporting a wall is not racist. But Donald Trump is a racist and his reasons for wanting a wall are racist and self serving.
And you wonder why you have no cred on here!